GEOG 1000 Service Learning Project Assignment #1

Answer the following questions about Haiti. Cite references. Attempt to find references that are credible and unbiased.

1. What is average Haitian person’s life like? What type of house do they live in? What do they eat? What is school like for chidren? Where do adults work? - How much money do they earn? Is there health care? Etc.

2. Why are so many Haitians so poor? You may need to discuss some history and current sociological issues to explain this.

3. Why have the forests been cut down in Haiti?

4. What is the most common crop in Haiti? Does this help feed people in Haiti directly.

4. Why are hurricanes so common and so destructive in Haiti?

5. Describe and explain the effects of the 2008 Hurricane Season in Haiti.

6. Discuss what Haiti needs – how can we here in Ephraim help?

7. What charities to you think will best meet the needs discussed in #7.

GEOG 1000 Service Learning Project Assignment #2.

1. go to:

Describe what you learned about how to tell if a charity is a “good one:”

Explain what makes a charity “good”

2. go to a site that is a good charity watch dog.

List the site here______

List the three charities the class has chosen:




For each charity answer the following questions:

What are their accomplishments? What is their mission? What percentage of their money goes where? Are they accountable? What is their “grade” on AIP?