Monday, July 31, 2006
Generations to come, it may be, will scarcely believe that
such a one, as this, ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth. - Albert Einstein
Government of India
Ministry of Environment & Forests
(Research & Training Division)
Phone: 011-2436 1774 E-mail: ,
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1 A two-day workshop on ‘Strategies for Development of Knowledge Management in Forestry Sector’ was organized for IFS officers at IGNFA, Dehradun on July 11-12, 2006.
2 The ‘Task Force’ on proposed merger of ‘Central Sector Forestry Training Schemes’ held its third meeting on July 17, 2006. The final report will be submitted to the Ministry in about a fortnight. The new components in the proposed scheme include (a) capacity building of other stakeholders, (b) personnel of other services, and (c) domestic funding for foreign training of forestry personnel.
3 The MoEF had issued guidelines to the State Governments for bringing high standards in the pattern of training of the frontline staff during the month of July 2004. The State Governments have been reminded to implement the guidelines.
4 The lists of nominations for the one-week courses being sponsored for IFS officers till October 2006 have been finalized and communicated to the State Governments/PCCFs/HRD Nodal officers and have also been e-mailed to all the IFS officers.
5 A three-day workshop is being organised for senior forest officers (PCCFs/Addl. PCCFs) of the States on August 17-19, 2006. The topics to be deliberated upon include:
a) “Measures to provide visibility to the Sector”
b) “Strengthening rapport and liaison by the State Forest Departments with the various governmental and non-governmental agencies for development of forestry sector –some measures”
c) “Extent to which the people can be involved in conserving the forests and in successful implementation of various forestry programmes and how the SFDs can contribute in their development.
6. The convocation for the 2003 batch of IFS probationers was held at IGNFA, Dehradun on 29th July, 2006. 31 IFS Probationers and two foreign trainees from Bhutan were awarded PG Diploma in Forestry by the Minister of State for Environment and Forests, who was the Chief Guest on the occasion.
7 From IFS Division:
During the month the following appointments, extension of deputation tenure, transfers and postings have been made:
· The deputation tenure of Shri Vinod Rishi, (WB: 69) Director, IGNFA has been extended till December 2006, the date of superannuation. The post of Director, IGNFA has also been upgraded to the level of PCCF as a measure personal to Shri Rishi.
· Shri Jagdish Kishwan (JK: 75), IGF, (Forest Conservation) has joined as DG, ICFRE on the afternoon of 25th July, 2006.
· Smt. Alka Bhargava (AM:87), Joint Director (WL), MoEF has joined as Director, Elementary Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, GOI during the last week of July, 2006.
· Sh. Sanjeeva Pandey (HP: 82) has joined WINROCK International, New Delhi.
· Sh. Harsh Mittar (HP: 82) and Sh. Mehar Singh (KL: 82) on completion of deputation tenure, have repatriated to the parent cadres.
· Smt. Savita Sharma (HP: 85), and Ajay Sharma (HP: 84) have been approved for appointment as professors in the IGNFA Dehradun in the vacancies of Sh. A. K. Upadhyay (RJ: 82) and Sh. A. M. Singh (AM: 86) (repatriated to parent cadres).
· Services of Sh. A. M. Singh(AM:86) have been retained for a period of six months (till January 21, 2007) for completion of the Ford Foundation Project being implemented by the IGNFA.
· Shri D. Bhargava (MP: 91) and Sh. T. Rabi Kumar (JK: 95) have joined as Associate Professors, IGNFA.
· Sh. Khajan Singh, CCF, Regional office, MoEF, Shillong has been transferred as CCF, Regional Office, MoEF, Bhubaneswar and Sh. B. N. Jha CCF, Regional Office, MoEF, Bangalore as CCF, Regional Office, MoEF , Shillong.
· Sh. Sandeep Sundrial, (WB: 91) Associate Professor, IGNFA, has joined as DCF, in ICFRE, Dehradun.
8 From the Ministries:
The DoPT, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, GOI has invited applications from the officers for selection for undergoing the following courses:
· 2nd MA in Public Policy and Sustainable Development during 2007-09 at TERI School of Advanced Studies, New Delhi
(No. 17014/2/2006-Trg (Pub Pol-TERI) dated 6th July 2006)
· First Post Graduate Programme in Public Management and Policy during 2007-08 at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad.
(No. 17014/03/2006-Trg (PGP-PMP-IIMA) dated 5th July 2006)
The details can be assessed at the
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A K Goyal
Monday, July 31, 2006
Kindly start using the e-mail addresses assigned by the MoEF to all the officers
Request others also to do so
Kindly visit our webpage at
Note: Old volumes of the RTNews can be accessed from the RT webpage under ‘RTNews’ Archives
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