Beresford Pool Advisory Committee
January 30, 2007
Listed below are the results of the Community Survey. I have also included some comments that were provided by respondents. We had a good response to our survey, 15%. Of the 1200 or so surveys sent out, we received 190 of these back, 135 were from city residents, and 34 from rural residents, the rest did not respond.
1) Is there a need to replace the current pool?
Definitely Yes- 122
Probably Yes-39
Not sure/Don’t Care-16
Probably No-4
Definitely No-5
2) If no, why? If yes, why? (I have included the overall theme of the comments.)
The general theme of the no’s is that it will cost too much, raise taxes, or that there is nothing wrong with the current pool.
The general theme of the yes’s is that the current pool is in disrepair, outdated, and that it is time for a new pool that is safe and is more family focused.
3) What type of facility would you family prefer to have?
54 Comparable with the current pool with improvements
17 Basic Indoor pool
61 Indoor/Outdoor aquatic center
28 Outdoor aquatic center
31 Recreation center that includes a pool
4) What activities/options would you like to see offered at the facility? These are listed highest rank to lowest and the corresponding # of people who marked them.
#1 Recreational Swim 141
#2 Swimming Instruction 123
#3 Water Amenities 114
#4 Water Exercise 81
#5 Zero Depth 75
#6 Combined Main/Baby 67
#7 Senior Programs 61
#8 Concessions 55
#9 Diving 54
#10 Competitive Swim 23
5) Do you or any member of your family use the current pool?
Yes 120
No 62
6) How often would you or your family use a new and/or improved swimming facility?
7) How many people in your household are under the age of 18?
Of the Surveys- there were 164 children under the age of 18.
8) How many years has your family lived in the Beresford area?
We did not include this information.
9) In what ways would you be willing to support a new swimming facility?
31-Not at all
72-Temporary Property Tax Increase
51-Increased Utility Rate
132-Increased Pool Membership
10) Do you travel to other places/communities to swim? If yes, why?
Comments: nicer, more amenities, condition of the current pool.
11) Are there any projects that should take precedent over the Community Pool Project?
Other Projects- Senior Center, Restore Main street, Water/Sewer, Skate Park, Bridges, Current City Debt.