Genesee Valley Association New York Conference

February 2018 E-News

Moderator’s Message

Hello Friends. You may or may not have noticed, but we took an unanticipated communications hiatus. This wasn’t intentional, but perhaps will benefit the way we communicate as the Genesee Valley Association in the long term. You will soon be receiving a survey to ask if and how you use the information you receive from our association. Your responses are valued and will help us improve connectivity and communication within the GVA – so please take a few moments to complete the surveymonkey form which comes from . The survey results will be compiled and shared by our interim communications coordinator, the Rev. Diane Ellis.

As I write this note, the Gospel lesson for an upcoming Sunday is from Mark 1.29-39. The passage indicates that Jesus did the good work of healing, then stole away for quiet time and prayer. After rejuvenation, he and the initial four disciples hit the road to do marvelous works. Are you taking a daily or weekly “hiatus?” Are you stealing time away from the “busyness” of your life for prayer and rejuvenation? Let me encourage you to find time because goodness follows. I’ll leave you with this quote, attributed to Mozart. Ponder it and let it move you to stillness and renewal.

“The music is not in the notes, but the silence in between.” Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

May God’s Peace visit you even now.Steven Price, moderator

What We are Reading

  • New books at the Resource Center include: Check out more at the online catalog at
  • “Incarnational Ministry: Being with the Church” by Samuel Wells
  • “Holy Solitude: Lenten Reflections with Saints, Hermits, Prophets & Rebels” by Heidi Haverkamp
  • “Raising a Spiritual Child in a Secular World” by Sophfronia Scott and Tain Gregory
  • “The Language of Flowers” by Vanessa Diffenbaugh – First Congregational UCC in Fairport’s book club selection for February
  • “The Underground Railroad” by Colson Whitehead – First Congregational UCC in Fairport’s March book club selection
  • "A Gentleman in Moscow," by Amor Towles – Henrietta UCC Bookworms’ selection for February
  • “The End of Protest: a New Playbook for Revolution”by Michah White - recommended by CRCDS faculty Melanie Dugid-May
  • “Peacemakers in Action: Volume 2: Profiles in Religious Peacebuilding,”edited by Joyce S. Dubensk – recommended by David Y. Kim, faculty at CRCDS
  • “The Fire Next Time”by James Baldwin – recommended by Rev. Dr. Pat Youngdahl, pastor at Downtown Presbyterian Church
  • “Holy Rover: Journeys in Search of Mystery, Miracles, and God” by Lori Erikson – February book club selection for PRC Patchogue NY Congregational Church

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What We are LearningSelect Page

*Practical Resources for Churches offers Lent and Easter resources as well as numerous free webinars. Check PRC’s website and the Lent and Easter pagefor additional information. Webinars include (click on the link to register):

FREE Webinar: Youth-Created VBS: A Leadership Lab
Thursday, February 1, 2018; 7:00 – 8:00 PM Eastern; Leader: Rachel James
FREE Webinar: Meet the Author: 360 Health
Wednesday, February 7, 2018; 7:00 – 7:30 PM Eastern; Leader: Kim Maravich
FREE Webinar: Empowering from Within:An Asset-Based Approach to Transforming Community Thursday, February 15, 2018; 7:00 – 8:00 PM Eastern; Leader: Chad Brinkman
FREE Webinar: Meet the Authors: Everbloom
Wednesday, February 21, 2018; 7:00 – 7:30 PM Eastern; Leader: Margaret Philbrick and others
FREE Webinar: Confirmation and Special Needs: Everyone Belongs
Thursday March 1, 2018; 7:00 – 8:00 PM Eastern; Leader: Elizabeth Christie

Spiritual Journaling Online Course; February 12, 2018 to March 26, 2018; Leader: Debbie

Kolacki. A six-week BeADisciple online course in which participants will explore the practice of spiritual journaling as they share their experiences with others involved in the practice. The course is based on the Upper Room book Journaling: A Spiritual Journey by Anne Broyles.

*“Faith and Medicine,” a one-week course co-taught by CRCDS student and pediatric oncologist Jessica Shand, MD and pediatric chaplain Maurice Hopkins, M.Div., March 12-16, 2018 from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm daily. This course, held at CRCDS, will use didactic, case-based and individual reflective learning to explore intersections of faith and medicine, including theological approaches to suffering, interfaith perspectives on medical care and conversation-building between physicians and chaplains. This course may be taken for credit or audit.For more information or to register, please call (585) 340-9633.

*Effective Leadership Workshop Fridaysfor Clergy and Lay-LeaderswithRev. Dr. Lynn M.

Acquafondata, LMHC; 9:30-2:30. March 9th: Managing Anxiety in Congregations. May 4th: Communication and Conflict Resolution in the Congregation. Cost: $75 per congregation plus $10 per person (Free workshop specials available.)Location: 1010 East Ave next to Asbury First United Methodist Church (red brick building). Registration:Register here.Questions:Contact Rev. Lynn at 585-330-1340 or

*Fifteen authorized ministers from the GVA, Western and Oneida Associations attended a Boundary Awareness Training in November.

What We are Doing for Lent

Spencerport UCC will host a Lenten discussion group series based on Rob Bell’s Nooma Film series on Wednesdays from 7 to 8:15 pm at the church. If interested in attending, contact Diane or Pastor Alan.

Parma Greece UCC will participate in Lenten lunches on Feb. 21 and 28 to be held at noon at St. George’s.

Henrietta UCC will host a Lenten Supper and Study series on Tuesdays from 5:30 – 7:15 pm with Bible Study also available at 10:00 am on Tuesdays.

Fairport First Congregational will provide communion on Wednesdays, Feb. 21 and 28, at 10:15.

Churchville continues participation in an Ecumenical Lenten Services hosted by five local churches: UCC Churchville, Riga Congregational, United Methodist, St. Vincent’s and GO Christian Church. For five Thursdays beginning with February 14 one of the churches will host a 6:30 pm Soup and Bread Supper along with a short devotion.

Bristol UCC will host a Lenten Soup Supper Speaker Series featuring . Feb. 21: Libby Campbell on Reiki on Feb. 21; Julie Jugle on Aromatherapy on March 7; and Dierdre Dye on Massage March 21.

Canandaguia UCC groups will sponsor soup samplings each Thursday during Lent beginning at 6 pm. Each supper will feature a ten-minute update from one of the organizations the church has supported. Updates will be heard from Lighthill Comfort Care, Family Promise/Homelessness, Gleaner’s Kitchen, and the Child Advocacy Center.

Community Christian Church in Chili’s Tuesday Lenten gatherings will focus on "soul," using Sister Joan Chittister's Lenten Devotional pamphlet, "Cry Out" as a guide. Lenten gatherings will be at 10 am on February 27, March 6 and March 13.

Webster UCC will meet Monday evenings 6:30 to 8 during Lent for an “Illustrate Your Faith” activity in which people will gather and create faith journal pages using scraps of paper, ribbon, photos and other arts and craft supplies.

What Else Our Churches are Doing

  • Churchville and Henrietta UCC youth participated in the "Souper Bowl of Caring" event recently. Churchville donations went to Cameron Ministries (in Rochester) and the GO Christian Center fellowship (in Churchville) and Henrietta donations went to the Rush-Henrietta Area Food Terminal.
  • “Women of the Well” will be hosted by Irondequoit UCC at 7 pm on March 20 in a presentation of Women at the Foot of the Cross. For additional information contact IUCC at (585)544-3020 or visit the IUCC website at

News About People

  • Rev. Nancy Peebles has retired from First Congregational UCC, Spencerport; Rev. Alan Daily is the new interim pastor there.
  • Cydney Badger joins us as a new Member in Discernment (MID) from Honeoye UCC.
  • Rev. Duane Bartz, a member of Henrietta UCC and an ordained minister currently on leave of absence from the United Methodist Church, has been granted Privilege of Call in the UCC.
  • Rev. Pat Schafer has retired from St. Peter's UCC, Perkinsville. ACM Ryan Henderson is assisting them in their search process.
  • Dr. Margo Markesteijn was ordained at Webster UCC in December. She is now settled co-minister with Rev. Tim Meyer at Irondequoit UCC. Both were installed in January.
  • Rev. Rick Danielson’s ministerial standing will be transferred from Denver Association of the Rocky Mtn. Conference to the GVA - status: "retired." Rick has purchased a Bed & Breakfast in Honeoye, NY.
  • Rev. Glenda Prins has resigned from the Committee on Authorized Ministry for health reasons and Rev. Elaine Hiscock has joined the group.
  • Elaine Kennedy, wife of Rushville pastor Rev. Dr. Ed Kennedy, passed away in January.

What We are Doing With Our Church Finances

  • Church Finances and the New Tax Bill: How will the next tax bill impact churches in 2018 and beyond? Will the bill hurt or help our church staff? Will the loss of certain deductions cause members to decrease their giving? Read this free article on

  • In addition, attorney and CPA Richard Hammar is working on his analysis of this landmark legislation which will be made available to all buyers of the 2018 Church & Clergy Tax Guide.