Genola Town Planning Commission Minutes
January 21, 2016
Elected Officials Present: Chairman Joe Stubbs, Commissioners Brian Ewell, Nancy Baird, John Rosenberger
Chairman Stubbs called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.
The prayer was given by Commissioner Brian Ewell.
The pledge was led by Commissioner Nancy Baird.
Public Hearing
Commissioner John Rosenberger moved to open the public hearing.
Commissioner Nancy Baird seconded the motion.
The vote was unanimous.
Chairman Stubbs asked for public comment. There was none.
Commissioner John Rosenberger moved to close the public hearing.
Chairman Joe Stubbs seconded the motion.
The vote was unanimous.
Administrative Session
1.There was then discussion on a subdivision and proposed zone change on property owned by Kelly and Gaylyn Beckstrom located at approximately 935 S 400 W parcel # 32:011:0077. Chairman Joe Stubbs explained that there were two separate zones for the parcels. There was discussion that the parcel has not been subdivided but will need to be subdivided after the zone change approval. Clarification on where the boundary lines are located, requested by legal counsel.
Chairman Joe Stubbs recommended the zone change from A-1 to R-1 the entire property located at 935 S 400 W owned by Kelly and Gaylyn Beckstrom.
Commissioner Brian Ewell seconded the motion.
The vote was unanimous.
2.There was discussion on a property located at approximately 395 S. State Street and the uses permitted at this location. Mike Fowers explained that he would like to purchase the property and run his business out of there and farm the remainder of the land. There was some discussion if there needed to be a home business or a home industry and how it needs to be licensed. It was decided to leave it in the A-1 zone.
3.Discussion on possible action on a building permit for a commercial building (cabinet shop) in Ekins subdivision. Proposed building will be 40’x60’ steel building. Lot is already zoned commercial, no zone change needed at this time. Chairman Joe Stubbs stated that he does not see a problem with a commercial building being built as long as a proper building permit application is submitted and all zoning ordinances are followed.
4.Discussion and possible action to change Planning Commission meeting schedule to the 4th Wednesday of every month at 7:00 pm.
Commissioner Sandra Greenwood moved to hold meetings on the 4th Wednesday of every month at 7:00 pm, except when holidays conflict.
Commissioner John Rosenberger seconded the motion.
Vote was unanimous.
5.Discussion on procedure for agenda and minutes. It was discussed that the agenda and minutes need to be reviewed and sent out by the Friday prior to Planning Commission meetings. Chairman Joe Stubbs encouraged the Planning Commission to review the agenda on their own and do their due diligence in reviewing the applicable ordinances.
6.Discussion on possible new members for Planning Commission. The following list was discussed by the current Planning Commission members. Mayor Lonny Ward will call potential commissioners to discuss.
Terry Rymer, Cleo Carter, Justin Faulkner, Quinn Fenton, Danny Lundell, Jake Lundell.
Approval of Minutes: December 17th, 2015
Commissioner Brian Ewell moved to approve the minutes with corrections.
Commissioner John Rosenberger seconded the motion.
Voting was unanimously in favor.
New Business:
There was discussion about the road that connects to the state road from 400 N.
There was discussion that there could be mixed use zones.
It was decided to put it on the agenda for next month (February).
Commissioner John Rosenberger stated that he would research this road and any possible mixed use zones.
Chairman Joe Stubbs made motion to close session.
Commissioner Brian Ewell seconded and the motion passed all in favor at 8:20 pm.
Minutes prepared by Deputy Clerk Meagan Robinson.