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Geosciences Bulletin Board – 30 November 2015- compiled by Elaine J. Hanford

Earth is long overdue for a magnetic field reversal, but new study suggests it may not be imminent

New magnetic data reveals details of the Tamu Massif

Planetary geology: new theory on solving the lunar inclination problem

Subducted plates do not always stay rigid…sometimes they get “stretchy”

China is using bacteria in a bio-leaching process to extract copper from its ore (video)

Another large collapse along the beach on North Stradbroke Island, Queensland

Using rock salt layers as storage sites for nuclear waste may be more vulnerable than previously thought

Tenfold increase in the abundance of single-cellcoccolithophores related to carbon dioxide levels in ocean waters

Tallest mountain on Earth? Everest, Mauna Kea, or Chimborazo…it all depends on how you measure

Geysers, earthquakes, and seismic monitoring in Calistoga, California

What are we really measuring when we assess rates of fluvial incision?

Ice cores and tree ring data help reconstruct prehistoric cycle of volcanism and climatic cooling

Comparing rates of erosion with rates of mountain building

In Hawaii, lava is everywhere…

  • locals try to respect Madam Pele
  • and helps explain the interior of Earth:

Seven geological maps produced by group of seven universities involved in UPP program

The State of the Planet….if you subscribe to the IPCC paradigm

Report predicts increase in the future of minerals and mining

  • Link to report:

Discovery of Viper Slide helps define Great Barrier Reef as protection against tsunamis

Underwater hiking and geology in Austria

Keeping the atomic clock in sync with the rotation of Earth

Planetary geology: Why do the two sides of our Moon look so different?

Satellite views result in time-lapse of 25 years of glaciers in motion

ESA seeking ideas for the next Earth Explorer satellite mission

“In the Heart of the Sea” or how Nantucket became the whaling capital of the world and helped decimate the species

Stop parsing words that are ill-defined….climate always fluctuates

German scientist: NASA “cooked” the data while the climate has been cooling since 1940

  • NOAA data:

Marine animals use secret form of polarized light communication

Comparing wildfires with the human concept of the working week, there is a correlation with the day of the week and religious importance depending on the religion

Slide show: creatures of the deep ocean

Tracking geochemical elements through cycles related to climate change, ecological food webs and resources, plant nutrient cycling, water use, soil development and for forensics purposes

With release of new USGS topographical maps for Illinois and South Dakota, Second National Map revision cycle is complete


Enviro-Sciences Bulletin Board – 30 November 2015– compiled by Elaine J. Hanford

Perspective: Science is not the same thing as science fiction, selfie science or reality TV

December 2 – Anniversary of first man-made nuclear reaction at Stagg Field, Chicago…in theory it would work….and the world would never be the same again

AIDS is still a leading cause of death across the world

Greeley County in Kansas is discovering the risks of choosing short-term economic gains over the environment

If carbon footprint is important, then what’s the impact of emails, spam and texting?

If humans had not killed off the mastodons, we might not be eating pumpkin pie

“Bio-degradable” plastics don’t really break down well in nature and are less suited to recycling

  • UN Report:

In fewer than 800 years, Yakutian horses adapted to the extreme cold temps of Siberia

Using “gene drive” intervention to try to breed malaria-resistant mosquitoes…what are the long-term consequences and need to determine what is “appropriate”

Here’s yet more reason why sugar-free drinks are bad for your health

Cause of die-off of sea otters in Kachemak Bay on the southern coast of Alaska is not yet known

Walmartfires employee for recycling what customers leave behind as trash

If glyphosate is not safe, then add 2-4D and call the mixture safe with synergistic effects…but now EPA does not agree with Dow Chemical

Qatar is a desert country and needs rain, but heavy rains and floods bring areas to a standstill

United Nations estimates of costs of weather-related disaster events over the last two decades

  • States ill-prepared:
  • States at Risk Summary:

UN says mud debris from iron ore tailings dam that burst in Brazil is toxic, containing high levels of heavy metals and other toxic chemicals

  • Brazil Gov’t to sue (video):

Escalating cost of Enhanced Nutrient Removal facility at the Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant to clean up water before it enters Chesapeake Bay

Most groundwater is essentially a non-renewable resource

Hawaii may become the first State to ban exotic or wild animals from entertainment venues

Declaration of “Ebola free” does not stop the virus from infecting people in Liberia

Dengue fever outbreak in Hawaii…92 confirmed cases since September

Don’t penalize the sharks or general public, put the onus on those who take the risks

  • Related:

In 2016, cloning will be an even bigger business …they can, but have they stopped to ask the question: “should we?”

Do you want to trust that the genetically modified salmon (salmon + eel) is truly safe to eat?

It may be good for the economy, but does Texas really need another petrochemical plant?

Wheelings & dealings for land and water in the Mojave Desert of California….shades of Owens Valley and “Chinatown” all over again?

At age 41, Nola dies and now there are only 3 northern white rhinoceros left on Earth

Just because a city is on the list of “Healthiest City in Every State” does not necessarily mean it is a very healthy place to live! (slide show)