Typical cross section of hedge banks where present (please circle one)
Half Bank b) Lynchett c) Hedge bank d) Other
Bank height / < 0.5m / 0.5 – 1m / 1.1 – 1.5m / 1.6m +Bank type / earth / stonefaced
Bank management / none / fenced off / grazed / mown/cut
Other features
/ Side A / Side B*Ditch/Stream
/ width at base (m) / <0.5 / 0.5-1 / >1 / <0.5 / 0.5-1 / >1Internal / External / Internal / External
wet / dry / wet / dry
/ width (m) / <1 / 1-2 / >2 / <1 / 1-2 / >2management / UnM / Gr / Mow / Cut / UnM / Gr / Mow / Cut
Fence / height (m) / <0.6 / 0.6-1.2 / >1.2 / <0.6 / 0.6-1.2 / >1.2
type / Post & rail / Net / Wire
strand / Post & rail / Net / Wire strand
other (state)
Average height (excluding bank) / 0.1-1m / 1.1 – 2m / 2.1 – 4m / 4.1m +Average width at base (excluding bank) / 0.1-1m / 1.1 – 2m / 2.1 – 4m / 4.1m +
Integrity (Significant or Minor) / stock-proof / leggy / gaps / wind
S / M / S / M / S / M
Signs of management / none / recent
(under 2 yrs) / old
(2-10 yrs)
Type of management / flailed
trimmed / coppiced / laid / weed
Older management features (>10yrs) / coppice stools / pollarded trees / laid
Typical cross-section of shrubs (please circle one) a)clipped b)mechanically c)unclipped d)overgrown e)overgrown+outgrowth f)other
Shrub layer & Standards / Shrub layer & StandardsSpecies / DOM / SM/M/D/P / Species / DOM / SM/M/D/P
Acer campestre / Prunus avium
Acer pseudoplatanus / Prunus domestica
Aesculus hippocast / Prunus laur
Alnus glutinosa / Prunus spinosa
Betula pendula / Quercus robur
Betula pubescens / Quercus ilex
Buxus semp / Quercus
Carpinus betulus / Rhamnus cathart
Castanea sativa / Rhododendron ponticum
Clematis vitalba / Ribes rubrum
Cornus sanguinea / Ribes
Corylus avellana / Rosa arvensis
Crataegus monogyna / Rosa canina
Cytisus scoparius / Rosa
Daphne laureola / Rubus fruticosus
Euonymus europaeus / Ruscus aculeatus
Fagus sylvatica / Salix caprea
Frangula alnus / Salix cinerea
Fraxinus excelsior / Salix
Hedera helix / Sambucus nigra
Ilex aquifolium / Sorbus aucupar
Ligustrum ovalifolium / Sorbus torminal
Ligustrum vulgare / Taxus baccata
Lonicera periclymenum / Tilia cordata
Malus domestica / Tilia platyphyllus
Malus sylvestris / Tilia x vulgaris
Pinus sylvestris / Ulmus
Populus alba / Ulex europaeus
Populus nigra / Ulex
Populus tremula / Viburnum lantan
Populus / Viburnum opulus
Hedgerow gaps / Other
Fauna (evidence of)
Features (including evidence of recent planting)
Photo No.s
DOMIN: 10=(91-100%); 9=(76-90%); 8=(51-75%); 7=(34-50%); 6=(26-33%); 5=(11-25%); 4=(4-10%) 3,2,1= (4%)
DOMIN: 10=(91-100%); 9=(76-90%); 8=(51-75%); 7=(34-50%); 6=(26-33%); 5=(11-25%); 4=(4-10%) 3,2,1= (4%)
Catherine Bickmore AssociatesSheet No. 1 of
351/CCW Hedgerow survey form 4
STANDARD TREES: SM=Semi mature, M=Mature, D=Degenerate, P=Pollarded
DOMIN: 10=(91-100%); 9=(76-90%); 8=(51-75%); 7=(34-50%); 6=(26-33%); 5=(11-25%); 4=(4-10%) 3,2,1= (4%)
Catherine Bickmore AssociatesSheet No. 1 of
351/CCW Hedgerow survey form 4