Geologic Timeline – Reference Table HW

  1. List these 3 geologic eras from oldest to youngest:
Mesozoic, Cenozoic, Paleozoic
  1. List the 3 periods that make up the Mesozoic era, in order from oldest to youngest.
  1. Which period is older – Devonian or Silurian?
  1. How long did the Jurassic period last?
  1. How long ago did the Precambrian era end and the Phanerozoic era begin?
  1. Approximately how old are the oldest known rocks?
  1. In which period did the earliest insects appear?
  2. What is the time range of the period in the previous question? (Ex. ___ million yrs to ___ million yrs)
  1. In which period did the earliest birds appear?
  2. What is the time range of the period in the previous question?
  1. Which developed first – grasses or dinosaurs?
  1. What geologic period are we currently in?
  1. What is the age range of trilobites?
  1. Name 2 species of trilobite.
  1. What is the age range of ammonoids?
  1. What is the age range of all dinosaurs?
  1. What is a Coelophysis?
  1. Approximately when did Pangea begin to break up?
  1. When did the Adirondack Mountains begin to form?
  1. Around 458 million years ago, what hemisphere contained most of the Earth’s landmass?
  1. During which time period were glaciers (aka “continental ice”) most recently active in New YorkState?
/ Geologic Timeline – Reference Table HW

  1. List these 3 geologic eras from oldest to youngest:
Mesozoic, Cenozoic, Paleozoic
  1. List the 3 periods that make up the Mesozoic era, in order from oldest to youngest.
  1. Which period is older – Devonian or Silurian?
  1. How long did the Jurassic period last?
  1. How long ago did the Precambrian era end and the Phanerozoic era begin?
  1. Approximately how old are the oldest known rocks?
  1. In which period did the earliest insects appear?
  2. What is the time range of the period in the previous question? (Ex. ___ million yrs to ___ million yrs)
  1. In which period did the earliest birds appear?
  2. What is the time range of the period in the previous question?
  1. Which developed first – grasses or dinosaurs?
  1. What geologic period are we currently in?
  1. What is the age range of trilobites?
  1. Name 2 species of trilobite.
  1. What is the age range of ammonoids?
  1. What is the age range of all dinosaurs?
  1. What is a Coelophysis?
  1. Approximately when did Pangea begin to break up?
  1. When did the Adirondack Mountains begin to form?
  1. Around 458 million years ago, what hemisphere contained most of the Earth’s landmass?
  1. During which time period were glaciers (aka “continental ice”) most recently active in New YorkState?