At the Meeting of the Council held at Hauxley Village Hall on at 6.30pm on Monday 14th March 2016

Present: Cllrs W Appleby, R Callender (Chair), I Thomas and J Lightfoot

The Parish Clerk in attendance – Miss E Brown & Vicki Smith

2 Members of the Public was in attendance


64. Apologies for absence: – K Graham
65. Co-option of Councillors
Members welcomed John Lightfoot. The remaining vacancy continues to be advertised in the notice boards and The Ambler.
66. Declarations of interest in items on the Agenda – None.
67. Public Questions (maximum of 15 minutes):
Two members of the public attended the meeting, Councillor Robert Arckless and Barbara Hay.
Councillor Arckless discussed the recent flooding that occurred in Hauxley and other local areas and the road at Radcliffe that continues to need further repairs and his meeting with Dale Rumney from Northumberland County Council. Cllr Arckless reported that NCC have submitted a bid for additional funding in response to this and are waiting on a decision. Councillor Arckless was made aware of a pothole issue on the road to Kirkwell Cottages. Any further issues are to be emailed to Cllr Arckless or to the Clerk. A query was raised about Hauxley Lane being in the Capital Improvement Programme but that nothing had been done yet. Cllr Arckless to chase this up.
Barbara Hay reported that in the aftermath of the flooding at the allotments and caravan site, the area was improved by the clearing of the culverts. It was queried whether NCC would continue to maintain the clearing of the culverts. Cllr Arckless agreed to remind NCC and suggest that this becomes an annual check-up of the area to prevent further incidents like this.
Parking in the village continues to be a problem for residents, especially when there are any events taking place nearby. Various options were discussed that may help relieve the issue including the possibility of agreeing with the bird watchers an area that could be used in the woods, a sign coming into the village that states parking for residents only, stones to be added to the road along the beach front. It was agreed that a Keep Clear road marking would be requested.
It was reported that allotment holders are not using the correct pathways in and around the allotments which is resulting in over growth and the paths being lost/blocked off. It is HPC responsibility to keep the pathways clear. EB to look at the legal documents surrounding the allotments and maintenance of these and look into the possibility of a disable access grant.
Councillor Graham has spoken with the appropriate person in regards to the overgrown bushes and it has been agreed that these will be cut back once the weather improves.
68. The minutes of the meeting held on 11th January 2016 were agreed as a true record.
69. Matters arising there from:
a)Parking obstructing access to Low Hauxley.
The clerk to discuss with Lee Baxter the possibility of adding a keep clear road marking on the area.
b) Warning sign for cyclists at entrance of Sustrans track
The warning sign has been delivered but no pole. RC to chase up with KG. Cllr Graham will agree a location and have the sign erected in the new few weeks.
c)Untidy land report
The issue has been being dealt with by Elizabeth Sinnamon and is to be chased up the Head of Planning Enforcement, Mark Ketley, cc Robert Arckless
d)Rotting tree by verge
Pictures are to be emailed to EB. Clarity is needed on whose land the tree is on and whose responsibility is it.
e) a litter bin for High Hauxley
A bin has been delivered for High Hauxley. The Clerk to let NCC know when the bin has been set up so that it can be emptied regularly.
f)Maintenance of Allotment walkways
As discussed.
g)Pylon cables over allotment
Councillor Graham has been in discussions with Northern Power Grid who have confirmed that the pylons are not live and belong to the Caravan Site and the Farm, therefore it is their responsibility to have them removed. Copies of correspondence between Councillor Graham and Northern Power Grid are required and it was agreed that Cllr Graham would ask Northern Power Grid to write to the land owners to advise.
h) Flooding in Hauxley including correspondence subsequently received.
Correspondence received from the Flood and Coastal Erosion Management Team was discussed although we do not agree with the statement that the flooding “quickly subsided” as stated in the document. The Clerk is to contact the management team and invite a member to a future HPC meeting.
i)Handover of paperwork to new clerk Vicki Smith
Paperwork was given over to the new Clerk, Vicki Smith.
Councillor forms are to be received from Wendy Green and John Lightfoot
70. Standing item
Nothing further to report
71. Finance:
a) Financial Summary - documents circulated with agenda or available from the Clerk
b) Payments
Date / Cheque No / Creditor / Reason / Amount
14.03.16 / 100586 / NCC / Grass Cutting SLA / £77.16
14.03.16 / 100587 / Broxap / Post mounted bin / £82.80
14.03.16 / 100588 / E Brown / Wages / Expenses / £173.19
14.03.16 / 100589 / HMRC / PAYE / £42.00
14.03.16 / 100590 / ADT / Newspage / £60.00
14.03.16 / 100591 / Zurich / Insurance / £223.21
The payments for the month were agreed.
c) Receipts
Date / Ref / Debtor / Reason / Amount
07.03.16 / HMRC / VAT Reclaim / £183.00
The February bank statement has not been received yet so these figures are as of 29 January.
The £100 ear marked funds against village hall are for additional stones.
The floating balance of £241.56 cannot be determined until the February bank statement can be viewed.
The Philip brothers are to be contacted in relation to the stone path and the pot holes along Sustran’s track. Martin to be asked to contact Sustrans.
There are 2 seats that need varnished. The clerk to contact Dial Dave to ask for a quote.
72. Planning:
a) To report on any planning decisions: None
b) Planning matters pending: None
c) To consider any planning matters: None.
73. Requested Agenda Items:
73.1 Transparency Fund Application
EB has applied to the DCLG in relation to funding for Parish Councils with a turnover of less than £25k. An application via NALC has been sent for a HP Laptop and Epsom Printer. We await their response.
74. Correspondence Received
74.1 Alnwick WW1 Centenary Commemoration Group – DVD
A DVD has been received from the Alnwick WW1 Centenary Commemoration Group. Cllr Lightfoot to look at it and a letter of thanks is to be written. Cllr Calendar is to contact the Village Hall Committee.
74.2. Anne-Marie Trevelyan, MP - Neighbourhood Plans for Hauxley
A Village Plan is more suited to Hauxley than a neighbourhood plan and an item on the next agenda is to be Village Plan Consultation.
74.3: Natural England - New marine designations in Northumberland
Document is to be circulated.
74.4: NCC - Flood Report Information
Information to be added to The Ambler.
Dates for the above are 9 – 12 May, no venues have been confirmed yet.
74.6: NCC - Northumberland LED Street Lighting Project
A street lighting project will be taking place between March and July 2017. The work will see the replacement of all street lights replaced with LED lights as part of an invest to save scheme.
74.7: NCC - Community Regeneration Team
For information only
74.8: CAN - Email Alert 5th Feb 2016
For information only
74.9: NALC E:news Feb 2016
For information only
74.10: NCC - Joint letter from Councils to the Prime Minister and subsequent email
A letter has been written to the Prime Minister from 14 Local Authorities expressing concern over the disproportionate effect the local government funding settlement will have on rural areas such as Northumberland. The document is to be circulated.
74.11: North East Combined Authority - Transport Manifesto – Consultation
The 20 year Transport Manifesto Consultation has a deadline for comments of 8 April 2016. The information is to be circulated.
74.12: Northumberland Local Plan Core Strategy – Update
For information
74.13: The Pension Regulator - Your declaration of compliance
HPC have legally complied and a declaration of compliance is to be completed.
74.14: Message from the Leader - Proposed organisation changes at Active Northumberland
For information
74.15: CAN E-News February 2016
For information
74.16: Lord Lieutenant's Garden Party
Suggested nominees to attend this year’s event are Irene Liddle and Ken Stewart. The clerk to confirm contact details and send information to Helen Shepherd.
74.17: NALC E:news March 2016
Information to be circulated
The next Area Committee Meeting takes place on 16 March at 6.00pm, Cramlington Hareside First School.
63. Items for next agenda:
63.1 Schedule of meetings
63.2 Election of Chair Person
63.3 Village Plan Consultation
64. Date and time of next meeting: The next meeting would take place on Monday 9th May 2016 at 6.30pm in the Village Hall, Low Hauxley.
The meeting closed at 7.50pm / Clerkü
Clerk/Cllr Arckless
Cllr Arckless
Clerk ü
