2nd Grade 5th Six Weeks

LandformsFormative Assessment

Instructional activity:Students will work in small groups to create an imaginary 3-dimensional continent by molding and labeling specific landforms using different colors of clay. Students willname their continent and include a compass rose and map key.
Directions for activity:
  1. Students will learn about landforms using their social studies textbooks, United Streaming videos, atlases, globes, and Google Earth.
  2. Students will draw landforms on Kidpix and label each with the definition.
  3. Students will work in a group to create an imaginary continent showing the following landforms: plain, mountain, desert, ocean, island, peninsula, river, valley, lake, hill, canyon, and plateau.
  4. Students will label each landform and attach the label to the landform.
  5. Students will draw a compass rose and map key to attach to their landform map.
  6. Students will decide on a name for their continent and attach a label to the top of the landform.
  7. Students will display and share the features of their continent with the class.
  8. Students will individually answer questions about the distinguishing features of the landforms.

TEKS focus: Content, Skills, Process:
2.5a use symbols, find locations, and determine directions on maps and globes
2.6a identify major landforms and bodies of water, including continents and oceans, on maps and globes;
2.6c compare information from different sources about places and regions.
2.17b obtain information about a topic using a variety of visual sources such as pictures, graphics, television, maps, computer software, literature, reference sources, and artifacts
2.18a express ideas orally based on knowledge and experiences
2.18b create written and visual material such as stories, poems, maps, and graphic organizers to express ideas.
Enduring Understandings:
  • Geography is the study of the earth and the ways people use it.
  • Earth’s surface consists of landforms and bodies of water.
  • Maps and globes show land and water.

Salt dough Recipe and sample letter:

Dear Parents,

This six weeks we are learning about geography, beginning with a study of landforms. On Friday we will be making landform maps out of salt dough. Each child will need to bring ready-made dough using the following recipe by Friday to build their map:

4 cups all purpose flour

2 cups salt

1 ½ cups water

To make the dough, combine flour and salt in a large bowl.

Add a little water at a time, mixing as you pour, to form a ball. Take care not to add

too much water or the dough will become sticky. Knead about 5 minutes until dough has a smooth, firm consistency. The addition of one to two teaspoons of vegetable oil will improve the suppleness of the salt dough and make it easier to work with if you are having trouble.

To prevent drying, place dough in a plastic bag.

Thank you so much for your help!

(Landform Scoring Guide below)

Landform Project

Scoring Guide

Criteria directly related to the TEKS:
  1. I worked cooperatively in a group to form one large land mass for our continent.
/ 1 2 3 4
2. I helped to form each of the following landforms:
plain, mountain, desert, ocean, island, peninsula,
river, valley, lake, hill, canyon, and plateau. / 1 2 3 4
Criteria related to project:
1. I helped paint the landforms using appropriate colors. / 1 2 3 4
2. I helped name and label each landform neatly. / 1 2 3 4
3. I helped name our continent and the name is clearly displayed. / 1 2 3 4
4. I helped draw a compass rose and map key to attach to the landform map.
5. I helped share and describe our continent to the class. / 1 2 3 4
Criteria related to logistics:
1. I stayed on task. / 1 2 3 4
2, I was respectful to others in my group. / 1 2 3 4
3. I did my share of the work. / 1 2 3 4
Overall Score / 1 2 3 4