Geometry/Geometry Honors2017-2018
COURSE DESCRIPTION:Geometry is a year-long course that satisfies one mathematics credit. Topics covered will follow the Geometry Curriculum Map which can be viewed on the Volusia County website.
- Definitions, Segment and Angle Pair Relationships
- Triangles and Congruence and Proofs
- Triangle Properties
- Similarity
- Right Triangles and Trigonometry
- Quadrilaterals and Coordinate Geometry
- Constructions
- Two-Dimensional Measurements
- Three-Dimensional Measurements
- Circles with and without Coordinates
- When students demonstrate a lack of proficiency on standards they must receive intervention(s), which may lead to assessment retakes or alternative assignments aligned to the non-proficient standards.
- When students demonstrate a lack of mastery on standards they may receive intervention(s), which may lead to assessment retakes or alternative assignments aligned to the non-proficient standards.
- Each 9 week grading period, students shall have the opportunity to retake at least one summative assessment. Additional retakes shall be determined based upon individual student data.
- Proficiency is defined by the state of Florida and in the Student Progression Plan as 70% or higher. Mastery is defined in the Student Progression Plan as 90% or higher.
**Shall a retake be taken; it must be done within 10 school days of that test grade being posted on Pinnacle.
The district grading scale is:
90% - 100%A
80% - 89%B
70% - 79%C
60% - 69%D
0% - 59%F
Weighted Categories:
MAKE-UP ASSIGNMENTS/QUIZZES/TESTS: Students who are submitting late work and/or need to make-up a quiz or test (due to absence) should have one day, or one day for each day absent (whichever is greater), to submit work and/or take the quiz or test unless the teacher determines there are extenuating circumstances which necessitate an extension.
ASSIGNMENTS/HOMEWORK:Assignments will be given daily. Students will have the opportunity in class to ask questions about problems they missed or did not understand.
- Assignments will be checked daily.
- YOU are responsible for obtaining your make-up work which can be found on Pinnacle, my website, or the assignment sheet in class.
Please see ASSIGNMENT EXPECTATIONS for more details.
TUTORING:I am available the last 15 minutes of lunch every day except Fridays. If additional time is needed you can make an appointment for an alternate time.
MATERIALS:Paper, pencils, and graph paper. Students need to take notes during class to have examples to refer to when doing homework.
*Much of Geometry does not require the use of a calculator. We have classroom calculators for occasional use at school; however, it is not necessary to purchase one for this course.
- Respect One Another.
- Participate & Collaborate.
- Be on Time & Prepared
- Be Honest
- Have Fun
An infraction of the above expectations will result in any of the following consequences:
- Verbal Warning
- Student Conference
- Parent Contact/Conference
- Referral
TEACHER CONTACT:If you have any questions or concerns please email me at . My website is
If you do not have access to emailyou can call(386) 575-4153, leave a message, and I will return your call.
- Label:
- Your first and last name
- Date
- Class period
- Write out the problem
- Show all work (Don’t skip steps!)
- Try all problems (even if you’re not sure how to do them):
- Refer to you notes and look over the examples and steps.
- Use your textbook and online resources.
- If I see nothing written that tells me that you didn’t try and subsequently you will not receive full credit.
- Check your work:
- If odd problems are assigned from you textbook you are expected to check your answers before class. Otherwise I will provide the correct answers in class.
- Put a check next to the correct answers. If you get any problems wrong look them over and try to find your mistake. If you can’t find the mistake, circle the problem and write it on the board the following day as you walk in (question numbers should be written on the board prior to the last bell).
- Use a different color writing utensil when you do your corrections.
- Make a note of what your mistake was (“sign mistake” or “order of operations”).
- If you cannot identify your mistake ASK TO SEE THE PROBLEM IN CLASS.
- Write down the correct method of solving the problem, not just the answer.
- There are no retakes on Formatives.
- Retakes must be done before the next Summative.
- In order to retake a test you must:
- Have completed all assignments pertaining to the test you wish to retake prior to the original test date. You will NOT be able to retake a test if you did not do all of the work.
- Correct the problems marked wrong on the original test and submit them to me to be checked.These corrections can only be done during tutoring as the test cannot leave the classroom. If any of the corrected problems have an error after being submitted, I will inform you and they must be redone (during tutoring) until they are correct.
- Complete a retake assignment and submit it to me to be checked. This can be done at home or during tutoring. All problems must be correct or I will return the assignment so you can redo the incorrect problems.
- Once the missed questions on the original test have been corrected and the retake assignment has been completed with no errors, I will write you a retake pass for that test.
*You cannot submit the corrections or retake assignment the same day you wish to retake the test as I will need time to check them.