St Margaret’s Concerned Residents Group

(representing Kilreesk Lane, Millhead & Dunbro Lane)

Submission & Amendments


Fingal Draft Development Plan

2017 – 2023

Objective 367

Prepare a Strategy for St Margaret’s Special Policy Area

We represent a group of 24 HOMES who have lived, under the constraints of Dublin Airport for many generations. The area is mainly agricultural and consists of ribbon development and one off housing generally. Although agricultural in nature our residents predominantly operate and are employed within the private sector workforce.

We note from the Draft Document, St Margaret’s Village & community are mentioned as a “ Special Policy Area” with mention of Coolquoy and Rivermeade as rural villages, but not identifying St Margaret’s as a rural village. It is essential that St Margaret’s is given proper consideration in the development plan especially with regard to existing uses and future development’s planned.

It is not acceptable to omit such a large area from the overall development strategy outlined by Fingal County Council. Furthermore the plan does not provide the required correlation and references to the proposed DAA permissions, master planning or LAP’S in existence. As we are aware the proposed development of Dublin Airport and its environs is dependent on liaison with Fingal County Council and its various departments. In this regard we would like to see how these co-exist within the development plan. For example the indicative road structure around the Airport lands has no correlation to the proposed Airport Box and previous transportation plans indicated by DAA/Fingal?

Surely the road structure should be more defined at this stage? We feel that the lack of information provided in relation to St Margaret’s is an effort to conceal the real plans of Fingal County council/DAA in relation to this area.

From a heritage perspective, St Margaret’s has a wealth of history with Dunsoughly Castle, in close proximity with our church (circa 1810) along with original church ruins(circa 300 years old)and St Brigid’s Well and the windmill at Sandyhill. Given these historical national assets, it is imperative that they are protected and utilised to their full potential, to generate tourism and sustain employment.

Special Policy Area

SO WHAT IS SPECIAL POLICY AREA? We have been designated “Special Policy Area “ in the previous Development Plan and before that, we were designated RVI zoning.

To date, we are now informed (7th March) Runway North is to proceed , subject to compliance with 31 conditions. No consultation has taken place with our Group in relation to future development proposals affecting our livelihoods and homes. We have been very clear in relation to the impact on our homes and health and have serious concerns about the future impact of the Airport developments and associated roads/infrastructure.

We would ask that the development plan addresses existing issues to prevent further deterioration of our enjoyment of our homes this includes;

  • Sanctions to prevent IAA/DAA flying off track and over our homes regularly ,despite calls to DAA no proper explanations given.
  • Aircraft flying off track below 3000 ft.
  • Air Quality – Various incidents regarding strong smells of aviation fuel , no liaison with residents in relation to air quality reports, now that DASF has dissolved.
  • Aircraft engine testing at off peak hours.
  • Some near misses spotted from Kilreesk Lane suggesting that improper use or unbalance use of all of the runways favouring operation of the St Margaret’s route and/or inadequate management of flight paths and ATC. How can this be safeguarded?

With the Planning Permission granted for a second east-west runway and a Dublin Airport Local Area Planadopted by Fingal County Council in the last Development Plan , now expired (June 2015) What are the proposals for Fingal/DAA in this regard and why are they not identified in the Draft Development plan?

We have now been informed the Dublin Airport Masterplan in only due to commence and will not be available to make submissions and view, until end of the year, when submission date has expired for the Fingal Development Plan .

What is the core strategy , vision for Dublin Airport , and St Margaret’s to co-exist together as neighbours?

Currently there is a buffer zone in place, where Airport and community can live and operate.

Will this buffer zone be maintained as a priority in the interest of quality of life for Residents , and the current environs, taking into consideration , the various Objectives as follows:

360: Carry out a recreation and amenities study of potential land uses.

361: Facilitate the provision of a second major East west runway

365: Consider within the context of the LAP , the provision , of a high quality mixed use gateway development including hotel, office development and logistical uses.

367: Prepare a strategy for St Margaret’s Special Policy Area.

EE50: Continue to participate in the Dublin Airport Stakeholders Forum (DASF) which includes the representatives from Local Authorities, Airport Operators community and other Stakeholders provides a forum for discussion of environmental and other issues.

This objective is now defunct as the DASF was dissolved in March 2015, taking away the point of contact to be informed of airport developments and have our input. This leaves us seriously compromised.


Why must observers have to request three maps, with three different scales to view the full area of St Margaret’s and surrounds ? Due to this, the full impact of runway North and associated roads, cannot be envisaged. At the consultation meetings, we were informed roads were only indicative at this time. In the final report, can a single map be printed showing the complete area of St Margaret’s and surrounds , in the interest of clarity.

Submitted on behalf of St Margaret’s Concerned Resident’s Group

(representing Kilreesk Lane, MillheadDunbro Lane)

Chairperson : Helena Merriman

Secretary : Sheelagh Morris

Submitted on Thursday, 28th April 2016