Professor of Bioengineering
Office AddressHome Address
Professor, Department of Bioengineering1264 Via Yezzi
WatsonSchool of Engineering and Applied ScienceBinghamton, NY13903
Binghamton University
P.O. Box 6000
Binghamton, NY13902-6000
(607) 777-4881(607) 669-4364
University of VirginiaAerospace Engineering,Ph.D., May 1977
University of VirginiaAerospace Engineering,M.S., May 1975
LouisianaStateUniversityAerospace Engineering,B.S., May 1973
Professional Experience
Binghamton UniversityProfessor of Bioengineering6/09-Present
Binghamton UniversityProfessor of Bioengineering 6/07-5/09
Director BU Scholars Program
Binghamton UniversityProfessor of Mechanical Engineering1/05-5/07 Director BU Scholars Program
BinghamtonUniversityProfessor of Mech Engineering7/00-12/04
Division of Engineering Design
US MilitaryAcademyProfessor & Research Director8/94 – 5/00
US MilitaryAcademyProfessor8/94 - 7/96
US MilitaryAcademyAssociate Professor8/93 - 7/94
LouisianaStateUniversityAssociate Professor8/85 - 7/93
LouisianaStateUniversityAssistant Professor6/81 - 8/85
WrightStateUniversityAdjunct Assistant Professor7/78 - 5/81
Air Force Institute of TechnologyAssistant Professor & Lecturer7/78 - 5/81
Air Force Wright Aeronautical LabsCaptain, USAF7/77 - 5/81
Research Laboratories for Eng.Research Assistant6/73 - 6/77
Sciences, U VA
BOOKS– Discpline Based Works
1.Catalano, G. D. with Baillie, Caroline, Engineering and Society: Working Towards Social Justice, Part I: Engineering and Society, Morgan Claypool Press, September 2009
2.Catalano, G. D. with Baillie, Caroline, Engineering and Society: Working Towards Social Justice, Part II: Decisions in the 21st Century, Morgan Claypool Press, September 2009
3.Catalano, G. D. with Baillie, Caroline, Engineering and Society: Working Towards Social Justice, Part III: Windows on Society, Morgan Claypool Press, September 2009
4.Catalano, G.D., Engineering Ethics, Poverty and the Earth, Morgan Claypool Press, June 2007
5.Catalano, G.D., Engineering Ethics: Peace, Justice and the Earth, Morgan Claypool Press, June 2006
6.Sturek, Walt and G.D. Catalano, A Numerical Investigation of Subsonic and Supersonic Flow Around Axisymmetric Bodies, Storming Media Press, 2001.
BOOKS – Creative Works
1.Catalano, George D., Remembering Francesca: A Forever Friend, Booksurge Press, 2009
2.Catalano, George D., Gifts from Yukon, Booksurge Press, 2007.
1.Catalano, G.D., Morton, J.B., and Humphris, R.R., “Experimental Investigation of an Axisymmetric Jet in a Coflowing Airstream”, AIAA Journal, Vol. 14, No. 9, pp. 1157-58, September 1976.
2.Catalano, G.D., Morton, J.B., and Humphris, R.R., “An Experimental Investigation of a Three Dimensional Wall Jet”, AIAA Journal, Vol., 15, No. 8, pp. 1146-52, August 1977.
3.Catalano, G.D., Morton, J.B., and Humphris, R.R., “Some Two Point Statistical Properties of a Three Dimensional Wall Jet”, AIAA Journal, Vol., 16, No.7, pp. 693- 698, July 1978.
4.Catalano, G.D., Morton, J.B., and Humphris, R.R., “Pressure and Velocity Measurements in a Three Dimensional Wall Jet”, AIAA Journal, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 332-333, April 1979.
5.Catalano, G.D., Morton, J.B., and Humphris, R.R., “Three Component Velocity Measurements in an Upper Surface Blowing Configuration”, AIAA Journal, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 714-715, June 1980.
6.Catalano, G.D., “Marker Particle Velocity Perturbations in Compressible Flows Over a Wavy Wall”, AIAA Journal, Vol. 18, No. 10, pp. 1270-1272, October 1980.
7.Catalano, G.D., Walterick, R.E., and Wright, H.E., “Improved Measurement of Turbulent Intensities by Use of Photon Correlation”, AIAA Journal, Vol. 19, No.3, pp. 403-405, April 1981.
8.Catalano, G.D., and Wright, H.E., “Turbulence Measurements in an Ejector Wing Flow Field”, Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 19, No. 7, pp. 603-605, July 1982.
9.Catalano, G.D., and Shih, C., “A Time Dependent Vortex Shedding Model”, II Nuovo Cimento, Vol. 81, B, No. 2, pp. 192-196, June 1984.
10.Catalano, G.D., “Application of Photon Correlation to Turbulent Fluid Mechanics”, AIAA Journal, Vol. 22, No. 11, pp. 1692-1695, November 1984.
11.Catalano, G.D., “A Prediction of Particle Behavior via the Basset-Boussinesq-Oseen Equation”, AIAA Journal, Vol. 23, No. 10, pp. 7, October 1985.
- Catalano, G.D., and Fremaux, C.M., “Effects of Low Level Free Stream Turbulence on the Aerodynamic Efficiency of Two Dimensional Airfoils”, SAE Transactions , No. 870706, pp. 1-13, January 1987.
13.Catalano, G.D., and Fremaux, C.M., “Lift and Pitching Moment Changes from Low Level Free Stream Turbulence”, Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 24, No. 9, pp. 666-668, 1987.
14.Catalano, G.D., “Rekindling Renaissance Thought in Modern Technology”, Journal of Epsilon Pi Tau, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 35-40, Winter, 1988.
15.Catalano, G.D., Chang, K.S. and Mathis, J.A., “Investigation of Turbulent Jet Impingement in a Confined Crossflow”, AIAA Journal, Vol. 27, pp. 17-21, Winter 1990.
16.Catalano, G.D., “Animals in the Research Laboratory, Science or Pseudoscience?” Between the Species - A Journal of Ethics, pp. 17-21, Winter 1990.
17.Catalano, G.D., Chang, K.S. and Mathis, J.A., “Higher Order Statistics of a Turbulent Jet in a Confined Crossflow”, AIAA Journal, November 1991.
18.Catalano, G.D., “Developing an Environmentally Friendly Ethic for Engineering: An Undergraduate Course for Engineering Students”, ASEE Journal of Education,Vol. 82, No. 1, pp. 27-33, January 1993.
19.Conwell, J.C., Catalano, G.D., and Beard, J.E., “A Case Study in Creative Problem Solving in Engineering Design”, ASEE Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 82, No. 4, pp. 227-231, October 1993.
20.Catalano, G.D., “Engineering Design - A Partnership Approach”, ASEE Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 83, No. 2, pp. 130-134, April 1994.
21.Catalano, G.D., “Some Ideas on the Teaching of Engineering Science: A Student Centered Approach”, ASEE Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 84, No. 1, pp. 21-24, January 1995.
22.Catalano, G.D., “Chaotic Dynamics, Fractals and Strange Attractors in Turbulent Shear Flows”, ASME Trans., Chaos in Heat Transfer and Fluid Dynamics, HTD-298, pp. 35-46.
23.Catalano, G.D., “Chaos, Engineering and Engineering Education”, ASEE Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 85, No. 1, pp. 11-14, January 1996.
24.Catalano, G. D., “Chaos and a New Environmental Ethic”, Journal of Ethics: Between the Species, January 1996.
25.Catalano, G.D. and Tonso, K., “The Sunraycer Idea: Adding Hands on to the Mechanical Engineering Curriculum”, ASEE Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 85, No. 3, pp. 183-200, July 1996.
26. Catalano, G.D., “An Analytical Investigation of a Compressible Turbulent Jet Exiting A Shock Tube”, ASME Trans., Structures Under Extreme Loading Conditions, PV5- 325, pp. 229-236.
- Catalano, G.D. “Effects of Stationary and Nonstationary Noise Processes on Power Spectral Density Functions: Frequency, Phase and Amplitude Modulation”, SPIE Transactions, Vol. 3391, pp.87-95, April 1998.
- Catalano, G.D., “Effects of Stationary Noise Processes on Power Spectral Density Functions: Frequency, Phase and Amplitude Modulation”, SPIE Transactions, Vol. 3411, pp.23-36, June 1998.
- Catalano, G.D.,”Wavelets and Wavelet Transform Application to Vibration Applications”, Society of Experimental Mechanics Trans., Vol. 3611, pp.38-43, Jan 1999.
- Catalano, G.D. and Catalano, K., “Transformation: From Teacher-Centered to Student-Centered Engineering Education,” ASEE Journal of Engineering Education, Winter 1999.
- Catalano, G.D., “Compassion Practicum: A Capstone Design Experience at USMA”, ASEE Journal of Engineering Education, Winter 2001.
- Catalano, G.D., “Senior Capstone Design and Ethics: A Bridge to the Professional World,” Journal of Ethics in Science and Engineering, Opragen Press, March 2004.
- Catalano, G.D., “Chaos, Engineering and Engineering Education”, ASEE Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 85, No. 1, pp. 11-14, January 1996.
- Catalano, G. D., “Chaos and a New Environmental Ethic”, Journal of Ethics: Between the Species, January 1996.
- Catalano, G.D. and Tonso, K., “The Sunraycer Idea: Adding Hands on to the Mechanical Engineering Curriculum”, ASEE Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 85, No. 3, pp. 183-200, July 1996.
- Catalano, G.D. and Catalano, K., “Transformation: From Teacher-Centered to Student-Centered Engineering Education,” ASEE Journal of Engineering Education, Winter 1999.
- Catalano, G.D., “Compassion Practicum: A Capstone Design Experience at USMA”, ASEE Journal of Engineering Education, Winter 2001.
- Catalano, G.D., “Senior Capstone Design and Ethics: A Bridge to the Professional World,” Journal of Ethics in Science and Engineering, Opragen Press, March 2004.
- Catalano, G. D., “A Peace Paradigm for Engineering Education: A Dissenter’s View,” Journal of Ethics in Science and Engineering, Opragen Press, October 2005.
- “Engineering, Justice and Peace: Developing an Academic Newtork,” Campus Compact, Jan 2007 (3yrs, $48,000)
- “Widening the Appeal of Engineering to Women,” SUNY Conversations in the Disciplines Award, awarded June 2006. ($1250)
- Institute for Scholarship on Engineering Education (with Caroline Baillie), Center for the Advancement of Engineering Education, June 2006-June 2007. ($2500)
- NASA Goddard Institute for Space Science, “Effects of Earth’s Rotation on Deep Ocean Turbulence,” Summer 2004. ($12,000)
- NASA Goddard Institute for Space Science, “Effects of Earth’s Rotation on Deep Ocean Turbulence,” Summer 2003. ($12,000)
- Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation, National Science Foundation, 2003-2007. ($500,000).
- Edwin A. Link Foundation Grant for the Improvement of Undergraduate Engineering Education, 2000. ($200,000).
- National Undergraduate Engineering Competition, “Designing Devices to Assist People with Disabilities,” 3 years, 2000-2003. ($450,00)
- NASA Goddard Institute for Space Science, “Effects of Earth’s Rotation on Deep Ocean Turbulence,” Summer 2004, ($12,000)
- NASA Goddard Institute for Space Science, “Effects of Earth’s Rotation on Deep Ocean Turbulence,” Summer 2003, ($12,000)
- Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation, National Science Foundation, 2003-2007 ($500,000).
- Edwin A. Link Foundation Grant for the Improvement of Undergraduate Engineering Education, 2000 ($200,000).
- National Undergraduate Engineering Competition, “Designing Devices to Assist People with Disabilities”, 3 years, 2000-2003, ($450,00)
- Army Research Laboratory, High Speed Computing Division, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. “Application of Fluent to High and Low Speed Aerospace Applications,” August 1999- June 2000 ($57,000)
- Army Research Laboratory, Survivability/Lethality Analysis Directorate, White Sands Missile Range, NM, “An Investigation of High Speed Radar Signals,” 1999 ($37,500)
- Proctor and Gamble Foundation, Capstone Design Projects with SPIN, ($10,000)
- Institute for National Security Studies, “Predator-Prey Ecosystems,” 1997-1998 ($2,700)
- Army Research Laboratory, Survivability/Lethality Analysis Directorate, White Sands Missile Range, NM, “Application of Wavelets to Radar Signals,” 1998 ($30,500)
- Army Research Laboratory, Survivability/Lethality Analysis Directorate, White Sands Missile Range, NM, “Nonstationary Stochastic Processes,” 1997 ($24,500)
- Army Research Laboratory, Survivability/Lethality Analysis Directorate, White Sands Missile Range, NM, “Energy Spectra of Modulated Waves,” 1996 ($20,500)
- Army Research Laboratory, Weapons Technology Directorate, Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD, “Compressible Turbulent Flow Exiting a Shock Tube,” 1994 (17,500)
- Association of Graduates Academic Excellence Initiatives, United StatesMilitaryAcademy, Sunrayce 1995 ($38,000)
- NY State Energy Research and Development Authority Solar Powered Automobile Program, 1995 ($7,000)
- Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories Research Contract - sponsored by U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research/AFWAL Laboratory Director’s Funds; ”Turbulent Jet Impingement in a Crossflow,” 24 months, July 1988 - June 1990 ($142,445)
- Army Intergovernmental Personnel Action - sponsored by U.S. Army; for Visiting Professor activities at the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, New York, Development of Research Laboratory in Fluid Dynamics, 5 months, August 1987 - December 1987 ($37,500)
- LSUCenter for Energy Studies; AY 1987-1988; “Investigation of Coal Combustion Geometries;” with S. Acharya ($15,000)
- LSUCenter for Energy Studies, AY 1986-1987; “Two Phase Turbulent Flow in Combustor Geometries;” with S. Acharya ($20,800)
- LSUCenter for Energy Studies; AY 1984-1985; “A Laser Technique for Measurement of Lagrangian Velocity Statistics” ($16,267)
- LSUCenter for Energy Studies; AY 1984-1985; “An Investigation of the Intermittent Nature of Vorticity in Turbulent Flows” ($13,797)
- State of Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Research Institute, Summer 1982, Laser Light Scattering Statistical Analysis ($6,500).
1.Morton, J.B., Haviland, J.K., Catalano, G.D., and Schroeder, J.C., “Unsteady Loads Due to Propulsive Lift Configurations”, NASA-CR-ESS-4043-103-74, September 1974.
2.Haviland, J.K., Morton, J.B., Schroeder, J.C., and Catalano, G.D., “Structural Loads Due to Jet Impingement-Nature of Jet Turbulence”, Aerospace Flutter and Dynamics Council, Williamsburg, Virginia, October 24, 1974.
3.Catalano, G.D., Morton, J.B., and Humphris, R.R., “An Experimental Investigation of an Axisymmetric Jet in a Coflowing Airstream”, NASA-CR-ESS-4043-107-75, July 1975.
4.Catalano, G.D., Morton, J.B., and Humphris, R.R., “An Experimental Investigation of Upper Surface Blowing”, Virginia Academy of Sciences, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, May 13, 1976.
5.Morton, J.B., Haviland, J.K., Catalano, G.D., and Herling, W.W., “Investigation into Scaling Laws for Jet Impingement”, NASA SP-406, May 1976.
6.Catalano, G.D., Morton, J.B., and Humphris, R.R., “Investigation of a Three- Dimensional Wall Jet”, presented at Virginia Academy of Science, Old Dominion University, Virginia, May 10, 1977.
7.Catalano, G.D., Morton, J.B., and Humphris, R.R., “Two Point Velocity Measurements in a Three Dimensional Wall Jet”, AIAA/NASA Ames V/STOL Conferences, June 13-15, 1977.
8.Catalano, G.D., Morton, J.B., and Humphris, R.R., “Pressure and Velocity Measurements in a Three-Dimensional Wall Jet”, AIAA 17th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 15-17, 1979.
9.Catalano, G.D., Morton, J.B., and Humphris, R.R., “Three Component Velocity Measurements in an Upper Surface Blowing Configuration”, AIAA Aircraft Systems and Technology Meeting, New York City, New York, August 20-22, 1979.
10.Catalano, G.D., Wright, H.E., Cerrulo, A., Roger, H., and Walterick, R.E., “Photon Correlation Laser Velocimeter Measurements in High Subsonic Turbulent Flow Fields”, Supersonic Tunnel Association, NotreDameUniversity, Notre Dame, Indiana, September 12-14, 1979.
11.Catalano, G.D., “Laser Velocimetry Using Photon Correlation Processing”, Invited Speaker and Guest Panelist, Metrology Section, ASME Winter Annual Meeting, New York City, New York, December 2-7, 1979.
12.Catalano, G.D., Wright, H.E., and Cerrulo, A., “Photon Correlation Laser Velocimeter Measurements in Highly Turbulent Flow Fields”, AIAA 18th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Pasadena, California, January 14-16, 1980.
13.Catalano, G.D., “Reduction of Drag of a Road Vehicle by Use of Unsteady Vortex Shedding”, AIAA Mini-Symposium Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio,
March 17, 1980.
14.Catalano, G.D., Elrod, W.C., Viets, H., and Wright, H.E., “Photon Correlation Laser Velocimeter Measurements in an Unsteady Jet,” 53rd Meeting of the Supersonic Tunnel Association, NASA-Ames, California, March 26-28, 1980.
15.Catalano, G.D., Wright, H.E., Elrod, W.C., and Krautz, J.A., “Ground Plane Effects on Flow Over a Contoured Surface Determined by Use of a Photon Correlation Laser Velocimeter”, AIAA 7th Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, Danvers, Massachusetts, August 11-13, 1980.
16.Catalano, G.D., and Wright, H.E., “Turbulence Measurements Behind a Bluff Body”, AIAA/AFIT Minisymposium, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, March 25, 1981.
17.Catalano, G.D., McKnight, T., and Wright, H.E., “Turbulent Shear Flow Velocity Profiles Behind a Grid of Parallel Roads of Variable Spacing,” AIAA/AFIT Minisymposium, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, March 25, 1981.
18.Catalano, G.D., Hamid, I., and Wright, H.E., “Effect of Test Rhombus Size on Photon Correlation Laser Velocimeter Data”, AIAA/AFIT Minisymposium, Wright- Patterson AFB, Ohio, March 25, 1981.
19.Catalano, G.D., Walterick, R.E., and Wright, H.E., “The Near Field Two Dimensional Wake with Rotation and a Turbulent Ambient Stream”, AIAA 14th Fluid and Plasma Dynamics Conference, Palo Alto, California, June 23-25, 1981.
20.Catalano, G.D., Nagaraja, K., Walterick, R.E., and Wright, H.E., “Turbulence Measurements in an Ejector Wing Design”, AIAA Aircraft Systems and Technology Meeting, Dayton, Ohio, August 11-13, 1981.
21.Catalano, G.D., and Wright, H.E., “The Application of Photon Correlation Laser Velocimetry to Turbulent Flow Field Investigations”, 11th Southeastern Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Huntsville, Alabama, April 8-9, 1982.
22.Catalano, G.D., and Viets, H., “Reduction of the Turbulent Wake of a Road Vehicle by Use of Unsteady Vortex Shedding”, AIAA 21st Aerospace Meeting, Reno, Nevada, January 1983.
23.Catalano, G.D., “Atmospheric Diffusion of a Passive Contaminant in a Spatially Homogeneous Flow with Transverse Velocity”, AIAA 21st Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, Nevada, January 1983.
24.Catalano, G.D., and Shih, C., “An Analytical Model for Turbulent Flow Over a Shallow Cavity”, SIAM Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 1983.
25.Catalano, G.D., Browning, T., Saucier, B., and Lambert, J., “An Aerodynamic Efficient Design of an Automobile with an Ejector Based Radiator”, Energex 1984, Regina Saskatchewan, Canada, May 1984.
- Catalano, G.D., Hicks, R., Champagne, R., and Dillon, F., “Design of a Turbocharger
for Spark Ignition and Engine with Intercooler”, Southeast Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Conference XII, Calloway Gardens, Georgia, May 8-9, 1984.
27.Shih, C. and Catalano, G.D., “An Analytical and Experimental Study of Turbulent Flow Over an Embedded Cavity”, AIAA 19th Fluid Dynamics Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 18-20, 1987.
- Catalano, G.D., Chang, K., and Mathis, J.A., “Measurements and Calculations of a Turbulent Jet in a Confined Crossflow”, AIAA 27th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, Nevada, January 20-25, 1989.
- Catalano, G.D., “Compassionate Perspectives in Science and Technology”, ASEE Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, June, 1988.
- Catalano, G.D., Chang, K., and Mathis, J., “Calculations and Measurements of Turbulent Jet Impingement in a Crossflow, Part 1”, Numerical Methods in Laminarand Turbulent Flows, Vol. 6, pp. 1883-1894, 1989, (ed. C. Taylor).
- Catalano, G.D., Chang, K., and Mathis, J., “Calculations and Measurements of Turbulent Jet Impingement in a Crossflow, Part 2”, Numerical Methods in Laminar and Turbulent Flows, Vol. 6, pp. 1895-1906, 1989, (ed. C. Taylor).
- Catalano, G.D., and Sayin, A.C., “On the Application of Spectral Analysis to Quasi Isotropic Turbulence”, Numerical Methods in Laminar and Turbulent Flows, Vol. 6, pp. 389-400, 1989, (ed. C. Taylor).
- Catalano, G.D., Fremaux, C.M., and Zimmerman, E.B., “On the Effects of Quasi-Isotropic Turbulence on the Aerodynamic Performance of Single and Multi-Element Airfoils”, Laser Anemometry-Advances and Applications, Berlin: Spring Verlag, 1989 (ed. J. Turner).
- Catalano, G.D., Mathis, J.A., and Chang, K.S., “Fractal Dimensions of Fine Scale Structures of Turbulence”, FRACTAL 90, International Federation for Information Processing, Elsevier Holland, 1990, (ed. H.O. Pietgen, J.M. Henriques, and L.F. Penedo).
- Catalano, G.D., Chang, K.S., and Mathis, J.A., “On the Dynamics of Turbulent Jet in a Confined Crossflow”, Laser Anemometry-Advances and Applications, Berlin: Spring Verlag, 1989 (ed. J. Turner).
- Catalano, G.D., Mathis, J.A., and Chang, K.S., “Higher Order Statistics of a Turbulent Jet in a Confined Crossflow”, CSME Mechanical Engineering Forum,1990, (ed. I. Curie).
- Catalano, G.D., “An Integration of Social Ethics into the Mechanical Engineering Curriculum”, ASEE Proceedings Annual Conference, 1991, pp. 886-891.
- Catalano, G.D., “Creativity: The Merging of Technology, Spirituality and Ethics”, ASEE Proceedings Annual Conference, 1992, pp. 1826-1829.
- Catalano, G.D., “Chaos and a New Environmental Ethic”, ASEE Proceedings Annual Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, June 1994.
- Catalano, G.D., “An Ecological Approach to Engineering Education: Recasting Our Relationship to the Earth,” ASEE Proceedings Annual Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, June 1994.
- Catalano, G.D., and Tonso, V.L., “Teaching the Sunraycer”, ASEE Proceedings Annual Conference, Anaheim, Ca, June 1995.
- Catalano, G.D., “Spectra of Frequency Modulated Waves”, US Army Research Lab/US MilitaryAcademy 5th Annual Technical Symposium, November 1996.
- Catalano, G.D., “The Wolf: From Newtonian Mechanics to the Science of Chaos”, Defenders of Wildlife: Wolves of America Conference, November 14-16,1996.
- Catalano, G.D. and Catalano, K.C., “Transformation: A Student Centered Approach to Education,” Federal Service Academies Conference on “Technology and Learning In the Next Century”, West Point, Fall 1996.
- Catalano, G.D., “Wavelet Applications to Nonstationary Noise Modulation”, US Army ResearchLab/US MilitaryAcademy 6th Annual Technical Symposium, November 1997.
- Catalano, G.D., “Wavelet and Wavelet Transform Applications to High Speed Radars”, US Army ResearchLab/US MilitaryAcademy 7th Annual Technical Symposium, November 1998.
- Catalano, G.D., “Multi-disciplinary Capstone Two Course Sequence at the StateUniversity of New York at Binghamton,” ASEE Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 2004.
- Catalano, G.D., “Freshman Engineering at the StateUniversity of New York at Binghamton,” ASEE Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 2004.
- Catalano, G.D., “Integrating Ethics into the Freshman Program,” ASEE Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 2004.
- Catalano, G.D., “A Peace Paradigm for Engineering Education: A Dissenter’s View,” ASEE Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 2004.
- Catalano, G.D.and Catalano, K., “The Binghamton Success Program,” ASEE /IEEE Frontiers in Education Annual Conference, Savannah, Ga., October 2004.
- Catalano, G.D., “Modeling Nature: An Innovative Approach in Bioengineering,” ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Annual Conference, Savannah, Ga., October 2004.
- Catalano, G.D., Sterlacci, R., and Catalano, K., “Addressing Professional Issues in Engineering Education,” ASEE /IEEE Frontiers in Education Annual Conference, Savannah, Ga., October 2004.
- Catalano, G.D., “Multi-disciplinary Capstone Two Course Sequence at the StateUniversity of New York at Binghamton,” ASEE Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 2004.
- Catalano, G.D.and Catalano, K., “The Binghamton Success Program,” ASEE /IEEE Frontiers in Education Annual Conference, Savannah, Ga., October 2004.
- Catalano, G.D., “Modeling Nature: An Innovative Approach in Bioengineering,” ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Annual Conference, Savannah, Ga., October 2004.
- Catalano, G.D., Sterlacci, R., and Catalano, K., “Addressing Professional Issues in Engineering Education,” ASEE /IEEE Frontiers in Education Annual Conference, Savannah, Ga., October 2004.
- G.D., “Freshman Engineering at the StateUniversity of New York at Binghamton,” ASEE Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 2004.
- Catalano, G.D., “Integrating Ethics into the Freshman Program,” ASEE Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 2004.
- Catalano, G.D., “A Peace Paradigm for Engineering Education: A Dissenter’s View,” ASEE Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 2004.
- Catalano, G. D., Engineering in a Morally Deep World, ASEE Annual Conference, Chicago, Ill., June 2006
- Catalano, G.D. and Baillie, Caroline, “Engineering, Social Justice and Peace: A Revolution of the Heart, ASEE Annual Conference, Chicago, Ill., June 2006
- Catalano, G.D. and Maggie Howell, “Using Wolves to Taech Engineering Design,” FIE 2006, San Diego, Ca., October 2007.
- Catalano, G.D. and Maggie Howell, “Making Gentle the Life of the World,” FIE 2006, San Diego, Ca., October 2007.
- Catalano, G.D. and Baillie, Caroline, “Engineering and Social Justice: Part II. Looking Inward,” FIE 2006, San Diego, Ca., October 2007.
- Catalano, G.D., and Carter, Liz, “Starting a Revolution of the Heart,” PA Campus Conference—What Role Can Campuses Play to End Poverty?, March 2007
- Catalano, G.D., “Engineering and the Other America,” ASEE Annual Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii., June 2007.
- Catalano, G.D., “Engineering in a Morally Deep World: Applications and Reflections,” ASEE Annual Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii., June 2007.
- Catalano, G.D., “Introducing Ethics in Bioengineering,” ASEE Annual Conference, Honolulu, Pittsburgh, Pa., June 2008
- Catalano, G.D., “Engineering, Peace, Justice and the Earth: A Course Modules Approach,” ASEE Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, Pa., June 2008
- Catalano, G.D and Baillie, Caroline, “An Engineering based upon Love,” ASEE Annual Conference, Austin, Texas, June2009.
- Catalano, G.D. and Baillie, Caroline, “Engineering and New Frames of Reference,” ASEE Annual Conference, Austin, Texas, June2009.