Edwards – Math
CP Geometry – Madeira High School
Mrs. Edwards
Room 204
Email: hone: 513-924-3735
- Pencils only! Absolutely no pens!
- 3-Ring Binder – 1 or 1 ½ inch
- Binder dividers
- Loose Leaf and Graph Paper
- Calculator: TI Nspire
- Tissues and one 4 pack AAA batteries
Advice to Help you Succeed:
- Ask questions – Do not be shy. I cannot help you if I do not know you have a question.
- Be prepared everyday – paper, pencil, book, and binder.
- Learn and master all definitions and vocabulary words.
- Complete all homework assignments.
- Use the class website and MathXLforschool.com
Class Rules:
- Respect teachers, other students, school property and yourself.
- Answers will NOT receive full credit unless work is shown.
- Restrooms should be used before or after class. I will NOT issue a pass during instruction unless it is an emergency.
- Cheating is not acceptable and will result in a zero for the assignment and parental notification.
- No cell phones. If they are brought to class or disturb class I will confiscate them.
- Use appropriate language at all times.
Ways to get help:
- During class/commontime – ask questions, ask questions, ask questions!!!
- After school – make an appointment to stay after school for help.
- Before school – make an appointment to come early to school for help.
- MathXLfor school.com AND the class website.
Attendance and Tardiness:
Attendance is crucial in mathematics. I expect you to be on time and in class every day. You will be allowed to be tardy three times and a classroom consequence will result. After the third tardy, the office will be notified and action will be taken from there It is the responsibility of the student to retrieve all notes and missed work when absent. Students should check the class website or stay up to date with your syllabus for work. Absent students will only be granted the number of days absent to turn in work.It is your responsibility to see the absence folder for make-up work.
All chapter tests will be announced well in advance. Students should make every attempt to be present on test days. If a test is missed, the student is responsible for scheduling a time before or after school to make up the test. All tests must be made up within one week of returning from an absence.
Grading Policy:
The students’ grades will be calculated using the point system. I will update grades at least once a week so that students and parents can be kept informed. Every Friday we will have a Basic Facts Quiz (BFQ). It will cover review material from last year in algebra and information that will appear on the OGT.
Your grade will consist of the following categories:
- Homework – 4 points
- BFQs – 5-15 points
- Quizzes – 50 points
- Tests – 100 points
- Projects – points vary
- Assignments – points vary
- Semester Exams (which will count for 20% of your final semester grade)
It is suggested that students keep a binder for geometry. It will be divided into five sections: Notes, Homework, Assignments, PODs/BFQs, and Quizzes/Tests. The binders may be collected periodically throughout the year for a grade.
Homework Policy:
Homework will be assigned EVERY night on MathXLforschool.com and/or through worksheets. I expect that you complete every assignment. Please make sure you are showing work! Homework will be graded daily.
0 pts - 0-20% 1 pt – 21-40% 2 pts 41-60% 3 pts – 61-80% 4 pts – 81-100%
Homework Syllabus:
Every chapter students will be given a syllabus outlining all homework, quizzes and tests. The syllabus also contains the chapter objectives for the students. The objectives on the syllabus are the concepts that will be assessed on the chapter quizzes or tests.
Behavior and Consequences:
I will not tolerate behavior problems. I will respect you as young adults and I expect respectful behavior from you to me and your classmates.
Any deviation of these procedures may result in one or more of the following consequences: Verbal warning, detention, parent contact/conference, or an office referral. Remember: You are responsible for your own actions!!!
**The teacher reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus throughout the semester as needed, but will give notice to any changes.
Edwards – Math
Please complete and sign form by Friday August 19th.
Student Name ______Period______
Class:CP Geometry
Student Schedule:
Period / Class / Teacher1st
Parent Contact Information
Please fill out this section completely and accurately so I can contact you regarding your child’s progress. (Please print.)
Mother’s Name:______
Home Phone #:______
Cell Phone #: ______
Email: ______
Best method/time
To contact: ______day/night/either
Father’s Name:______
Home Phone #:______
Cell Phone #: ______
Email: ______
Best method/time
To contact: ______day/night/either
I verify that I have read and understand all portions of the attached syllabus.
***I understand my child is responsible for returning this form completed and signed, along with ALL required course materials, no later than FRIDAY AUGUST 19th!!!
Parent/Guardian Signature:______Date: ______
Student Signature:______Date: ______
Communication Log:
Date / Form / Comments