Open House Notices -- May, 2017

Suggestion: When responding regarding attendance, confirm the date, time and location of event.

Abbreviation Key: OH = Open House Program IS = Information Session ON = Overnight Program

TBA = To Be Announced (date not available at time of)

Albertus Magnus Col., CT, May 6 & 13 --, Saturday Session (800) 578-9160

Boston Architectural Col., Boston, MA, May 6 -OH, Summer Academy-, call (617) 585-0123

Castleton State Col., Castleton, VT, May 12 & 20 -Question & Answer Session-, call (800) 639-8521

Champlain Col., Burlington, VT, May 20 -IS-, call (800) 570-5858

Elmira Col., Elmira, NY, May 6, 20, 26, –Saturday Visit- call (607) 735-1800

Franklin Col., Franklin, IN, May 13 –OH- call (888) 852-0232

Franklin Pierce U., NH, May 6 -Saturday Visit- call (800) 437-0048

Lawrence Memorial-Regis Col., Collaborative ASN Program, Medford, MA, May 4 –IS, Nursing- 7 to 9 pm, call (781) 306-6657

Lesley Col., Cambridge, MA, May 1 -Threshold Program-, call (617) 868-9600

Lynn U., FLA , May 20 -Preview Day-, call (561)-237-700

UMass Boston, Boston, MA, May 7, –Spring Visit Day, Mini OH- call (617) 287-6106

Mass Col. of Liberal Arts, No. Adams, MA, Apr. 29, -Preview Day- call (800) 969-MCLA

Mass Col. of Pharmacy & Health Services, Boston, MA, Apr. 20 -OH- see Special Admissions Programs for Students and Parents section, call (800) 225-5506

Meredith Manor, WV, International Equestrian Ctr., May TBA -OH- call (800) 679-2603

New Eng. Tech. Inst., Warwick, RI, May TBA –Health Career Ed. Day, May TBA -Bldg. Trades Career Fair, call (800) 736-3377

Niagara U., Buffalo, NY, May 6, -Saturday Visit-, call (800) 462-2111

Northeastern U., Boston, MA, May 12 , -N.U. Explore Program-, call (617) 373-2200

Randolph-Macon Col., Ashland, VA, May 13 –Junior OH- call (800) 888-1762

Simmons Col., Boston, MA, May 6 -IS & Campus tours, - call (617) 521-2000

Swarthmore Col., Swarthmore, PA, May 13 -Junior Visit Day- see Special Admissions Programs for Students and Parents section, call (800) 667-3110

Syracuse U., Syracuse, NY, Weekday Visit Schedule M-F 9:00 and 1:00 (IS followed by a tour) call (315) 443-3600

Towson St. Col., Towson, MD, May 5 -OH- call (800) 225-5878

Union Col., Schenectady, NY, May 29, -Tour & IS-, call (518) 388-6000

Unity Col., Unity, ME May 16 through Aug. 26 -Summer Visiting-, call (207) 509-7100
Wheelock Col., Boston, MA, May 13 -IS-, call (508) 286-8251

Wentworth Col. of Engineering, Boston, MA, consult Special Programs for departmental program-

call (617) 442-9010

Special Admissions Programs for Students and Parents

The Claremont College Consortia, California – Harvey Mudd College, Claremont McKenna College, Pitzer College and Scripps College will host three admissions receptions in the northeast area in May, 2017. All meetings will occur at 7 pm except the meeting which occurs on a Sunday and that will occur during the mid-afternoon.

Boston, MA Area: TBA Cambridge, MA Hyatt Regency, Cambridge, MA

To obtain an invitation/pre-register for this breakfast, contact: Office of Admissions & Financial Aid, Baver Ctr. North, 500 East North St., Claremont, CA, 91711, (909) 621-8088

Colleges That Change Lives Tour, to visit: New York City, May 20 & Boston, MA on May 21, 2017

A collection of 40 liberal arts colleges located throughout the country will make presentations in its eastern swing during the week of May, 20 & 21. The Tour features a panel discussion on the benefits of a residential liberal arts education with admissions officials from the participating colleges and universities. A college fair for students, parents and counselors follows the panel discussion. There is no fee for this event and more detailed information can be found at the web site: A few of the colleges which comprise membership in the “Colleges That Change Lives” are: Allegheny Col., Antioch Col., Beloit Col., Clark U., Col. of Wooster, Cornell Col., Denison U., Eckerd Col., Emory & Henry Col., Goucher Col., Hampshire Col., Hiram Col., Hope Col., Kalamazoo Col., Lawrence U., Lynchburg Col., Marlboro Col., Ohio Wesleyan U., Reed Col., Rhodes Col., Southwestern U., St. Olaf Col., Ursinus Col., Wabash Col., Wheaton Col.

Tour Schedule for May, 2017: Boston, MA: May 20, 10:00 am at the Boston Marriott Copley Place

The entire program itinerary can be obtained at website: Martha “Mary” O’Connell is the Spokesperson for CTCL and is available for speaking engagements and in the event that she is unavailable CTCL has an active Speakers Bureau. Mary can be contacted at (410) 857-8748 or at the CTCL website:

Exploring College Options -- Duke University, Harvard University, Georgetown University, University of Pennsylvania, Stanford University is scheduled to be held in various cities during the Spring of 2017.

Its program is designed for prospective college students and their parents. Each evening program will commence at 7:30 pm and end at approximately 9:30 pm. The format of the program is: 1.) Each college representative will give a five to seven minute presentation 2.) A question & answer panel discussion 3.) Representatives will be available to individually answer specific questions from members of the audience.

Boston, MA May 14 in Boston, MA at the Boston Marriott, Newton, 7:00 pm, 2345 Commonwealth Ave, Newton, MA. May 15 in Boston Downtown, MA at the Courtyard Boston. 7:00 pm, 275 Tremont St., 7:00 pm

New England Regional College Fair -- Tuesday August TBA, 2017 at Regis College, Weston, MA at 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm High school students and their parents are invited to meet representatives from colleges. Financial Aid and College Prep. Organizations will also be invited to talk to parents. Date/Time Schedule will be published in the summer edition o22the CI News For greater detail, contact: Lorraine O’Donnell, Gatehouse Media New England at (781) 433-6955

Meredith Manor International Equestrian Center, Waverly, WV is hosting its annual Open House Program for prospective students and their family’s on Saturday May TBA, 2017. There will be demonstrations which will include: Dressage, Western, and Jumping Performances, a peek at MM’s unique Training System, a Teaching Dept. Exhibit, Bucking Machine Display, Massage Therapy, a Horse Health Presentation, Farrier Program Demonstration & Display, Kiddy Coral for younger participants and siblings. For greater detail, call (800) 679-2603 ext. 204 & 206 or e-mail

Annual Massachusetts State High School Science & Engineering Fair 2017 at M.I.T., May 5 & 6 has open registration to all public, parochial, and independent school students in grades 9 through 12. The fair will be held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, MA. Over $350,000 in scholarships, prizes, and awards will be presented. To enter, high school students must complete an independent project and participate at either a local or regional fair. Each high school is invited to select and send an official student delegate to compete. In addition, the top 40 students from each regional fair will advance to the state fair. This is the seventh year in which middle school students will be judged at the Middle School Fair at the Worcester Technical High School, Worcester, MA on June 4. For information on the Massachusetts State Science Fair or to receive a registration packet, consult the webpage: NOTE: There are Science Fairs in the other five New England states. Interested students should check with the Science Departments at their high schools for specific information regarding Science Fair opportunities in their state.

Northeastern University College of Engineering is hosting a day for high school freshmen, sophomores, and juniors to learn what engineering is all about. Students choose from a menu of hands-on interactive activities led by the engineering faculty and students from the engineering departments. The program is “Building Bridges” and will be held on TBA, 2017. Call (617)-373-8380 for future dates. Northeastern U. College of Engineering hosts “Engineering Wednesdays” which are mini Open House Programs. The programs begin at 11:00 am in 110 Beharakis Center (Admissions Visitor Center).

Northeastern University, Boston, MA is hosting a number of departmental info sessions during the months of May & June, 2017. All meetings will be held at the Admissions Visitors Center

College of Arts, Media & Design Sessions: May 12, 2017

D’Amore-McKim Sch. of Business: May 25 -- June 22, 2017

College of Computer Information Science: May 15 -- June 19 & 26, 2017

College of Engineering: Wednesdays at 11:00

Bouve College of Health Sciences: May 18 -- June 8, 2017

College of Science: April June 22, 2017

College of Social Science & Humanities: June 23, 2017

Northeastern Explore Program: May 12, 2017

For greater detail, call (617) 373-2200

Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA will host its spring Open House Program “Junior Visit Day” on May 13, 2017. This is a complete OH Program featuring: A Mock Admissions Committee Meeting – An Interview Workshop - An Essay Workshop - A Financial Aid Workshop - a seminar on “How To Stay Calm for Eleven Months”. For details, call (800) 667-3110