26 Makarov enb., 199055 St-Petersburg, Russian Federation

Tel.: +7-812-323-7724; Fax: +7-812-328-0742, +7-812-323-6051


Director: Dmitriy Ivanov

NACEE liaison officer:

  1. Position in the national R&D system

FSSI GosNIORKh is one of the 14 research institutions that belong to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. FSSI GosNIORKh is the leading research institution in aquaculture and fisheries of inland waters of Russia.

  1. Main mandate

- Information and consultation services to the Department of Science of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation on actual problems of fisheries development in inland waters;

- Research, experimental design, experimental-technological work in fisheries management in inland waters of the Russian Federation;

- Fish stock assessment and prediction of optimum fish catches in inland waters of the Russian Federation;

- Commercial fishing and fish culture;

- Fish stock rehabilitation;

- Development of regulations and requirements for the composition and quality of waters used for fisheries and regulation of potentially dangerous pollutants;

- Development of biological bases and methods for rational fishing in great lakes and reservoirs, including manipulation of the fish fauna and food base of lakes and reservoirs and development of methods for fish stock exploitation and rehabilitation;

- Development of scientific bases and methods for market fish culture in small and medium lakes and methods for industrial fish production, including warmwater and cage culture;

- Studies on the genetic structure of high-value fish species in natural and controlled conditions, development of methods for gene pool conservation of hydrobionts;

- Development of methods for selection work, formulas of valuable, highly efficient fish feeds and fish feeding methods;

- Development of methods for diagnostics and treatment of fish diseases, and methods for prevention of pollution in water bodies utilized for fisheries;

- Ecological research of problems of fisheries in inland waters;

- Development of technical facilities, methods and programming means for mechanization and automatization of the processes of fishing, fish culture and scientific fisheries research;

- Economic research of problems of fisheries in inland waters;

- PhD training in four specializations: Ichthyology, Hydrobiology, Parasitology and Helminthology, Fisheries Management;

- Participation in sectorial, state, federal and interdepartmental programmes – «Revival of the Volga», «Scientific and technological support for the fisheries development of Russia», «Salmon», «Whitefish culture», «Aquaculture», «Sterlet».

  1. Staff (by qualification/age/gender)

Total: 405

Scientists: 257 (Candidates of Sciences: 60,Doctors of Sciences: 11);

Support personnel: 148

Average age: 54 years

Ratio of females: 70%

  1. Budget (structure of income)

1.2 million Euro

Structure of income:

Core fund from the Ministry (budget): 35%.

National contracted research programmes: 60%

Services: 5%

  1. Main research areas

Raw material base and fishing regulation

Reproduction and free-water culture

Genetics and selection

Resource-saving aspects of aquaculture

Ecology, toxicology, fish diseases

Technics in fisheries

Fisheries economics

Development of water-saving and environmental fish culture technologies

Fish nutrition and feeding

Structure and function of the ecosystems of waters used for fisheries

  1. Events organized regularly by the institute

National scientific conferences: North-West Conference on Aquaculture.

Exhibitions: Inrybprom, Russian Farmer, Golden Autumn.

  1. International collaboration (with formalized agreements)

EBSK Commission, Helsinki Commission on Ecology.

  1. Existing cooperation with other NACEE members

Formal agreement on cooperation.

  1. Involvement in EU projects