
Genetics Lesson 1

Orange Data Collection

  1. Use a centimeter measuring tape or ruler to measure the circumference of an orange, to the closest ½ centimeter.
  2. Measure the diameter (across the center) of the orange to the closest ½ centimeter.
  3. Count the number of sections.
  4. Using your hands, squeeze as much juice as possible from one section of the orange.
  5. Pour the juice in the graduated cylinder and record the number of mL of juice.
  6. Measure the amount of juice for each of the other halves and record the amount of juice.

Orange Results:

Measurement / First half / Second half
Circumference (cm)
Diameter (cm)
Sections (#)
Amount of juice (mL)

Comparison of your results to the other orange group:

Make notes during your comparison of similarities and differences in the oranges.


Genetics Lesson 1

Onion Data Collection:

  1. Use a centimeter measuring tape or rule to measure the circumference of an onion, to the closest ½ centimeter.
  2. Measure the diameter of the onion to the closest ½ centimeter.
  3. Count the number of sections.
  4. Measure the mass of both halves of the onion.
  5. Record the colors of the onion.

Description / Measurement
Circumference (cm)
Diameter (cm)
Mass / 1st half = / 2nd half =

Comparison of your results to the other onion group:

Make notes during your comparison of similarities and differences in the onions.


Genetics Lesson 1

Apple Data Collection:

  1. Use a centimeter measuring tape or ruler to measure the circumference of an apple, to the closest ½ centimeter.
  2. Measure the diameter of the apple to the closest ½ centimeter.
  3. Measure the mass of both halves of the apple.
  4. Count the number of seeds.
  5. Record the colors of the apple.

Apple Results:

Description / Measurement
Circumference (cm)
Diameter (cm)
Mass / 1st half = / 2nd half =

Comparison of your results to the other apple group:

Make notes during your comparison of similarities and differences in the apples.


Genetics Lesson 1

Tomato Data Collection:

  1. Use a centimeter measuring tape or ruler to measure the circumference of the tomato, to the closest ½ centimeter.
  2. Measure the diameter (across the center) of the tomato to the closest ½ centimeter.
  3. Using your hands, squeeze as much juice as possible from one section of the tomato.
  4. Pour the juice in the graduated cylinder and record the number of mL of juice.
  5. Measure the amount of juice for each of the other halves and record the amount of juice.
  6. Observe the color of the tomato and describe it.

Tomato Results:

Measurement / First half / Second half
Circumference (cm)
Diameter (cm)
Amount of juice (mL)

Comparison of your results to the other tomato group:

Make notes during your comparison of similarities and differences in the tomatoes.


Genetics Lesson 1

Pear Data Collection:

  1. Use a centimeter measuring tape or ruler to measure the circumference of the pear at the largest part of the pear, to the closest ½ centimeter.
  2. Measure the diameter of the pear at the largest part of the pear to the closest ½ centimeter.
  3. Measure the diameter of the pear at the smallest part of the pear to the closest ½ centimeter.
  4. Measure the mass of the pear.
  5. Count the number of seeds.

Pear Results:

Description / Measurement
Circumference (cm)
Diameter (cm) / Largest part = / Smallest part =
Mass / 1st half = / 2nd half =

Comparison of your results to the other pear group:

Make notes during your comparison of similarities and differences in the pears.

Reebop Student Procedures

1. Remove all the chromosomes from the two parent folders. You and your partner should each take one set of chromosome, one a GREEN set and one aORANGE set. Place the chromosomes FACE DOWN on your desks, with letters faced down.

2. ORANGE represents the chromosome set of the mother (female) ReeBop. GREEN represents the chromosome set of the father (male) ReeBop.

3. Place all the ORANGE chromosomes together, and sort them so that they are matched into same sized pairs. Do likewise for the GREEN chromosomes. Keep the ORANGE and GREEN separate. You should end up with 8 pairs of same size chromosomes for both the male and female.

4. WITHOUT TURNING THE CHROMOSOMES OVER, pick one GREEN chromosome of the longest size, and pick one ORANGE chromosome of the longest size. Put these in the middle as a new pair. Continue doing this, taking one from each pair from longest to shortest matching the GREEN with the ORANGE. You and your partner should end up with 8 pairs of chromosomes, each pair one GREEN and one ORANGE.

5. Place all chromosomes NOT picked back into the parent envelopes and set aside. You won't be using these again.

6. Turn over the chromosomes that remain on your table. These represent a new "baby" ReeBop! On the DATA SHEET, record the letters found on each pair of chromosomes in the “code column.” Be sure you copy the letters exactly, upper case or lower case. THIS IS IMPORTANT!

7. After filling out the DATA SHEET, return all chromosome to there proper envelopes.

8. Determine the description for each characteristic, using the KEY provided. Record this on the DATA SHEET.

9. Create your baby Reebop, give it a name, label it, and put it in the nursery.

10. Consider what would happen if your Reebop mated with the other baby created at your table. Predict what you think the 2nd generation baby Reebop would look like.

11. Discuss the similarities and differences of your "baby" Reebop. Were there certain characteristics that showed up most frequently? Were there certain characteristics that showed up very seldom?

Genetics Lesson #2

Reebop Secret Code

Description / Secret Code
1 antenna / AA
2 antenna / Aa
No antenna / aa
1 hump / HH
2 humps / Hh
3 humps / hh
Blue nose / QQ
Green nose / Qq
Yellow nose / qq
Bent tail / TT or Tt
Straight tail / tt
2 eyes / EE or Ee
3 eyes / ee
Blue legs / LL or Ll
Red legs / ll
Body segments
3 body segments / BB or Bb
2 body segments / bb
Female (2 gold fasteners) / XX
Male (1 gold fastener) / XY

Record the code of your “baby reebop”

Trait / Code / Description
Body segments

1. Study all of the Reebops from the class. What similarities and differences do you see?

2. Remembering how you decided what characteristics your reebop would have, can you explain your answer to question #1?