Adam and Eve. Albrecht Durer. 1504.
From Eve to Elaine: Women and Gender in Jewish History
Meeting Time: Monday and Wednesday 9:00-9:50 AM. We do not meet Thursdays.
Instructor:Ms. Sari Fein
Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 11 AM-12 PM and by appointment
Office:Rabb 213
Since Eve gave Adam the apple back in the Garden of Eden, gender has shaped Jewish history and culture. Yet for many hundreds of years, scholars ignored how deeply this force influenced how we understand ourselves and the world around us. In this course, we will investigate how Jewish manhood and womanhood were constructed, changed, and challenged from antiquity to the present.
Our guiding question for the semester will be: What does it mean to be a Jewish man or Jewish woman? Is the answer the same across time and space? The sources we use to attempt to answer this question will be wide-ranging, from the Bible and rabbis, to medieval memoirs and prayers, to depictions of gender in the popular TV shows Transparent and Seinfeld.
As a University Writing Seminar, the primary goal of this course is to prepare students for college-level academic writing. Students will engage critically with texts, produce, organize and develop ideas, and integrate outside sources to enhance their arguments. Peer reviews, individual conferences, class discussions, and revisions will help students refine their analytical writing skills.
Required Course Texts (available in the bookstore)
Write Now! (A collection of papers written in last year’s UWS classes)
Jewish Women in Historical Perspective, Second Edition, edited by Judith R. Baskin
The Memoirs of Gluckel of Hameln, translated by Marvin Lowenthal
The Elements of Style,by William J. Strunk, Jr. and E.B. White
They Say, I Say: The Moves that Matter in Academic Writing, by Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein
Additional readings will be available in the course pack(available for purchase from me)
Course Requirements
Essay 1: Close Reading Essay. In this essay, you will analyze how scholars understand the role of women and gender in Jewish history.
Essay 2: Lens Essay.In this essay, you will analyzea section from the medieval text The Memoirs of Glückel Of Hamelnthrough the lens ofmodern feminism, and make a claim about how concepts from a modern feminist help to shape your understanding ofGlückel’s Memoirs.
Essay 3: Research Paper. In this paper, you will select a primary text from the late 20th-early 21st century and analyze how it fits into our study of women and gender in Jewish history.
Portfolio: At the end of the semester you will assemble all of your work (including pre-draft assignments, rough drafts, final drafts, and peer review sheets) in an electronic folder and email it to me, together with a letter describing how your understanding of yourself as a writer has changed over the course of the semester. This means that you need to save electronically all your writing from the semester.
Four steps lead up to the final draft of each essay:
- Pre-draft assignments. Each essay will be preceded by two or three pre-draft assignments—short pieces of writing designed to help you develop ideas. These assignments will receive either a check or a note telling you to redo the work and will count as part of your overall grade. You can re-submit any work until the end of the unit.
- First drafts. You are required to turn in a first draft of each essay. These drafts are important opportunities for you to receive feedback from me and your classmates in peer review. I do not expect these drafts to be polished, but I do expect them to be complete—otherwise we cannot give you useful advice.
- Peer Review. After the first draft of each essay is due you will form a group with two of your classmates and read each other’s drafts. In-Class you will give your partners feedback. I will collect your peer review letters and they will count as part of your grade. These activities increase your sense of audience awareness and give you an opportunity to reflect on the concepts we have discussed In-Class.
- Conferences. Each student will have three twenty-minute conferences with me over the course of the semester, one to discuss each first draft. Attendance is required; missing a conference is the equivalent of missing a class. Sign-up sheets will be distributed In-Class.
Class participation: Your consistent participation In-Class sessions constitutes a significant portion of your grade and is the most critical component of a successful course. Class participation includes:
- Your prompt, prepared, alert, consistent attendance
- The completion of reading assignments by the dates listed in the syllabus
- Your thoughtful contributions to class discussions
Writing Center: The University Writing Center, located in Goldfarb 232 on the Goldfarb mezzanine of the library, provides free one-on-one help with your essays. You are strongly encouraged to take advantage of this service. Writing Center tutors are well trained and will work with you in 45 minute sessions that you can schedule online: ( ). Students who take advantage of this service will receive a form during their tutorial that will entitle them to a 24-hour extension on the final draft of their essay.Essays will be due electronically by 11:59 PM on the following day (i.e. if an assignment is due Monday at 11:59 PM, with the extension it will be due on Tuesday at 11:59 PM, regardless of when the student went to the writing center). Only one extension is allowed per essay.
Close reading essay: 20%
Lens essay: 25%
Research paper: 35%
Class participation and professionalism (includes research presentations): 10%
Portfolio (includes Latte posts, pre-drafts, and peer reviews): 10%
Occasionally, extra credit may be offered. Note that I consider extra credit holistically, at the end of the semester.
All essays will be submitted to me and your peers electronically. Essays must use 1-inch margins and 12 point Times New Roman font. Essays must have a title and be double-spaced. Most assignments will be submitted online via LATTE.
Late Work, Extensions and Minimum Page Requirements
I am usually willing to offer extensions, given legitimate reasons. If a catastrophe happens and you are afraid your work will not be completed in time, contact me more than 24 hours before the due date and arrange for an extension. Otherwise, late work, including first drafts, will be penalized by a third of a grade per day (B+BB- and so on) on the final essay. If anessay is due electronically at 11:59 PM and you submit it at midnight, it is late. In addition, final essays that do not meet minimum page/word count requirements will be penalized by a third of a grade for each page that the essay falls short.
Missing classes is strongly discouraged. You are allowed three absences. For each additional absence your final grade will be penalized by a third of a grade. Seven or more absences will result in a failing grade. Please contact me in the event of an emergency.
Laptops and cell phones are not allowed in this class unless you require special accommodations.
Academic Honesty
You are expected to be honest in all of your academic work. The University policy on academic honesty is distributed annually in section 5 of the Rights and Responsibilities handbook. Instances of alleged dishonesty will be forwarded to the Office of Campus Life for possible referral to the Student Judicial System. Potential sanctions include failure in the course and suspension from the University. If you have any questions about my expectations, please ask.
If you are a student with a documented disability on record at Brandeis University and wish to have a reasonable accommodation made for you In-Class, please see me right away.
UWS Outcomes
Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing
- Use writing and discussion to work through and interpret complex ideas from readings and other texts (e.g., visual, musical, verbal)
- Critically analyze your own and others' choices regarding language and form (e.g., in student texts or formally published texts)
- Engage in multiple modes of inquiry using text (e.g., field research, library-based inquiry, web searching)
- Incorporate significant research (as above) into writing that engages a question and/or topic and uses it as a central theme for a substantive, research-based paper
- Use writing to support interpretations of text, and understand that there are multiple interpretations of text
- Consider and express the relationship of your own ideas to the ideas of others
- Use written, visual, and/or experience-based texts as tools to develop ideas for writing
- Understand that writing takes place through recurring processes of invention, revision, and editing
- Develop successful, flexible strategies for your own writing through the processes of invention, revision, and editing
- Experience and understand the collaborative and social aspects of writing processes
- Learn to critique your own and others' work
- Be reflective about your writing processes
Knowledge of Conventions
- Understand the conventions of particular genres of writing
- Use conventions associated with a range of dialects, particularly standardized written English (but not necessarily limited to it)
- Recognize and address patterns in your writing that unintentionally diverge from patterns expected by their audience/s
- Practice using academic citational systems (Chicago Manual of Style) for documenting work
Four-Credit Course
Success in this 4 credit hour course is based on the expectation that students will spend a minimum of 9 hours of study time per week in preparation for class (readings, essays, discussion sections, preparation for exams, etc.).
Unit 1: Close Reading
Week 1
Wed. Jan. 10In-Class: Introductions, syllabus and course policies
Week 2
Wed. Jan. 17Read: “Introduction,” by Judith R. Baskin, in Jewish Women
Write: What are some of the challenges of studying women in Jewish history? What are some ways scholars have responded? Cite at least one piece of evidence from the reading (with page number) in your response. Post on Latte by5:00 PM on Tuesday, 1/16 (min. 250 words).
In-Class: Studying history from a feminist/gender-conscious perspective, close reading assignment sequence, close reading vocabulary
Week 3
Mon. Jan. 22Read: “Portrayals of Women in the Hebrew Bible,” by Susan Niditch, in Jewish Women
Write: Explain one instance in the reading that you found puzzling and cite the page number. Post on Latte by 5:00 PM on Sun. Sept. 10 (min. 250 words).
In-Class: Biblical women, elements of the academic essay, Element 1: writing a thesis statement
Wed. Jan. 24 Read: “Eve and Adam: Genesis 2 and 3 Reread,” Phyllis Trible [CP]
Write: Close ReadingPre-Draft 1.1 due by 11:59 PM on Tuesday, 1/23
In-Class: Eve: the first woman, Element 2: motivating moves/motive
Week 4
Mon. Jan. 29Read: None
Write: Pre-Draft 1.2 due on Latte by 5:00 PM on Sunday, 1/28Respond to peers by 11:59 PM on Mon., 9/18
In-Class: Elements 6 and 7: structure and stitching, grading rubric
Wed. Jan. 31 Read: “The Image and Status of Women In-Classical Rabbinic Judaism,” by Judith Romney Wegner, in Jewish Women
Write: Draft of Essay #1 due with cover letter due electronically by 11:59 PM Thurs. 2/1 to me and your peers
In-Class: Rabbinic Judaism
Week 5
Mon. Feb. 5 Read: Your peers’ essays
Write: Peer review letters and comments on their essays due by 5:00 PM on Sunday, 2/4. Email your peers their letters and essays AND also post the peer letters to Latte.
In-Class: Introductions and conclusions (Elements 9 and 10: reflecting and orienting), peer review workshop
Wed. Feb 7 Read: Essay from Write Now! TBA
Write: None
In Class: Workshop Write Now! essay, focusing on thesis, structure, and frame
Revision of Essay #1 with cover letter due electronically by 11:59 PM on Sun. 2/11
Unit 2: How to Work with a Text as a Lens
Week 6
Mon. Feb12Read: None
Write: None
In-Class: Reflect on close reading essay, lens assignment sequence, what is a lens
Wed. Feb 14Read: “Try to Be a Man: The Rabbinic Construction of Masculinity,” by Michael Satlow [CP]
Write: None
In-Class: Rabbinic construction of gender(s), how to read rabbinic texts (Mishnah Bikkurim 4:1-3 on “hermaphrodites”)
Week 7
Week 8
Mon. Feb 26Read: Lens (Dear Ijeawele or a Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions, pp. 1-4 and 11-24) [CP]
Write: Pre-draft 2.1 due at class time (bring a hard copy to class AND submit on Latte)
In-Class: Review 2.1, sharpening the lens exercise
Wed. Feb 28Read: The Memoirs of Glückel Of Hameln, book 3
Write: Explain what in Glückel’s Memoirs surprised you or challenged your thinking about women in Jewish history. Cite at least one piece of text as evidence in your response. Post on Latteby5 PM on Tuesday, Feb. 27 (min. 250 words)
In-Class: Jewish women in medieval Europe
Week 9
Mon. March 5 Read: The Memoirs of Glückel Of Hameln, book 4
Write: Pre-draft 2.2 due 11:59 PM
In-Class: The mini-lens, tkhines
Wed. March 7Read: Write Now!Lens Essay TBA
Write: Summarize the argument and comment on the ways that the writer integrates the primary and lens texts for the Write Nowessay. Cite at least one piece of evidence with a page number. Post on Latteby 5 PM on Tuesday, March 6 (min. 250 words).
In-Class: Write Now!analysis and building paragraphs upon each other/the anti-walk-through
Post thesis and motive to Latte by 5 PM on Thurs., March 8
*Optional: for additional feedback
Week 10
Draft of Essay#2 with cover letter due electronically by 11:59 PM to me and your peers on Sun., March 11
Mon. March 12Read:“Jewish Women in the Middle Ages,” by Judith R. Baskin, in Jewish Women
Write: None
In Class:Element 12: Style workshop: passive voice, omitting needless words, Strengthening our Sentences (SOS)
Email your peers their letters and essays AND post the letters to LATTE by 11:59 PM on Tues., March 13
Wed. March 14 Read: Your peers’ essays
Write: None
In-Class: Element 3: Integrating evidence to support your claims, peer review workshop
Revision of Essay #2 with cover letter due electronically by 11:59 PM on Sun., 3/18
Unit 3: Research Paper
Week 11
Mon. March 19Read: None
Write: None
In-Class: Discussion of the Research Paper, Element 8: evaluating sources
Wed. March 21Read: Complete library tutorial on Latte before class
Write: Choose the text you will be analyzing for the research paper and post on Latte by 5 PM on Tues. 3/20
In-Class: Library session: meet at front desk of library at 8:55
Pre-Draft 3.1 (Research paper plan) due by 11:59 PM on Sun. 3/25
Week 12
Mon. March 26 Read: Research Essay from Write Now! TBA
Write: Mark up elements of the academic essay in above
In-Class: Modeling a research paper
Element 3: Quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing
Wed. March 28Read: “Gender and the Immigrant Jewish Experience in the United States,” by Paula Hyman, in Jewish Women
Write: None
In Class: CMS citations and plagiarism, Jewish immigration to America in the 20th century
Pre-Draft 3.2 (Annotated bibliography) due by 11:59 PM on Sun. 4/1
Week 13
During break: Pre-draft 3.3(Outline) due by 11:59 PM on Sun. 4/8
Week 14
Mon. April 9 Watch: Hester Street (on Latte)
Write: How does gender play a role in the assimilation of Jewish immigrants to America at the turn of the 20th century?Cite evidence from the film. Post a paragraph on Latte by5 PM on Sun., 4/8 (min. 250 words).
In-Class: Discussion of film, Element 13: titles
Wed. April 11 Read: None
Write: None
In Class: Short presentations on research papers
Draft of research paper due by 11:59 PM on Sun. 4/15
Week 15
Mon. April 16In-Class: Short presentations on research papers, portfolio instructions
Wed. April 18Read: Your peers’ essays
Write: Peer review letters and comments on their papers due by 5:00 PM on Sun., April 22. Email your peers their letters and papers and also post the peer letters to Latte.
In-Class: Short presentations on research papers, course wrap-up and reflection
Week 16
Mon. April 23Summative writing assessment
~*Semi-annual Christmas party*~
Post Term
Sun. April 30Portfolios due electronically by 11:59 PM (must be in one document/zipped file folder), including: portfolio cover letter, final research cover letter and final research paper. See portfolio handout for order of assignments.
*Please complete course evaluations by the deadline!