aPRIL 27, 2015
Members Present: Betsy Moore, Ted Bartlett, Gene Gissin, Scott Shannon, and Dan Kuper
Also Present: Timothy Paige, John Rogers, Jennifer Karn, Jeff Marizo
T. Bartlett called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
T. Bartlett: Does anyone have any comments or changes of the minutes from the March 23, 2015 meeting?
B. Moore: I make a motion to accept the minutes with corrections.
G. Gissin: I second it.
T. Bartlett: All in favor?
Minutes approved 5-0
T. Bartlett: Does anyone have any comments or changes of the minutes from the April 6, 2015 meeting.
G. Gissin: I make a motion to accept the motion with Betsy Moore’s changes.
S. Shannon: I second it.
T. Bartlett: All in favor
Minutes approved 5-0
The property at 46 Lincklaen Street is located within the Cazenovia Village Historic District.
Work proposed for the exterior of the buildings and site is subject to review by HPC for a Certificate of Compatibility per Section 180-32.7 of the Village Code.
The application includes:
- Replace 20 of thecurrent windows with same style vinyl windows
- Trim will stay the same
Conditions for approval:
- Replace visible (from the street) windows with 2 over 2, GBG or true divided light.
The proposed work falls under the rehabilitation standards as found in the Secretary of the Interiors Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties as referenced in Section 180-32.6 of the Village Code.
This application is a Type II action under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) 617.5 (c) 10. The approval of this application will not have any significant or adverse effect on the environment. No further SEQR action is required.
T. Bartlett: Do I have a motion on this application?
D. Kuper: I make a motion to approve the application for 46 Lincklaen Street with conditions.
B. Moore: I second it.
T. Bartlett: Any further discussion? All in favor?
Application passed 5-0.
T. Bartlett: The next step is to see Zoning/Codes Enforcement Officer, Bill Carr for a building permit.
The property at 4 Green Street is located within the Cazenovia Village Historic District.
Work proposed for the exterior of the buildings and site is subject to review by HPC for a Certificate of Compatibility per Section 180-32.7 of the Village Code.
The application includes:
- Privacy fence around patio which backs up to St. James parking lot. The fence will be a cedar board fence per literature provided.
Conditions for approval:
- Must meet Village Code for height regulations.
The proposed work falls under the rehabilitation standards as found in the Secretary of the Interiors Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties as referenced in Section 180-32.6 of the Village Code.
This application is a Type II action under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) 617.5 (c) 10. The approval of this application will not have any significant or adverse effect on the environment. No further SEQR action is required.
T. Bartlett: Do I have a motion on this application?
D. Kuper: I make a motion to approve the application for 4 Green Street as submitted.
B. Moore: I second it.
T. Bartlett: Any further discussion? All in favor?
Application passed 5-0.
T. Bartlett: Next step is to see Zoning Officer, Bill Carr for a building permit.
The property at 97 Lincklaen Street is located within the Cazenovia Village Historic District.
Work proposed for the exterior of the buildings and site is subject to review by HPC for a Certificate of Compatibility per Section 180-32.7 of the Village Code.
The application includes:
- Replace and enlarging the portico that was damaged by ice
- Instead of a simple small projecting roof over the doorway, the owner proposes to install a small entry porch roof with columns.
- New porch roof, columns and porch sketch plan provided.
The columns will be of fiberglass material.
Conditions for approval:
- The height of the roof will need to be less than shown on the drawing in order to fall under the second story window.
- Concept of design and materials are acceptable.
The proposed work falls under the rehabilitation standards as found in the Secretary of the Interiors Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties as referenced in Section 180-32.6 of the Village Code.
This application is a Type II action under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) 617.5 (c) 10. The approval of this application will not have any significant or adverse effect on the environment. No further SEQR action is required.
T. Bartlett: Do I have a motion on this application?
D. Kuper: I make a motion to approve the application for 97 Lincklaen Street with conditions.
G. Gissin: I a second it.
T. Bartlett: Any further discussion? All in favor?
Application passed 5-0.
T. Bartlett: Next step is to see Zoning Officer, Bill Carr for a building permit.
The property at 63 Lincklaen Street is located within the Cazenovia Village Historic District.
Work proposed for the exterior of the buildings and site is subject to review by HPC for a Certificate of Compatibility per Section 180-32.7 of the Village Code.
The application includes:
- Ornamental 4 foot fence from current privacy fence to end garage
- Privacy fence in back
- Ornamental fence by patio
Conditions for approval:
- The PVC section will match the existing PVC in front
- The south fence is to be aluminum ornamental as shown
- The fence to rear on the north side with gate will be aluminum ornamental as shown
- The 14 feet fence across the back of the property will be the PVC
The proposed work falls under the rehabilitation standards as found in the Secretary of the Interiors Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties as referenced in Section 180-32.6 of the Village Code.
This application is a Type II action under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) 617.5 (c) 10. The approval of this application will not have any significant or adverse effect on the environment. No further SEQR action is required.
T. Bartlett: Do I have a motion on this application?
D. Kupe: I make a motion to approve the application with conditions.
G. Gissin: I a second it.
T. Bartlett: Any further discussion? All in favor?
Application passed 5-0.
T. Bartlett: The reason the HPC approved the PVC fence is due to the PVC fence was already there.
T. Bartlett: The next step is to see Zoning/Codes Enforcement Officer Bill Carr who will advise you of what you need to do next.
T. Bartlett: I mentioned to Bill Carr that the cornice on the Burrell Building on Albany Street does not appear correct. Bill Carr had already noticed this and has spoken with the owner and contractor. Per Bill Carr, the contractor will be building it up.
B. Moore: Made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
D. Kuper: 2nd it.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sue Dady
Deputy Clerk