February 27, 2013



1. Bergh J, Nilsson K, Zech L, Giovanella B. Establishment and characterisation of a continuous lung squamous cell carcinoma cell line (U-1752). Anticancer Res 1:317-322, 1981.

2. Bergh J, Larsson E, Zech L, Nilsson K. Establishment and characterization of two neoplastic cell lines (U-1285 and U-1568) derived from small cell carcinoma of the lung. Acta Path Microbiol Immun Scand, Sect A 90:149-158, 1982.

3. Bergh J, Nilsson K, Cate CC, Pettengill OS, Sorenson GD. Cell surface glycoprotein patterns of cell lines derived from human small cell carcinoma of the lung. Acta Path Microbiol Immun, Scand Sect A 91:9-15, 1983.

4. Carlsson J, Nilsson K, Westermark B, Pontén J, Sundström S, Larsson E, Bergh J, Påhlman S, Busch C, Collins VP. Formation and growth of multicellular spheroids of human origin. Int J Cancer 31:523-533, 1983.

5. Nilsson S, Bergh J, Brodin O, Söderström S. Monoklonala antikroppar och tumörassocierade antigener. Svensk Förening för Medicinsk Radiologi. 17:29-31, 1983.

6. Påhlman S, Esscher T, Bergh J, Steinholtz L, Nöu E, Nilsson K. Neuron-specific enolase as a marker for neuroblastoma and small-cell carcinoma of the lung. Tumour Biology 5:119-126, 1984.

7. Bergh J, Nilsson K, Dahl D, Andersson L, Virtanen I, Lehto V-P. Expression of intermediate filaments in established human lung cancer cell lines - An indicator of differentiation and derivation. Lab Invest 51:307-316, 1984.

8. Bergh J. The biology of human lung cancer in vitro, with special reference to small cell carcinoma. Dr Med Sc Thesis. Acta Universitas Upsaliensis, Nr 506, pp 1-49, 1984.

9. Zech L, Bergh J, Nilsson K. Karyotypic characterization of established cell lines and short-term cultures of human lung cancers. Cancer Gen Cytogen 15:335-347, 1985.

10. Hillerdahl G, Bergh J. Malignant mesothelioma secondary to chronic inflammation and old scars: Two new cases and review of the literature. Cancer 55:1968-1972, 1985.

11. Esscher T, Steinholtz L, Bergh J, Nöu E, Nilsson K, Påhlman S. Neuronspecific enolase: a useful diagnostic serum marker for small cell carcinoma of the lung. Thorax. 40:85-90, 1985.

12. Bergh J, Esscher T, Steinholtz L, Nilsson K, Påhlman S. Immunocytochemical demonstration of neuron-specific enolase (NSE) in human lung cancers. Am J Clin Pathol 84:1-7, 1985.

13. Bergh J, Nilsson K, Ekman R, Giovanella B. Establishment and characterization of cell lines from human small cell and large cell carcinomas of the lung. Acta Path Microbiol Immun Scand Sect A 93:133-147, 1985.

14. Saksela K, Bergh J, Lehto V-P, Nilsson K, Alitalo K. Amplification of the c-myc oncogene in a subpopulation of human small cell lung cancer. Cancer Res 45:1823-1827, 1985.

15. Bergh J, Nilsson K. Surface-glycoprotein patterns of established human lung cancer cell lines and primary cultures Anticancer Res 5:323-328, 1985.

16. Gronowitz S, Steinholtz L, Källander C, Hagberg H, Bergh J. Serum deoxythymidine kinase in small cell carcinoma of the lung: relation to clinical features, prognosis and other biochemical markers. Cancer 58:111-118, 1986.

17. Lehto V-P, Bergh J, Virtanen I. Immunohistology in the classification of lung cancer. In: Lung cancer. Basic and Clinical Aspects. Ed H Hansen. Martinus Nijhoff, Publishers, Boston, pp 1-30, 1986.

18. Jakobsson O, Bergh J. Acral lentiginous malignant melanoma. A case report. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg 20:323-326, 1986.

19. Saksela K, Bergh J, Nilsson K. Amplification of the N-myc oncogene in an adenocarcinoma of the lung. J Cell Biochem 31:297-304, 1986.

20. Bergh J, Esscher T, Steinholtz L, Nilsson K, Påhlman S. Immunocytochemical demonstration of Neuron-Specific Enolase (NSE) in human lung cancers. In: 1986 Year Book of Cancer. Eds Hickey RC, Saunders GF, Randolph LC, Cumley RW, pp 440-442, 1986.

21. Norheim I, Wilander E, Öberg K, Theodorsson-Norheim E, Lundqvist M, Lindgren P-G, Bergh J. Tachykinin production by carcinoid tumours in culture. Eur J Cancer & Clin Oncol 23:689-695, 1987.

22. Betsholtz C, Bergh J, Bywater M, Pettersson M, Johnsson A, Heldin C-H, Ohlsson R, Knott T, Scott J, Bell G, Westermark B. Expression of multiple growth factors in a human lung cancer cell line. Int J Cancer 39:502-507, 1987.

23. Funa K, Steinholtz L, Nöu E, Bergh J. Increased expression of N-myc in human small cell lung cancer biopsies predicts lack of response to chemotherapy and poor prognosis. Amer J Clin Pathol 88:216-220, 1987.

24. Bergh J. Tumörtillväxt och tumörheterogenitet. Lungcancer - cellulära mekanismer. Draco. Swedish association for Lung Medicine: 49-63, 1987.

25. Bergh J, Björk P, Westlin J-E, Nilsson S. Expression of an estramustine-binding associated protein in human lung cancer cell lines. Cancer Res 48:4615-4619, 1988.

26. Brezicka T, Olling S, Nilsson O, Bergh J, Holmgren J, Sörenson S, Yngvason F, Lindholm L. Immunohistological detection of Fucosyl-Gm1 ganglioside in human lung cancer and normal tissues with monoclonal antibodies. Cancer Res 49:1300-1305, 1989.

27. Nordgren H, Nilsson S, Runn A-C, Pontén J, Bergh J. Histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis of lung tumors: Description of a convenient technique for use with fine needle biopsy. APMIS 97:136-142, 1989.

28. Söderdahl G, Betsholz C, Johansson A, Nilsson K, Bergh J. Differential expression of platelet-derived growth factor and transforming growth factor genes in small- and non-small-cell human lung carcinoma lines. Int J Cancer 41:636-641, 1988.

29. Bergh J, Arnberg H, Eriksson B, Lundqvist G. The release of chromogranin A and B like activity from human lung cancer cell lines. A potential marker for a subset of small cell lung cancer. Acta Oncologica, 28:651-653, 1989.

30. von Schoultz E, Lundblad D, Bergh J, Grankvist K, Kourtopoulus H, Henriksson R. Characterization of the cytotoxic effect of estramustine on malignant glioma. Proceedings of the 15th international congress of chemotherapy, Istanbul, Turkey, July 19-24, 1987, pp 844-846.

31. Nöu E, Brodin O, Bergh J. A randomized study of radiation treatment in small cell bronchial carcinoma treated with two types of four-drug chemotherapy regimens. Cancer 62:1079-1090, 1988.

32. Wilking N, Rotstein S, Bergh J. Nya rön om bröstcancer - prevention, diagnostik och endokrin terapi. Läkartidningen 85:2735-2736, 1988.

33. Bergh J, Söderdahl G. Human non-small cell lung cancer cell lines express platelet derived- and transforming growth factor genes and induce stroma formation in nude mice tumors. Lung Cancer 4:179-185, 1988.

34. von-Schoultz E, Lundblad D, Bergh J, Grankvist K, Henriksson R. Estramustine binding protein and anti proliferative effect of estramustine in human glioma cell lines. Br J Cancer 58:326-329, 1988.

35. Nolte H, Gjedde S, Lindegaard-Madsen E, Bergh J, Blomquist E, Mouridsen HT. Phase II study of tauromustine in disseminated malignant melanoma. Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol 25:655-657, 1989.

36. Nettelbladt O, Bergh J, Schenholm M, Tengblad A, Hällgren R. Accumulation of hyaluronic acid in the alveolar interstitial tissue in Bleomycin-induced alveolitis. Am Rev Respir Dis 139:759-762, 1989.

37. Bergh J. The expression of the platelet-derived and transforming growth factor genes in human nonsmall lung cancer cell lines is related to tumor stroma formation in nude mice tumors. Am J Pathol 133:434-439, 1988.

38. Hedin G, Ronquist G, Nöu E, Bergh J. L-2,4 diaminobutyric acid as a new therapeutic principle in the management of human bronchial neoplasms. Int J Exp Clin Chemotherapy 3:23-30, 1990.

39. Bergh J, Nilsson S, Liljedahl C, Lennartsson L, Maripuu E, Blomquist E, Sivolapenko G, Epenetos A, Stavrou D. Indium-märkta monoklonala antikroppar för diagnostik av maligna gliom in vivo? Behandlingsmöjligheter i framtiden med yttriumkonjugerade antikroppar. Läkartidningen 87:373-375, 1990.

40. Nöu E, Steinholtz L, Bergh J, Nilsson K, Påhlman S. Neuron-specific enolase (NSE) as follow-up marker in small cell bronchial carcinoma. A prospective study in an unselected series. Cancer 65:1380-1385, 1990.

41. Bergh J, Nilsson S, Liljedahl C, Maripuu E, Sivolapenko G, Epenetos A, Stavrou D. Radioimaging of human malignant gliomas using indium-labelled monoclonal antibodies. Nuclear Medicine Communications 11:437-444, 1990.

42. Rabbitts P, Douglas J, Daly M, Sundaresan V, Fox B, Haselton P, Wells F, Albertson D, Waters J, Bergh J. Frequency and extent of allelic loss in the short arm of chromosome 3 in nonsmall-cell lung cancer. Genes, chromosomes & cancer 1:95-105, 1989.

43. Esscher T, Bergh J, Steinholtz L, Nöu E, Nilsson K, Påhlman S. Neuron-specific enolase in small-cell carcinoma of the lung: The value of combined immunohistochemistry and serum determinations. Anticancer Res 9:1717-1720, 1989.

44. Mouridsen HT, Alfthan C, Bastholt L, Bergh J, Dalmark M, Eksborg S, Hellsten S, Kjær M, Peterson C, Skovsgård T, Sørensen JB, Tropé C, Aabo K. Current status of epirubicin (farmorubicin) in the treatment of solid tumours. Acta Oncologica 29:257-285, 1990.

45. Ljunghall S, Bergh J, Rastad J, Åkerström G. Hypercalcemi och skelettengagemang vid malignitet - uppkomstmekanismer och behandlingsmöjligheter. Läkartidningen 86:1991-1993, 1989.

46. Carney D, Berendsen H, Bergh J, Doyle A, Ikegami H, Mattson K, Mulshine J, Wolf M, Woll P. Biological response modifiers in the management of small cell lung cancer: a consensus report. Lung Cancer 5:143-145, 1989.

47. Rabbitts P, Bergh J, Douglas J, Collins F, Waters J. A submicroscopic homozygous deletion at the D3S3 locus in a cell line isolated from a small cell lung carcinoma. Genes, chromosomes & cancer 2:231-238, 1990.

48. Nygren P, Larsson R, Gruber A, Peterson C, Bergh J. Doxorubicin selected multidrug-resistant small cell lung cancer cell lines characterised by elevated cytoplasmic Ca2+ and resistance modulation by verapamil in absence of P-glycoprotein overexpression. Br J Cancer 64:1011-1018, 1991.

49. Bergh J, Nilsson S, Liljedahl C, Sivolapenko G, Maripuu E, Stavrou D, Epenetos A. In vivo imaging and treatment of human brain tumours utilizing the radiolabelled monoclonal antibody MUC 2-63. Anticancer Res 10:655-660, 1990.

50. Bergh J, Nygren P, Larsson R. Mechanisms for acquired cytotoxic drug resistance in human small cell lung cancer and the potential utilization of resistance modifiers- a review with focus on in vitro studies. Lung Cancer 6:9-15, 1990.

51. Nettelbladt O, Scheynius A, Bergh J, Tengblad A, Hällgren R. Alveolar accumulation of hyaluronan and alveolar cellular response in bleomycin-induced alveolitis. Eur Respir J 4:407-414, 1991.

52. Bergh J. Gene amplification in human lung cancer - The myc family genes and other proto-oncogenes and growth factor genes. Am Rev Respir Dis 142:20-26, 1990.

53. Geijer T, Bergh J, Terenius L. Expression of preprodynorphin in human small cell lung carcinoma cell lines. Regulatory Peptides 34:181-188, 1991.

54. Daly MC, Douglas JB, Bleehen NM, Hastleton P, Twentyman PR, Sundaresan V, Carritt B, Bergh J, Rabbitts PH. An unusually proximal deletion on the short arm of chromosome 3 in a patient with small cell lung cancer. Genomics 9:113-119, 1991.

55. Egyházy S, Bergh J, Hansson J, Karran P, Ringborg U. Carmustine-induced toxicity, DNA crosslinking and 06-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase activity in two human lung cancer cell lines. Eur J Cancer 27:1658-1662, 1991.

56. Bergh J. Monoclonal antibodies for therapy of human malignant tumours. Invited paper, Eur J Surg S 561:59-64, 1991.

57. Lindman H, Taube A, Bergh J. Suramin inhibits the growth of human breast cancer cell lines. Studies on parental lines and corresponding sublines with acquired doxorubicin resistance with and without expression of P-Glycoprotein. Anticancer Res 14:363-366, 1994.

58. Larsson R, Bergh J, Nygren R. Combination of cyclosporin a and buthionine sulfoximine (BSO) as a pharmacological strategy for circumvention of MDR in SCLC cell lines selected for resistance to doxorubicin. Anticancer Research 11:455-460, 1991.

59. Bergh J. Biological response modifiers in regional cancer therapy. Invited paper, Eur J Surg S 561:87-90, 1991.

60. Bergh J, Nilsson S, Sivolapenko G, Maripuu E, Stavrou D, Epenetos A. Localization and immunohistochemistry of human gliomas using the MUC 2-63 antibody. In: Monoclonal antibodies, applications in clinical oncology. Ed: AA Epenetos. Chapman & Hall, pp 245-251, 1991.

61. Forsberg K, Bergh J, Westermark B. Expression of functional PDGF b receptors in a human large-cell lung-carcinoma cell line. Int J Cancer 556-560, 1993.

62. Bergh J, Tötterman T, Termander B, Strandgarden K, Gunnarsson PO, Nilsson B. The first clinical pilot study of roquinimex (Linomide®) in cancer patients with special focus on immunological effects. Cancer Invest 15:204-211, 1997.

63. Öberg F, Hult N, Bjare U, Ivhed I, Kivi S, Bergh J, Larsson L-G, Sundström C, Nilsson K. Characterization of a U-937 subline which can be induced to differentiate in serum-free medium. Int J Cancer 50:153-160, 1992.

64. Drabkin H, Mendez MJ, Rabbitts PH, Varkony T, Bergh J, Schlessinger J, Erickson P, Gemmill RM. Characterization of the submicroscopic deletion in the small-cell lung carcinoma cell line U-2020. Genes, chromosomes & cancer 5:67-74, 1992.

65. de la Torre M, Wells AF, Bergh J, Lindgren A. Localization of hyaluronan in normal breast tissue, radial scar, and tubular breast carcinoma. Hum Pathol 24:1294-1297, 1993.

66. Larsson R, Nygren P, Bergh J. Experimentell farmakologisk tumörbehandling med klinisk potential. Läkartidningen 88:4441-4444, 1991.

67. Heldin N-E, Usuki K, Bergh J, Westermark B, Heldin C-H. Differential expression of platelet-derived endothelial cell growth factorthymidine phosphorylase in human lung carcinoma cell lines. Br J Cancer 68:708-711, 1993.

68. de la Torre M, Hao X-Y, Larsson R. Nygren P, Tsuruo, Mannervik B, Bergh J. Characterization of four doxorubicin adapted human breast cancer cell lines with respect to chemotherapeutic drug sensitivity, drug resistance associated membrane proteins and glutathione transferases. Anticancer Res 13:1425-1430, 1993.

69. Westlin J-E, Snook D, Nilsson S, Husin S, Enblad P, Stavrou S, Epenetos A, Bergh J. Intravenous and intratumoural therapy on patients with malignant gliomas with 90Yttrium labelled monoclonal antibody MUC 2-63. Chapman & Hall, pp 17-26, 1993.

70. Bergh J, Larsson R, Nygren P. Resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs in human lung cancer: Is circumvention possible? Lung Cancer 9:307-316, 1993.

71. Larsson R, Fridborg H, Csoka K, Bergh J, Nygren P. Cytotoxic action of cyclosporins on human tumor cell lines is not dependent on immunosuppressive activity. Anticancer Res 12:1581-1586, 1992.

72. Bergh J, Rabbitts P. Biology of human lung cancer. Ed: F.R. Hirsch pp 49-60, 1993.

73. Brodin O, Arnberg H, Bergh J, Nilsson S. Increased radioresistance of an in vitro transformed human small cell lung cancer cell line. Lung Cancer 12:183-198, 1995.

74. Hao XY, Castro V, Bergh J, Sundström B, Mannervik B. Isoenzyme-specific quantitative immunoassays for cytosolic glutathione transferases and measurement of the enzymes in the blood plasma from cancer patients and in tumor cell lines. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1225:223-230, 1994.

75. Pestena S, Björklund G, Larsson R, Nygren P, Nilsson K, Bergh J. Effects of interferons and tumour necrosis factor-a on human lung cancer cell lines and the development of an interferon-resistant lung cancer cell line. Acta Oncologica 35: 473- 478, 1996.

76. de la Torre M, Nygren P, Larsson R, Lindgren A, Tsuruo T, Bergh J. Expression of the 85-kd membrane protein in primary human breast cancer: Relationship to hormone receptor levels, DNA ploidy, and tumor grade. Human Path 26:180-185, 1995.