Geographic information— Normative references and bibliography
Élémentintroductif— Élément central— Élémentcomplémentaire
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Contents Page
2How to do it
3Normative references
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IECDirectives, Part2 (see
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The committee responsiblefor this document is ISO/XXX
This second/third/... edition cancels and replaces the first/second/... edition (), [clause(s) / subclause(s) / table(s) / figure(s) / annex(es)] of which [has / have] been technically revised.
ISO XXXX consists of the following parts. [Add information as necessary.]
©ISO2016– All rightsreserved / 1ISO/FDIS99999:2016(E)
Geographic information— Normative references and bibliography
This document shall give the project leaders and editors of ISO/TC 211 an easier way to include normative references and bibliography in their drafts without lots of typing.
2How to do it
Copy the documents you need into the normative reference clause and the bibliography. Both lists are formatted as they shall be in the standard, so the formatting can be copied with the text.
The list includes document at the DIS-, FDIS and IS (or TS/TR) stage. Where a revision has reached the FDIS stage, the previous version is not included. Note that when a revision has reached DIS, this is the version that shall be used as a reference. Two versions of a standard shall not be referenced in the same document.
3Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 6709:2008, Standard representation of geographic point location by coordinates
ISO 19101-1:2014, Geographic information— Reference model— Part 1: Fundamentals
ISO/TS 19101-2:2008, Geographic information— Reference model— Part 2: Imagery
ISO 19103:2015, Geographic information— Conceptual schema language
ISO 19104:—[1]),Geographic information— Terminology
ISO 19105:2000, Geographic information— Conformance and testing
ISO 19106:2004, Geographic information— Profiles
ISO 19107:2003, Geographic information— Spatial schema
ISO 19108:2002, Geographic information— Temporal schema
ISO 19109:2015, Geographic information— Rules for application schema
ISO 19110:2005, Geographic information— Methodology for feature cataloguing
ISO 19111:2007, Geographic information— Spatial referencing by coordinates
ISO 19111-2:2009, Geographic information— Spatial referencing by coordinates— Part 2: Extension for parametric values
ISO 19112:2003, Geographic information— Spatial referencing by geographic identifiers
ISO 19115-1:2014, Geographic information— Metadata— Part 1: Fundamentals
ISO 19115-2:2009, Geographic information— Metadata— Part 2: Extensions for imagery and gridded data
ISO/TS 19115-3:—1), Geographic information— Metadata— Part 3 XML schema implementation of metadata fundamentals
ISO 19116:2004, Geographic information— Positioning services
ISO 19117:2005, Geographic information— Portrayal
ISO 19118:2005, Geographic information— Encoding
ISO 19119:2016, Geographic information— Services
ISO 19123:2005, Geographic information— Schema for coverage geometry and functions
ISO 19125-1:2004, Geographic information— Simple feature access— Part 1: Common architecture
ISO 19125-2:2004, Geographic information— Simple feature access— Part 2: SQL option
ISO 19126:2009, Geographic information— Feature concept dictionaries and registers
ISO/TS 19127:2005, Geographic information— Geodetic codes and parameters
ISO 19128:2005, Geographic information— Web map server interface
ISO/TS 19129:2009, Geographic information— Imagery, gridded and coverage data framework
ISO 19130:2010, Geographic information— Imagery sensor models for geopositioning
ISO 19130-2:2014, Geographic information— Imagery sensor models for geopositioning— Part 2: SAR, InSAR, Lidar and Sonar
ISO 19131:2007, Geographic information— Data product specifications
ISO 19132:2007, Geographic information— Location-based services— Reference model
ISO 19133:2005, Geographic information— Location-based services— Tracking and navigation
ISO 19134:2007, Geographic information— Location-based services— Multimodal tracking and navigation
ISO 19135-1:2015, Geographic information— Procedures for item registration— Part 1: Fundamentals
ISO/TS 19135-2:2012, Geographic information— Procedures for item registration— Part 2: XML schema implementation
ISO 19136:2007, Geographic information— Geography Markup Language (GML)
ISO 19136-2:2015, Geographic information— Geography Markup Language (GML)— Part 2: Extended schemas and encoding rules
ISO 19137:2007, Geographic information— Core profile of the spatial schema
ISO/TS 19139:2007, Geographic information— Metadata— XML schema implementation
ISO/TS 19139-2:2012, Geographic information— Metadata— XML schema implementation— Part 2: Extensions for imagery and gridded data
ISO 19141:2008, Geographic information— Schema for moving features
ISO 19142:2010, Geographic information— Web Feature Service
ISO 19143:2010, Geographic information— Filter encoding
ISO 19144-1:2009, Geographic information— Classification systems— Part 1: Classification system structure
ISO 19144-2:2012, Geographic information— Classification systems— Part 2: Land Cover Meta Language (LCML)
ISO 19145:2013, Geographic information— Registry of representations of geographic point location
ISO 19146:2010, Geographic information— Cross-domain vocabularies
ISO 19147:2015, Geographic information— Transfer nodes
ISO 19148:2012, Geographic information— Linear referencing
ISO 19149:2011, Geographic information— Rights expression language for geographic information— GeoREL
ISO 19150-1:2012, Geographic information— Ontology— Part 1: Framework
ISO 19150-2:2015, Geographic information— Ontology— Part 2: Rules for developing ontologies in the Web Ontology Language (OWL)
ISO 19152:2012, Geographic information— Land Administration Domain Model (LADM)
ISO 19153:2014, Geospatial Digital Rights Management Reference Model (GeoDRM RM)
ISO 19154:2014, Geographic information— Ubiquitous public access— Reference model
ISO 19155:2012, Geographic information— Place Identifier (PI) architecture
ISO 19155-2:—1), Geographic information— Place Identifier (PI) architecture— Part 2: Place Identifier (PI) linking
ISO 19156:2011, Geographic information— Observations and measurements
ISO 19157:2013, Geographic information— Data quality
ISO/TS 19157-2:—1), Geographic information— Data quality— Part 2: XML Schema Implementation of ISO 19157
ISO/TS 19158:2012, Geographic information— Quality assurance of data supply
ISO/TS 19159-1:2014, Geographic information— Calibration and validation of remote sensing imagery sensors— Part :1 Optical sensors Observations and measurements
ISO/TS 19159-2:—1), Geographic information— Calibration and validation of remote sensing imagery sensors— Part 2: Lidar
ISO/TS 19159-3:—1), Geographic information— Calibration and validation of remote sensing imagery sensors— Part3: SAR/InSAR
ISO 19160-1:2015, Addressing— Part 1: Conceptual model
ISO 19160-4:—1), Addressing— Part 4: International postal address components and template languages
ISO 19160-5:—1), Addressing— Part 5: Address rendering for purposes other than mail
ISO 19161:—1), Geodetic References
ISO 19162:2015, Geographic information— Well known text representation of coordinate reference systems
ISO/TS 19163-1:2016, Geographic information— Content components and encoding rules for imagery and gridded data— Part 1: Content model
ISO 19165:—1), Geographic information— Preservation of digital data and metadata
The secretariat plans to update the list as new documents reach the DIS, FDIS or IS stage, but beg your understanding that it may not be done immediately.
[1]ISO 6709:2008, Standard representation of geographic point location by coordinates
[2]ISO 19101-1:2014, Geographic information— Reference model— Part 1: Fundamentals
[3]ISO/TS 19101-2:2008, Geographic information— Reference model— Part 2: Imagery
[4]ISO 19103:2015, Geographic information— Conceptual schema language
[5]ISO 19104:—[2]), Geographic information— Terminology
[6]ISO 19105:2000, Geographic information— Conformance and testing
[7]ISO 19106:2004, Geographic information— Profiles
[8]ISO 19107:2003, Geographic information— Spatial schema
[9]ISO 19108:2002, Geographic information— Temporal schema
[10]ISO 19109:2015, Geographic information— Rules for application schema
[11]ISO 19110:2005, Geographic information— Methodology for feature cataloguing
[12]ISO 19111:2007, Geographic information— Spatial referencing by coordinates
[13]ISO 19111-2:2009, Geographic information— Spatial referencing by coordinates— Part 2: Extension for parametric values
[14]ISO 19112:2003, Geographic information— Spatial referencing by geographic identifiers
[15]ISO 19115-1:2014, Geographic information— Metadata— Part 1: Fundamentals
[16]ISO 19115-2:2009, Geographic information— Metadata— Part 2: Extensions for imagery and gridded data
[17]ISO/TS 19115-3:—2), Geographic information— Metadata— Part 3 XML schema implementation of metadata fundamentals
[18]ISO 19116:2004, Geographic information— Positioning services
[19]ISO 19117:2005, Geographic information— Portrayal
[20]ISO 19118:2005, Geographic information— Encoding
[21]ISO 19119:2016, Geographic information— Services
[22]ISO 19123:2005, Geographic information— Schema for coverage geometry and functions
[23]ISO 19125-1:2004, Geographic information— Simple feature access— Part 1: Common architecture
[24]ISO 19125-2:2004, Geographic information— Simple feature access— Part 2: SQL option
[25]ISO 19126:2009, Geographic information— Feature concept dictionaries and registers
[26]ISO/TS 19127:2005, Geographic information— Geodetic codes and parameters
[27]ISO 19128:2005, Geographic information— Web map server interface
[28]ISO/TS 19129:2009, Geographic information— Imagery, gridded and coverage data framework
[29]ISO 19130:2010, Geographic information— Imagery sensor models for geopositioning
[30]ISO 19130-2:2014, Geographic information— Imagery sensor models for geopositioning— Part 2: SAR, InSAR, Lidar and Sonar
[31]ISO 19131:2007, Geographic information— Data product specifications
[32]ISO 19132:2007, Geographic information— Location-based services— Reference model
[33]ISO 19133:2005, Geographic information— Location-based services— Tracking and navigation
[34]ISO 19134:2007, Geographic information— Location-based services— Multimodal tracking and navigation
[35]ISO 19135-1:2015, Geographic information— Procedures for item registration— Part 1: Fundamentals
[36]ISO/TS 19135-2:2012, Geographic information— Procedures for item registration— Part 2: XML schema implementation
[37]ISO 19136:2007, Geographic information— Geography Markup Language (GML)
[38]ISO 19136-2:2015, Geographic information— Geography Markup Language (GML)— Part 2: Extended schemas and encoding rules
[39]ISO 19137:2007, Geographic information— Core profile of the spatial schema
[40]ISO/TS 19139:2007, Geographic information— Metadata— XML schema implementation
[41]ISO/TS 19139-2:2012, Geographic information— Metadata— XML schema implementation— Part 2: Extensions for imagery and gridded data
[42]ISO 19141:2008, Geographic information— Schema for moving features
[43]ISO 19142:2010, Geographic information— Web Feature Service
[44]ISO 19143:2010, Geographic information— Filter encoding
[45]ISO 19144-1:2009, Geographic information— Classification systems— Part 1: Classification system structure
[46]ISO 19144-2:2012, Geographic information— Classification systems— Part 2: Land Cover Meta Language (LCML)
[47]ISO 19145:2013, Geographic information— Registry of representations of geographic point location
[48]ISO 19146:2010, Geographic information— Cross-domain vocabularies
[49]ISO 19147:2015, Geographic information— Transfer nodes
[50]ISO 19148:2012, Geographic information— Linear referencing
[51]ISO 19149:2011, Geographic information— Rights expression language for geographic information— GeoREL
[52]ISO 19150-1:2012, Geographic information— Ontology— Part 1: Framework
[53]ISO 19150-2:2015, Geographic information— Ontology— Part 2: Rules for developing ontologies in the Web Ontology Language (OWL)
[54]ISO 19152:2012, Geographic information— Land Administration Domain Model (LADM)
[55]ISO 19153:2014, Geospatial Digital Rights Management Reference Model (GeoDRM RM)
[56]ISO 19154:2014, Geographic information— Ubiquitous public access— Reference model
[57]ISO 19155:2012, Geographic information— Place Identifier (PI) architecture
[58]ISO 19155-2:—2), Geographic information— Place Identifier (PI) architecture— Part 2: Place Identifier (PI) linking
[59]ISO 19156:2011, Geographic information— Observations and measurements
[60]ISO 19157:2013, Geographic information— Data quality
[61]ISO/TS 19157-2:—2), Geographic information— Data quality— Part 2: XML Schema Implementation of ISO 19157
[62]ISO/TS 19158:2012, Geographic information— Quality assurance of data supply
[63]ISO/TS 19159-1:2014, Geographic information— Calibration and validation of remote sensing imagery sensors— Part :1 Optical sensors Observations and measurements
[64]ISO/TS 19159-2:—2), Geographic information— Calibration and validation of remote sensing imagery sensors— Part 2: Lidar
[65]ISO/TS 19159-3:—2), Geographic information— Calibration and validation of remote sensing imagery sensors— Part 3: SAR/InSAR
[66]ISO 19160-1:2015, Addressing— Part 1: Conceptual model
[67]ISO 19160-4:—2), Addressing— Part 4: International postal address components and template languages
[68]ISO 19160-5:—2), Addressing— Part 5: Address rendering for purposes other than mail
[69]ISO 19161:—2), Geodetic References
[70]ISO 19162:2015, Geographic information— Well known text representation of coordinate reference systems
[71]ISO/TS 19163-1:2016, Geographic information— Content components and encoding rules for imagery and gridded data— Part 1: Content model
[72]ISO 19165:—2), Geographic information— Preservation of digital data and metadata
©ISO2016– All rightsreserved / 1[1])To be published.
[2])To be published.