FUNGI (and some PROTISTS) - Review Questions
1. What are 3 similarities of fungi and plants?
2. What are 3 differences between fungi and plants?
3. What are the 2 basic functions of all fungi?
4. What is the structure and function of the mycelium?
5. What reproductive cells are involved in the reproduction of all fungi?
6. Field mushroom hyphae become dikaryotic during their life cycle. What does this mean?
7. Fungi are part of "nature's recycling system". What important function do they perform?
8. What are 2 practical uses for yeast?
9. What are 2 practical uses of fungi (other than uses for yeast)?
10. What are mycorrhizae?
11. What are the benefits to each organism in mycorrhizae?
12. What is a lichen?
13. What are the benefits to each organism in lichen?
14. What are the 3 main groups of the Kingdom Protista?
15. What distinguishes the Protista from the Eubacteria?
16. What distinguishes the Kingdom Protista from the Fungi, Plant and Animal Kingdoms?
17. Name 2 animal-like protists.
18. What are the 3 methods of locomotion (movement) in the animal-like protists? (i.e. what
are the 3 different structures that are used for movement)
19. Name one disease caused by a protist.
20. If you are travelling in a country where malaria is common, and you have not taken any anti-malarial drugs, what is one thing that you can do to reduce your chances of getting malaria?
21. What are 2 similarities between Amoeba (a protist) and E. coli (a bacteria)?
FUNGI (and some PROTISTS) - Answers
1. any 3 of:
-eukaryotic cells -anchored to soil/substrate
-cells with many organelles -reproduction sexual, asexual, or both
-have cell walls -cannot move
2. any 3 of:
-Plants have 1 nucleus per cell, Fungi often have more than 1 nucleus per cell
-Plants are mostly autotrophic, Fungi are heterotrophic
-Plants use starch to store carbohydrates, Fungi have few or no storage molecules
-most Plants have roots, Fungi have no roots
-Plants have cellulose in their cell walls, Fungi have chitin in their cell walls
-some Plants reproduce by seed, no Fungi use seeds to reproduce
3. reproduction & absorption of nutrients
4. structure: mycelium is made up of tiny filaments (called hyphae), on or below the surface of
the soil/substrate
function: responsible for nutrient absorption
5. spores
6. dikaryotic means that they contain 2 haploid nuclei
7. they are decomposers; they break down complex organic substances into smaller molecules that can be used directly by fungi and plants for growth and development
8. to produce any 2 of: bread/buns, beer, wine
9. any 2 of: -making an antibiotic (Penicillium)
-flavouring soft drinks (Aspergillus)
-as food: mushrooms, truffles, morels
-breaking down harmful substances
10. symbiotic relationships between certain fungi & the roots of many plants
11. the fungus receives nutrients (such as sugars) from the plant roots
the fungus helps the plant roots to better absorb nutrients (such as phosphorus)
12. lichen is a combination of green algae (cyanobacteria) and a fungus growing in a symbiotic relationship
13. the fungus provides the cyanobacteria (green algae) with carbon dioxide & water for photosynthesis
the cyanobacteria (green algae) provides the fungus with nutrients (such as sugars)
14. animal-like protists, plant-like protists, fungi-like protists
15. Protista are eukaryotic (have a membrane-bound nucleus)
Eubacteria are prokaryotic (have no nucleus)
16. Protista are mostly unicellular organisms, whereas the other kingdoms have mostly multicellular organisms
17. any 2 of: Amoeba, Paramecium, Plasmodium, (Giardia, Trichomonas, Vorticella, Stentor,...and many more *check with Ms Khan if you're uncertain*)
18. cilia, flagella, and pseudopods
19. any of: malaria (Plasmodium),
African sleeping sickness (Trichomonas)
Chagas disease, etc. *many answers possible*
20. since malaria uses a mosquito as an insect vector, anything you do to prevent being bitten by a mosquito would reduce your chances of contracting malaria. for example:
-wearing mosquito repellent -wearing long-sleeved shirts/long pants
-sleeping under a mosquito net -not going out at dusk
etc...*many answers possible (see Ms. Khan if unsure)*
21. any 2 of the following:
-they are both single-celled organisms
-they both contain genetic material
-they both reproduce using binary fission
-they can both survive in adverse conditions by producing structures that protect
their genetic information (cysts in Amoeba or endospores in E. coli)
*other answers possible...see Ms. Khan if unsure*