COURSE TITLE: Environmental Science Planning: 3rdPeriod 10:18a-11:08a M-F
TEACHER:Ms. Williams Email:
ROOM: 505 Phone: 205-231-3900

Course Description: Environmental Science is a course that introduces students to a broad view of the biosphere and the physical parameters that affect it. Students learn by constructing explanations from evidence acquired through analysis and interpretation of data from laboratory investigations, field investigations, and case studies. Students integrate and evaluate multiple sources of authentic information to address issues or suggest possible solutions to problems in the environment based on current findings. The academic language of the core idea is used in context to communicate claims, evidence, and reasoning for phenomena and to engage in argument from evidence to justify and defend claims. Students are encouraged to use creativity in designing engineering solutions to solve various problems affecting Earth and its environment.

Standards: Alabama Course of Study (ACOS) / Alabama College and Career Ready Standards (CCRS)

Textbook: Cengage Learning: Environmental Science

Learning Resources: I will be utilizing various technological resources to aid in the delivery of the course content. This will include, but is not limited to, Google Classroom, a smartboard, interactive websites, and online tutoring. Students will have access to these web-based instructional tools in addition to their textbooks.

Required Materials: Composition Notebook, Loose Leaf Paper (college or wide ruled), Pens/Pencils, Graph Paper, Scientific Calculator

You MUST bring your notebook to class each day. This notebook must be dedicated solely to this class.

Grading Policy: The following categories and percentages for grading are listed below. The grading scale is also listed below.

Classwork: 50%

Tests: 20%

Homework: 10%

Grading Scale

A = 90 - 100

B = 80 - 89

C = 70 – 79

D = 60 – 69

F = 59 and below

Late/Missed Assignments: Each student will be responsible for making up his or her assessments/assignments in the event of an absence. Students who have been absent will be given five (5) school days to make up the assessment and/or other assignments. This does not include assessments/assignments (i.e. major projects, unit tests) where the due date has been posted in advance. Any missed tests must be completed during the student’s normal class period, upon his or her return to school with a valid excuse.

Late assignments will be taken up to (3) three days after its original due date. However, the student will lose 20 points per day that his or her assignment is late. The student will not receive credit for an assignment after the three-day grace period, resulting in a (0) zero for that assignment.

The teacher has the discretion to grant a longer period of time to make up/turn in work if there are extenuating circumstances.

Classroom Expectations: All students are expected to behave in a way that is conducive to the learning environment. With that being said, students should arrive to class on time, have all of their necessary materials, participate daily, follow the classroom rules and procedures, and be respectful to themselves, as well as others.

If at any time there is a concern about a student’s progress, attendance, and/or behavior, parents will be contacted via phone, mail, and/or email.

Labs: Hands-on labs will be a class requirement, meaning that these will be graded activities. Due to the fact that we may be handling hazardous materials, it is a requirement that you, the parent/guardian, and your child(ren) print, sign, and date the attached laboratory safety contract, which simply states that you, the parent/guardian, agree OR does not agree to allow your child to participate in the labs and that your child agrees to abide by the lab rules and procedures.

Please complete this signature page by clicking on the signature page link

My child and I have read and discussed the classroom syllabus AND laboratory safety contract.

Student Name (Print) ______Date______

Student Signature______Date______

Parent/Guardian Name (Print)______Date______

Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______

Parent/Guardian Email address______

Phone number______(w) ______(h) ______(c)

Please complete this signature page by clicking on the signature page link