VBS 2016 Submerged Snack Rotation Overview

Purpose Statement

This plan is designed to train and equip leaders to conduct LifeWay’s Submerged snack rotation.

Focal Wall Description – Use a panel from the VBS Supersized Backdrop or the VBS Super Duper Sized Backdrop. Add the Deep Sea Snacks Rotation sign. There is a VBS Signpost (005737579) available if you want to attach the rotation sign to it. Use the Bible Story Pictures from the Grades 3-4 Bible Study Leader Pack. You may also choose to hang up the VBS 2016 scripture poster and the VBS 2016 motto poster from the VBS 2016 Visual Pack.

Room Setup

Set up several tables to use as stations to fix snacks you will be preparing during the conference. Set chairs up in a semi-circle for the conferees.

Resources to Gather

VBS 2016 Snack Rotation Recipe Cards, a Bible, VBS 2016 tablecloths, bowls, cups, spoons (items needed for recipes), hand sanitizer, plates and napkins. For the Bible related snacks you will need:

· Jesus Saw Zacchaeus – Snack: Zacchaeus Tree with pretzel rods and grapes

· Woman at the Well – Snack: Woman at the Well Blue Jell-O Cups

· Jesus Saw Nicodemus – Snack: Dark of Night Moon Pies

· Jesus Saw a Blind Man – Snack: Blind Man’s Mud

· Jesus Saw the Children – Snack: Jesus Saw Children Cookie Supplies

· Theme Snack – Below the Surface Snack Mix

Teaching Steps

Greet conferees as they enter the room. Pray.

Introduce Submerged theme, including the scripture and motto.

VBS Scripture: “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my concerns. See if there is any offensive way in me; lead me in the everlasting way.” Psalm 139:23-24.

VBS Motto: Jesus sees, Jesus Knows, Jesus Saves.

Introduce the VBS 2016 Snack Rotation Recipe Cards. Point out that they should be prepared and sensitive during snack rotation to share the gospel with children as they make conversation. Show the “Sharing the Gospel” snack card.

Key Points

Cards contain ideas for both preschool and children’s snacks plus 12 ideas for dinner options.

Five of the cards contain the daily biblical content information. This includes the session title, information about the Bible study, the key verse reference, and Today’s Point and Christ Connection for both preschool and children. The back of each card contains a “Kid Connection”, a prayer suggestion, and a Bible related snack.

The set contains over 30 recipes. You can choose to serve snacks that are completely ready to eat or save some steps so children can participate in fixing the snack. There are also ideas for store bought snacks. You just give them fun names. These suggestions work well when you have a short snack rotation.

Day 1 – Jesus saw Zacchaeus. Bible Study is Luke 19: 1-10

Preschool Children

Today’s Point: Jesus knows me. Jesus knows who I really am

Christ Connection: Jesus taught people that the kingdom of God had come and that salvation is available to all.

Kid Connection: What did Zacchaeus do so he could see Jesus? Did Jesus know who Zacchaeus was? Did Zacchaeus change?

Have conferees make the snack “Zacchaeus Tree”. Supplies: grapes, pretzel rods, pretzel sticks, plates

Day 2 – Woman at the Well. Bible study is John 4: 1-42

Preschool Children

Today’s Point: Jesus knows everything about Jesus knows my worth. about me.

Christ Connection: Jesus taught people that the kingdom of God had come and that salvation is available to all.

Kid Connection: Did Jesus know everything about the woman at the well? Does Jesus know everything about us? What are some things that only Jesus knows?

Either show Blue Jell-O Cups or show the picture from the snack card.

Day 3 – Jesus Saw Nicodemus. Bible study is John 3:1-21; 19:38-42

Preschool Children

Today’s Point: Jesus has a plan for me Jesus knows I need a Savior.

Christ Connection: Jesus taught people that the kingdom of God had come and that salvation is available to all.

Kid Connection: Why did God send His Son? What are the ABC’s of Becoming a Christian? Who can we tell about Jesus?

Either show a chocolate moon pie or show picture of them from the snack card.

Day 4 – Jesus Saw a Blind Man. Bible study is John 9

Preschool Children

Today’s Point: Jesus cares about me. Jesus knows my purpose.

Christ Connection: Jesus taught people that the kingdom of God had come and that salvation is available to all.

Kid Connection: How did Jesus use mud in today’s story? How do you think it would feel to see for the first time? What would you be most excited to see?

Either have conferees fix Blind Man’s Mud or explain recipe from the card.

Day 5 – Jesus Saw the Children. Bible story is Mark 10: 13-16.

Preschool Children

Today’s Point: Jesus loves me. Jesus loves and accepts me.

Christ Connection: Jesus taught people that the kingdom of God had come and that salvation is available to all.

Kid Connection: Why do you think the disciples thought Jesus wouldn’t want to see the kids? What are ways you can serve in your church?

Either have conferees decorate round sugar cookies to fix “Jesus Saw Children Cookies” or show the picture. Supplies: Round sugar cookies, red string licorice, M&M’s chocolate candies, red, yellow, white and brown frosting. You also need small paper plates, napkins and plastic knives.

Choose a Theme related snack for conferees to make. A popular one is Recipe 18 “Below the Surface Snack Mix”. Supplies: Multi colored Goldfish, White cheddar crackers, Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal and Caramel Corn. Mix the ingredients in a large bowl and serve. Also supply small 4 ounce or 6 ounce cups for serving the snack.


Ask if there are any questions or suggestions. Close in prayer.