1206 (Mercian) Squadron Trip to the Somme and Ypres Battlefields 28th October - 2nd November 2018

In October 2014 the Squadron visited the battlefields of Northern France and Belgium to commemorate the beginning of the Great War. The trip was an educational trip for the cadets and as a result of the moving and profound impression it had on the cadets and staff, the Squadron are planning another trip back to the battlefields during the half term in October 2018.

2018 is the 100-year anniversary of the end of the Great War or better known as the 1st World War.

The town of Ypres Belgium, was completely destroyed during the four years of heavy shelling and rebuilt to its original design following the Armistice. A memorial to the 54,000 British and Commonwealth soldiers who were killed and have no known grave in the Ypres salient, was built and is known as the Menin Gate. It stands over the Menin Road that many thousands of soldiers marched along to the front line.

The town of Ypres and the Menin Gate were finished being re built in 1927. Every day since 1928 at 20.00hours a ceremony takes place at the Menin Gate where the last post and reveille are played. Over the years more and more people attend this ceremony to remember those that gave their lives.

We will be parading in this ceremony of remembrance on Wednesday 31st October 2018. Poppy wreaths will be laid during the ceremony by our cadets.

The trip is not to glorify war but one of remembrance and learning about our history and the development of the Royal Flying Corps that is now the Royal Air Force.

Over the next year the Squadron will be learning about the causes of the 1st World War and the significant battles that took place. They will also learn about how aviation and the Royal Flying Corps, impacted on these battles and the war in general. How flying tactics and advances in aircraft design and development changed the mindset of the Generals so that the Royal Air Force was formed in 1918.

Whilst in Belgium we will be visiting original trenches, museums and Commonwealth War Grave Cemeteries. One of these will be Essex Farm, where Lt Col John Mcrae, sat and wrote the poem, “In Flanders Fields”. This is now a famous poem that inspired the wearing of the poppy on Remembrance Day. We will also visit the Flying Services Memorial in Arras, France and visit the Somme battlefields.

We intend to make the trip interesting, educational and one that the cadets will remember. We urge the cadets to start asking about their Great Grandparents and if any served in the Somme or Ypres areas, so, that research can be done and if appropriate a visit to the relatives final resting place and a short service of remembrance conducted.

The cost for the trip per cadet is £400. This includes all travel, bed breakfast packed lunch, and a three-course meal per day whilst in France and Belgium, as well as all museum entrance fees.

The trip has to be self-financing as the Air Training Corps and the Squadron have no funds to pay the deposit or help with the cost of the trip. The only way to reduce the cost per cadet is to fund raise which we will be doing.

We are under twelve months away and it is critical to secure the accommodation, therefore I have no option but to ask for a non-refundable deposit of £100. Following this payment, instalments can be paid throughout the coming months to help reduce the financial impact.

Due to the limited number of places it is a first come first served basis, could you please complete the attached form and return it as soon as possible but before Wednesday 20th December 2017.

Please feel free to contact me on the below mobile number to discuss any

financial issues in confidence.

Kind regards


Richard Hartland

Flying Officer RAFVR(T)

Deputy OC

1206 (Mercian) Squadron ATC

07825 636966

I am______the parent / guardian


and wish for her / him to be allocated a place on the trip to the Somme and Ypres, Battlefield trip between the 28th October to the 2nd November 2018.

I enclose a deposit of £100.00 and I am aware that this is a non-refundable deposit.
