Viewing Spaceman Planograms


A planogram is normally displayed as large as possible in the planogram window. There are a number of Zoom options to make viewing the planogram more effective:

  • Zoom In
  • Zoom Out
  • Fit to Window
  • Area Zoom
  • Zoom to Selected

Zoom Toolbar

There are two ways that can be used for zooming a planogram in Spaceman:

  • Using the VIEW menu, choose ZOOM, then the specific Zoom option
  • Use the Zoom buttons in the Zoom toolbar

If the Zoom toolbar is not visible, choose TOOLS TOOLBAR CUSTOMIZE... from the menus, then click on the ZOOM option


Viewing Planogram Windows

You can view the planogram from different perspectives. Each view generates its own window. This allows you to arrange the windows and display the different views on one screen.

The standard views for a planogram are:

  • Front
  • Top
  • Right side
  • Left side
  • Back
  • Bottom
  • 3D

Product Views

Block Mode - Block Mode displays all of the facings in a position as one block. It is not possible to see how many individual facings are on the planogram with this view.

This is the default view that appears when all the other views are off. There is no toolbar command for this view.

Unit Mode - Unit Mode displays each of the facings within a position.

Outline Mode - Outline mode displays positions and fixtures with colored outlines instead of a fill color. If you also have the Units Mode selected, outline mode will show each facing in the position.

Shapes Mode - Shapes mode displays each product facing using the shape of the product package instead of rectangles or boxes. To use the Shapes Mode, you must first assign image files to represent the shapes of products.

Live Images Mode - The Live images mode displays product facings in the most detail. Live images mode uses image files created from photographs of the actual product. As with the Shapes mode, the image files must be assigned to the planogram before you can view them.

Live Images Mode

The LIVE IMAGES mode displays product facings in the most detail. LIVE IMAGES mode uses image files created from photographs of the actual product. As with the Shapes mode, the image files must be assigned to the planogram before you can view them.

To set the images folder(s):

  1. From the TOOLS menu, choose OPTIONS. The Options dialog box appears.
  2. Click IMAGES. The Images panel appears.
  3. In Live Image Paths, click ADD to locate the folder for the image files.
  4. Browse to the folder and click OK.

Note: The Quarterly Gladson Image DVD contains most of the images for our customers. Copying the folders containing the images to your C:\ folder of your hard drive, then mapping to those folders will SIGNIFICANTLY increase the display of images.

Note: The Gladson Image DVD contains only 14 digit GTIN images. This means that you must either have a planogram with the 14 digit UPCs already in place, or import them into the GTIN field of the Product List. This will be covered later in this module.

The following list shows the paths you would enter if you were using the D: drive (your DVD ROM drive) and the directories to be used for various products you will be displaying.

Gladson Disk 1

APPSCALEAppliance Products (Braun)

BATSCALEBattery Products (Duracell)

BEVSCALEFood/Beverage Products (Coffee, Dairy)

FOOSCALEFood/Beverage Products (Snacks)

PETSCALEFood/Beverage Products (Pet Food)

Gladson Disk 2

CFSCALECosmetics Products (Cover Girl, Max Factor)

DETSCALEFabric & Home Care Products (Laundry, Dishwash)

HHCSCALEFabric & Home Care Products (House, Cleaners, Plastic)

MEDSCALEHealth Care Products (Oral, Cold, Analgesics, Antacids, First Aid)

PAPSCALEPaper Sector Products (Baby, Diaper, Fem, Napkin, Baby Food)

PERSCALEBeauty Care Products (Hair, Deodorant, Blades/Razors)

PLMSCALEPlumbing Accessories Products (PUR water filtration)

SKISCALEBeauty Care Products (Bath, Skin, Soap)

If the images are stored in a different location, you must adjust the paths listed above accordingly. You may also use the Browse button located in the Image Settings dialog box to help in locating the files.

Note: Copying the folders from the D: drive to the root directory of your hard drive will SIGNIFICANTLY improve the load speed of images.

Importing GTIN UPCs

We are supplied UPCs in the GTIN format, meaning that images are named using a 14 digit configuration.

Spaceman can only read an image if the UPC is an EXACT match to the image name. For this reason, we MUST import the GTIN image names into EVERY planogram. This is a multi-step process.

  1. Open the Product List for the planogram
  2. Make sure there is a GTIN field in the Product List to store the images (one time)
  3. Copy the file (PDDB) where the GTIN product matching information resides to your hard drive
  4. Import the GTIN image names into the current planogram
  5. Save the planogram

Now you will be able to view the LIVE images on your planogram.

Some notes on importing GTINs.

  • If your planogram has a mixture of 10, 11 or 12 digit UPCs, you will have to repeat the process for each length.
  • Gladson DVDs are sent out quarterly. You may wish to get newer images and private labels from your customer or the GladsonOnline website.
  • Make sure you save your planogram once you have imported the GTINs.
  • Remember that the modification to the Product List to display the GTIN field must only be done one time.
  • The PDDB files may also be used to update product dimensions and other fields, using similar techniques as you have just performed.

Viewing the Product and Fixture Lists

  • The Product and Fixture lists allow you to view all of the information about the products or fixtures of the current planogram.
  • They may both be modified to display the data that will be helpful to you.
  • They may be used to change a large amount of data at one time, rather than one item or shelf at a time.
  • They may be printed.
  • They may be exported so that they may be used in Excel or other software.


  • Labels may be configured and displayed easily in Spaceman.
  • Labels are configured by choosing any of the PRODUCT fields that you wish to see as screen and printing labels.
  • Labels may be saved and used for any number of planograms.
  • You will find that you will have to experiment with the font characteristics of your labels to find the right combination for you.
  • Fixture labels are configured in the same manner as Product labels.

The Status Bar

  • The Status Bar provides a convenient way to view Product and Fixture information simply by pointing with the mouse.
  • The Status Bar is toggled off and on using the VIEW menu.
  • The TOOLS OPTIONS menu is used to configure the fields to be used in the Status Bar.
  • The configuration of the Status Bar consists of choosing what field information is shown about a Product or Fixture.
  • If a Status Bar configuration has not been performed, the NAME field information of the product or fixture is displayed.

Spaceman 8.0 WBT / Viewing Spaceman Planograms
Module 3 / Page 1