/ Nutrition Sector – Cox’s Bazar

Nutrition Sector weekly meeting – Cox’s Bazar

6th November, 2017: 9:00am to 11:00pm: District EPI Conference room, Cox’s Bazar

Chair: Geraldine Bellocq, Nutrition Sector Coordinator

29 participants (see full list below): ACF, UNHCR, WFP, SC, Concern, ECHO, UNICEF, MSF, TdH, SHED, CARE, ISCG, MDM-F, IFRC, NPI,WHO,MTI,WORLD RENEW,WVB,TEARFUND


1.  Introduction by Government, co-lead of the nutrition sector

2.  Orientation on cluster approach and sector coordination

3.  Action points from previous meeting

4.  Nutrition Coordination Sector updates and key asks

5.  Information Management Sector updates and key asks

6.  Nutrition supplies update

7.  Update on Nutrition Action Week and involvement of partners

8.  Partners update: activities and challenges

9.  AOB

·  Introduction by Government

The meeting started at 9:00 am with a round of self-introduction. The Government colleagues were not in attendance. The meeting therefore was chaired by the Nutrition sector coordinator.

·  Orientation on cluster approach and sector coordination

Cluster approach and sector coordination presentation by Nutrition sector coordinator was done with the following objectives:

Knowledge: Participants know the minimum commitments for participation in the cluster/sector approach as well as the seven core cluster/sector functions and the deliverables associated with these
Skills: Participants are able to enhance participation in the cluster/ sector and guide improvements to core cluster/sector functions within their own country contexts
Attitude: Participants are aware of the responsibilities and benefits of working within the cluster/sector approach, as an organisation but also for the humanitarian response a whole

The presentation is being shared with all partners and available on humanitarianreponse.info under the nutrition sector section.

·  Action points from previous meeting

Action point / Focal point/agency / Timeline / Status
All partners who import RUTF to email a copy of approval to the chair / ACF, UNHCR, UNICEF, MSF / 5/11/2017 / In progress
Partners to share with UNICEF how they can contribute (what, how much and where) during the nutrition action week / All / 5/11/2017 / Done
Nutrition action week: UNICEF to update the plan and share with partners indicating the gaps / Talal / 5/11/2017 / Done
Faith NS IMO to review 4Ws with all partners – starting by SC / NS IMO / asap / Done

·  Nutrition Coordination Sector updates and key asks

FD7 and FD6: Partners were asked to highlight any challenges with obtaining FD7/6 for NGO support group follow up. None of the partners raised any challenge.

Civil military meeting: Happens every Thursday at 4:00pm in Ukhia. The meeting discusses strategic issues with sectors coordinators, representing the voice of all partners. That is why it is important that partners raise any concerns with the Nutrition Sector coordinator latest all Thursdays by 11am in order for the sector coordinator to bring issues up/updates during the civil-military meetings. Representation of the nutrition cluster in these meetings is recommended. That is why every week during Mondays nutrition sector meetings, a representative of the nutrition sector will be appointed to attend the meeting in Ukhia. The nutrition sector coordinator will be the first person to go but in case of unavailability, a partners will be appointed to represent the nutrition sector. In this case the nutrition sector coordinator will brief the partners on updates/points to raise on behalf of the whole group.

Military has blocked 4 tonnes of powder milk (BMS violation) and plans are underway to secure it at WFP warehouse waiting for next steps on how to use/destroy it.

Concern Worldwide to represent the nutrition sector in the next meeting.

Joint statement on BMS violation: Bangladesh JS has been widely circulated thank to the support of ISCG senior coordinator to all UN member states and private sector partners as top down information from NY office.

HRP: The timeline for the current HRP is end of February 2018. Mid-term revision starting this week, partners are asked to share their data with Faith as soon as possible. New HRP to be initiated starting March 2018 for ONE year and it will be evidence based after the completion of the ongoing nutrition assessments. Nutrition sector currently recalculating the caseloads and gap analysis for scale up based on the preliminary results from Kutupalong refugee camp assessment. The presentation on how the calculations have been done to be shared with all the partners.

Technical RRT CMAM: A Tech RRT CMAM advisor is on standby to support the sector in CMAM training. Need to develop training plan based on scale up and needs for all partners implementing CMAM. This should be complementary to the existing training plan implemented by CARE with UNICEF support. Nutrition sector to send the template for partners to fill (07/11/2017). Partners expected to send their feedback to the nutrition sector on 08/11/2017. The nutrition sector to share the consolidated training plan with Tech RRT for consideration.

Standards for nutrition site spaces: standards for IYCFE site spaces have been done by the Tech RRT IYCFE. The document should be circulated to partners. CMAM TWG to discuss and set standards for CMAM sites.

SAM management and CASH: Need to standardize incentives given to caretakers of children admitted with SAM with or without medical complications. There is a high risk of incentiving malnutrition. Several partners present in the meeting have declared a NO-GO from their own agency (internal) when it comes to cash for SAM children. One partner is currently providing cash for transport only when a SAM child need to be referred to SC and no negative side effect has been observed as this is a limited amount of money for transportation cost only. CMAM TWG to investigate current approaches and modalities and come up with recommendations to harmonize approach. SAG to validate results of CMAM TWG outcomes on SAM and CASH.

Minimum package of integrated services: The nutrition sector coordinator is currently meeting other sector leads to discuss modalities of integrating services for better nutrition outcomes (what other sectors can do for the nutrition sector and what nutrition sector can do for them-WIN/WIN approach). Some of the discussions ongoing include the Food Security sector to increase lentils and add fresh food/vegetables in the food basket to take care of Beriberi and other micronutrients deficiencies, WASH sector to give standard hygiene kits to caregivers of SAM children discharge cured, etc.

Nutrition sector Strategic Advisory Group (SAG): SAG to consist of six members through anonymous voting process as follows:

1-Nutrition sector coordinator


1-National NGO

1-International NGO

2-UN agencies

Nominees for the positions were proposed as follows:


International NGOs-Concern, TDH, CARE, ACF


Survey monkey to be circulated by 06/11/2017 to all partners for voting. Voting closes by end of business 07/11/2017 and the results communicated on 07/11/2017.

Nutrition sector to draft TOR for SAG. SAG is expected to be on-board on 10/11/2017

Preliminary results Kutupalong Refugee camp: The preliminary results are ready for wide dissemination with the presentation shared with all partners on 06/11/2017 COB. The key focus for nutrition sector following the preliminary results is rapid scale up of services- both multisector as well as treatment and increased outreach activities. In parallel to the response, anthropology studies to understand what is going on in the camps should be undertaken.


Action points / Focal point/agency / Timeline
Share with partners all the presentations done today / Geraldine / 06/11/2017
Share link for SAG member voting / Geraldine / 07/11/2017
Communicate SAG voting results / Geraldine / 09/11/2017
Nutrition sector to send the CMAM training plan template for partners to fill / Faith / 07/11/2017
Partners expected to send CMAM training plan feedback to the nutrition sector / All partners implementing CMAM / 08/11/2017
Nutrition sector to send CMAM training plan to Tech RRT / Geraldine / 09/11/2017
Set standards for CMAM site spaces / CMAM TWG / 13/11/2017
Set standards for incentives given to SAM children caregivers / CMAM TWG / 13/11/2017
Circulate standards for IYCFE site spaces to all partners / IYCFE TWG / 13/11/2017

Due to time limitation, the other items on the agenda were not discussed.


1 / Md Ariful Islam / WVB / 01777702416 /
2 / Harry Bergshoeff / WORLD RENEW / 01705082299 /
3 / Kate White / MSF / 01847267911 /
4 / Diane Moyer / SC / 01701210706 /
5 / Leone Toroitich / ACF /
6 / Talal Mahgoub / UNICEF / 091701202805 /
7 / Suzanne Fahrman / Concern Worldwide / 01847217973 /
8 / Dr. S.M Mustafizir / MOH / 01711566321 /
9 / Endesh Aderie / Terre des hommes / 01767727290 /
10 / Ziaur Rahman / SHED / 01737365012 /
11 / Caroline Wilkinson / UNHCR /
12 / Md Hazanuzzaman / CARE BD / 01716088639 /
13 / Mollah Saukat / CARE BD / 01712123011 /
14 / Orla Clinton / ISCG / 01701202868 /
15 / Myriam Pomarel / MDM / 01798911414 /
16 / Ivy Susanti / ISCG / 01701227507 /
17 / Lucas Alamprese / WFP / 01701202916 /
18 / Geraldine Belloq / GNC / 01701202818 /
19 / Omar Faruk / MDM / 01815419678
20 / Crystal Vanleeuven / MSF
21 / Suvanya Borthohur / MTI /
22 / Suvanga Mallawa / ECHO / 01713034274 /
23 / Rajan Ghimire / Tearfund / 01720953346 /
24 / Lizet Boerstra / WHO / 01701202961 /
25 / Dario Mentone / ISCG /
26 / Gloria Kisia / UNHCR /
27 / Brooke Bauer / NPI / 01701227507 /
28 / Mahabubul Hashan / ACF / 1842775700 /
29 / Faith Nzioka / GNC RRT / 01701202814 /
Nutrition Sector Cox’s Bazar
/ Weekly meeting
Meeting minutes
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