BBQ / Year:
MSA to provide:
- Tables x 2
- Money Belt and float
- Plastic plates, cutlery and napkins
Class reps to provide:
- Food (sausages, burgers, chicken buns, veggie option, sauces (e.g. ketchup, mustard, BBQ sauce, mayonnaise, chilli sauce etc). Butchers - AG Millers will offer a very good discount and good quality.
- Burger buns and hotdog buns etc.
- Onions for hotdogs and salad for burgers
- Cheese for cheeseburgers
- Additional salad option (optional)
- Gazebo if possible
- Rota to run the stall (suggest 45 min slots) including someone to manage the cash – see sample
- BBQ sign for the stall & Price List sign (keep a couple copies of prices for use on the stall)
- Tea towels
- People to set up the stall and tidy away at the end
- Bin bags for rubbish (check the shed)
- Cool bags with ice blocks to keep the meat cool
- Knives (inc. bread knife) and chopping boards (bring from home)
- BBQ implements
- Oven gloves
- Sellotape and scissors for sticking down signage
- Salad bowls and servers (bring from home)
- Oven trays or foil containers
- Antiseptic wipes and catering gloves for servers (check the shed)
- Bucket of water/sand
- Tablecloths(check the shed)
- Bunting for the stall (if desired)
- Price list to be approved by MSA
- Sample listing
Suggested price:
£3.00 per item for BBQ
Sample price list from 2016
BAR / Year:
Beer & Wine / Cash
MSA to provide
- Money Belt and float
- Table
- Plastic Glasses(check the shed)
- Gazebo
Class reps to provide:
- Beer & Wine & Prosecco(check the shed & ensure it’s in date)
- Beer from Twickenham Ales possibly (30 pint keg will be more than sufficient) – contact Ben (optional)
- Bottle openers
- Rota to run the stall
- People to set up the stall and tidy away at the end
- Ice – Large tubs, large amount of ice (made at home rather than buy – empty ice cream tubs to make)
- Bin bags for rubbish
- Price menu
- Tablecloths
Suggested price:
£1.50 N.B. Ensure it is profit generating
Alcohol is by donation to avoid costly licence
N.B. Picnic tables in the field need to be moved to in front of the Bar & BBQ