GW George Gamow Undergraduate Research Fellowship - 2011
Student Application Form
The Gamow Fellowship is designed to give promising undergraduates the opportunity to engage in a well-defined research project under the guidance of a faculty member in the chosen field of study. Research experience not only provides challenges and depth to undergraduate education, but also strengthens students’ applications for larger fellowships and for graduate and professional school.
It is expected that the student and mentor will discuss their expectations regarding the time commitments of both parties, scope of research, and anticipated results of research (i.e., papers, presentations, etc.) and arrive at a mutually agreeable understanding.
Eligibility: Student applicants must be enrolled GW freshmen, sophomores or juniors, have a minimum GPA of 3.4 and no judicial or disciplinary findings against them. Faculty mentors must be full-time GW faculty.
Award: Two types of awards may be sought:
1. Academic year ($1,000 student stipend, $500 mentor stipend, and up to $1,500 in expenses, if needed)
2. Summer ($3,600 student stipend to support living expenses, $500 mentor stipend). If research expenses are expected to exceed those covered by the mentor’s resources, the student may request that the stipend be reduced accordingly and submit an expense budget.
Application: This application package contains the required form and guidance on how to complete the application. The student must also provide an electronic resumé. Use a 12-point font throughout. Margins should be no narrower than one inch. All but the Student Information page can be jointly written.
1. Proposal Cover Sheet (form)
2. Student and Faculty Mentor information (1 page)
3. Fellowship Proposal (2 pages maximum)
4. Budget (only if requesting funds for research expenses)
5. Student’s Current Resumé
NOTE: Applications are accepted only via email attachment to .
There will be two deadlines for the 2010-11 academic year.
Fall Deadline: please submit your application no later than 11:59PM on December 31, 2010.
Spring Deadline: please submit your application no later than 11:59PM on March 25, 2011.
Students who submit applications in time for the fall deadline but who are not selected are encouraged to revise and reapply in time for the spring deadline.
Are you also applying for a Luther Rice (CCAS) Research Award? Please note that students may apply for but may not receive both a Luther Rice and a GW Gamow award for the same project, nor may they receive both awards for different projects during the same award year (summer and/or full-year projects).
Special note: Upon notification of an award, if the project involves either human subjects or animals, it is the responsibility of the student and mentor to prepare and submit the required documents for review by the Institutional Review Board (IRB)(humans) or the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)(animals). Information on these procedures can be found at IRB or IACUC approval of research protocols is required before work can be started.
Questions? Contact the Center for Undergraduate Fellowships and Research at
Student Applicant Information Page
Name (Last, First): Email:
Major(s): GPA:
Title of Research Project:
Summer or Academic Year Proposal:
Faculty Information
Faculty Mentor Name: Title:
School: Department:
Office Address:
Email: Office Phone:
On no more than one page, single-spaced, please address the following in your own words:
1. Describe any previous research experience you have had.
2. Describe your likely career goals.
3. Discuss what you expect your contribution to the project will be and what you hope to gain from doing it.
4. Indicate below whether you will be absent from campus at any time during the entire period of the award (including absence for foreign study or internships) and, if so, how this would be managed.
Gamow Project Proposal and Budget Page
Provide a full description of the project covering the research question(s) and objectives, methods, likely outcomes or products, and significance of the research. Describe the roles of the student, the mentor, and any other participants. Please use language appropriate to an educated layperson; the nature of the work to be undertaken and the methodology to be used should be made clear to readers not familiar with the field.
The Gamow proposal should be primarily the work of the student. However, we strongly encourage faculty mentors to review drafts of student proposals and provide advice for improvement.
Include a detailed budget. If you are submitting an “Academic Year” proposal and requesting funds for research expenses, you may request up to $1,500 for expenses essential to the project. Do not request items that should be fundable through the mentor’s grants or contracts, routine office supplies/copying charges that can be covered by you and/or the department, or travel to meetings. You can request laboratory supplies that would not otherwise be available, laboratory tests, the costs of acquiring specialized documents or data sets, travel to collect data, tape recorders and tapes, etc. Provide cost estimates and justifications for each item.
Completed application forms must be submitted to
Fall Deadline: 11:59PM on Friday, December 31, 2010
Spring Deadline: 11:59PM on Friday, March 25, 2011