Georgia Science Olympiad Coach and Team Registration Instructions
Account creation for all coaches (Head coaches and assistants)
- Navigate to . Click the Log in button in the right hand corner.
- If you are a new user, click the NEW MEMBER button.
- Complete the account information by providing your email and password, taking note of the requirements for password complexity. Click the REGISTER button when complete.
- Once you click submit, please complete ALL of the basic information. Nickname and second phone are not required. Once complete, click the SUBMIT button.
- Once you submit, this screen should appear:
- Close out this screen and return to complete school and team registration.
School Registration instructions
1. If you are not still logged in, log back into the website by using the LOG IN drop down menu from the upper right hand corner.
2. Once logged in, click the COACHES tab from the top of the screen. From the drop down menu, choose SCHOOL REGISTRATION.
3. Next, Click the green REGISTER YOUR SCHOOL button to get your school registered.
4. Verify that your school is not on the registration list. If the school is not registered, click on the REGISTER NEW SCHOOL link at the top of the page.
5. Completely fill out the form on the next page and completely enter the Head Coach information at the bottom of the page. This is a redundancy that we will try to fix for next year, but please add the Head Coach’s information at the time of school registration, even if you are not the head coach. Emails to coaches come from this list.If you are logged in and the Head Coach, the information should populate itself.
6.Complete the form and click the blue submit button. Your school should now be registered.
Team Registration and Fee Payment Instructions
- Return to the home Page: . Again, click on the COACHES tab at the top of the screen. From the drop down menu, click TEAM MANAGEMENT option.
- Next, click the green ADD A TEAM button.
- Fill in your school’s full name and put 15 members even if you may have less. (NAMING RULES FOR SCHOOLS WITH MORE THAN ONE TEAM: School name 1 and School name 2 are the team names! There are no other options.)
- When both teams are added, the screen should look like this:
- Once all of your teams are added, click the red VIEW REGISTRATION FEES button. The following screen should appear:
- On the screen, you should see the total cost for your number of teams, as well as the address and instructions on how to mail your payment.
- Once this is complete, you are registered.
- We will use this website to sign up for Regional Tournament locations when those locations and dates are finalized at the beginning of October.
Email me with any questions:
Scott Cole