MM102/DMT112Digital Design – Section A – Fall2011

Instructor Name: Robert RendaCourse Location and Meeting Times: C019

Section A: Tues.Thurs. 8:00 – 9:55 AM

Email: hone Number: 518.762.4651 x3403


Office Hours:M, W, F (9:00 – 10:00am), T, TH (11:00 am - Noon) or by appointment


Course Description:

This course focuses on content design in a digital world. The creation of 3D worlds and 3D animations teach the student the importance of lighting, color and texture in a digital world. This course also explores digital video and sound editing technologies to provide the student with production experience as a means of showcasing his or her work. Students learn the fundamentals of a digital portfolio and multimedia authoring. Prerequisite: DMT 111 or permission of Instructor. Prerequisite for non-majors: DMT 101 or ART 150, or permission of Instructor.

This course combines lecture and hands-on laboratory experiences.

Hours per week: 2 – lecture, 2 – lab. Credits: 3

Student Learning Outcomes:

  1. The student will be able to define multimedia and understand how multimedia technologies influence what we do in an information age.
  2. The student will be able to create 3D images and animations.
  3. The student will be able to create and edit digital video content using Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.
  4. The student will be able to define sound file characteristics and create digital sound files utilizing Adobe SoundBooth CS5
  5. The student will be able to define and utilize computer hardware associated with creating multimedia content.
  6. The student will be able to define how the Internet and World Wide Web are enhanced by multimedia technologies and content.

Grading Method:

Lab exercises30 %

Projects 50 %

Final Project20 %

Grading Scale:
93 <= Avg <= 100 is / A / 77 <= Avg < 80 is / C+
90 <= Avg < 93 is / A- / 70 <= Avg < 77 is / C
87 <= Avg < 90 is / B+ / 60 <= Avg < 70 is / D
83 <= Avg < 87 is / B / Avg < 60 is / F
80 <= Avg < 83 is / B-

Student Responsibilities:

Students are expected to participate in all classroom and on-line discussions. Assignments are expected to be turned in on time. A reduction in grade occurs for work turned in late. Students are also expected to attend every class. If for dire circumstances only, you cannot make it to class, please call or email me prior to class. My office is located in C-135M, office hours will be posted after the first day of class. Appointments are welcome outside of the posted office hours.
Contact: email – phone – (518)762-4651 x3403


Required Text: HOW TO CHEAT IN ADOBE FLASH CS5, Georgeness


Required Equipment: USB drive at least 1 GB, and a cheap pair of headphones.



Students are also expected to attend every class. If for dire circumstances only, you cannot make it to class, please call or email me prior to class.

Students With Disabilities Policy:
Fulton-Montgomery Community College is committed to providing reasonable accommodations, including core services, to qualified students with disabilities. For additional information or to register for services, go to:

Academic Integrity Policy:
Academic integrity refers to a code of values that support and direct the education process. This code is based on legal, ethical, and educational concerns. Education in large part consists of the acquisition and demonstration of knowledge according to acceptable standards. Students must be familiar with these standards and will be held accountable for their use. Not being familiar with these standards is not an excuse for their breach. For additional information, go to:

Fulton-MontgomeryCommunity College
Calendar: MM-102A/DMT112A
Week / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
1 / 9/5
Labor Day
College Closed / 9/6
Convocation / 9/7 / 9/8
Introductions --
Syllabus and
Calendar / 9/9 / 9/10
2 / 9/12 / 9/13
Photoshop Basics / 9/14 / 9/15
PhotoShop Labs 1-3 Due / 9/16 / 9/17
3 / 9/19 / 9/20
Illustrator Basics / 9/21 / 9/22
Illustrator Labs 1-2 Due / 9/23 / 9/24
4 / 9/26 / 9/27
Illustrator Perspective Tool / 9/28 / 9/29
Logo Project Due / 9/30 / 10/1
5 / 10/3 / 10/4
Illustrator Perspective Tool 2 / 10/5 / 10/6
Illustrator Perspective Lab 1 Due / 10/7 / 10/8
6 / 10/10
Columbus Day
College Closed / 10/11
Flash Drawing / 10/12 / 10/13
Illustrator Perspective Lab 2 Due / 10/14 / 10/15
7 / 10/17 / 10/18
Schedule Adjuster Day / 10/19 / 10/20
Perspective Project Due / 10/21 / 10/22
8 / 10/24 / 10/25
Flash Animation / 10/27
Looping Sequence Lab Due / 10/28 / 10/29
9 / 10/31 / 11/1
Flash Animation 2 / 11/2 / 11/3
Looping Intro Sequence Project Due / 11/4 / 11/5
10 / 11/7 / 11/8
Rotoscoping in Flash / 11/9 / 11/10
Schedule Adjuster Day / 11/11
Veteran’s Day
College Closed / 11/12
11 / 11/14 / 11/15
Scrolling Background / 11/16 / 11/17
Scrolling Background Lab Due / 11/18 / 11/19
12 / 11/21 / 11/22
Walking Dude in Flash / 11/23 / 11/24
College Closed / 11/25
College Closed / 11/26
College Closed
13 / 11/28 / 11/29
Talking Dude in Flash / 11/30 / 12/1
Walking Dude Lab Due / 12/2 / 12/3
14 / 12/5 / 12/6
Polishing Your Cartoon / 12/7 / 12/8
Cartoon Short Project Due / 12/9 / 12/10
15 / 12/12 / 12/13
Distributing Your Digital Designs / 12/14 / 12/15
All Assignments Due
Final Projects Showcase
Closing Remarks / 12/16 / 12/17
16 / 12/19
Final Exams / 12/20
Final Exams / 12/21
Snow Day Final Exams
Final Grades Due / 12/2 / 12/23
College Closed / 12/24
17 / 12/2
College Closed / 12/27
College Closed / 12/28
College Closed / 12/29
College Closed / 12/30
College Closed / 12/31