Georgia School Superintendents Association
Fall Bootstrap Conference
October 22 – 23, 2008
Classic Center, Athens, Georgia
Wednesday, October 22
8:00 a.m. Registration opens
10:00 a.m. General session I
GSSA President Bettye Ray welcomes members and guests to the conference and recognizes sponsors and other special guests.
10:30 a.m. Dr. Dan Duke, nationally-recognized researcher from the University of Virginia, keynotes the conference on the topic: “The Challenges of Turning Around Low-Performing Schools.” His particular emphasis will be on identifying the traits and characteristics sought in the leaders of such schools.
Noon GSSA Awards Luncheon
The four finalists for the 2009 Superintendent of the Year Award will be recognized, and the winner of the prestigious Bill Barr Leadership Award will be announced.
1:30 p.m. General Session II
Alan Essig, executive director of the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute, speaks on a topic that continues to be of high interest to Georgia’s school leaders: “’Taxing’ Issues of our Times.” He will be joined by Ken Delay, a Colorado educator who has lived the nightmare of arbitrary caps on the government’s ability to raise revenue.
2:45 p.m. Break
3:00 p.m. General Session III
Dan Domenech, AASA’s new executive director, joins colleagues in Georgia and speaks on the topic: “Leadership for a New Day.” In addition to sharing his thoughts on leadership, Dr. Domenech will share his vision for the future of our national organization, the American Association of School Administrators.
4:00 p.m. President’s reception
All conference attendees are invited to this reception honoring new superintendents and those who are retiring.
Thursday, October 23
7:30 a.m. GSSA Breakfast and General Business Meeting
Conference attendees are invited to enjoy a buffet breakfast, network with colleagues, and participate in the Association’s business meeting.
9:00 a.m. General Session IV
GSSA president-elect Steve Smith presides and introduces State Superintendent Kathy Cox and members of her staff at the Department of Education, who will present information and respond to questions that have been posed by GSSA members.
10:45 a.m. General Session V
News from the legal front will be presented by our long-time friends from the law firm of Harben, Hartley, and Hawkins.
Noon Conference adjournment
Post-conference roundtable discussions on topics of interest to superintendents (Sandwich buffet luncheon included; sign-up required)
Meeting of new superintendents (Sandwich buffet luncheon included; sign-up required)
1:00 p.m Post-conference golf tournament sponsored by American Fidelity Assurance Company [Note: Golf tournament to be held only if sufficient number of participants registers.]