The Commission convened in regular session at 1:10 p.m. in the Board of Supervisors’ chambers, 707 Nevada Street, Susanville, CA. Chairman Aaron Albaugh presided over the meeting with Commission members Toni Poulsen, Rick Stewart, Mark Totten, and Bob Beckett present. Also present were Conrad Montgomery, Planning Commission Secretary; Community Development Staff; and Recording Secretary Kearstin Nahhas.


Maurice Anderson, Chief Planner, discussed the meeting held with the LassenCounty mining operators in which they discussed Vestra Resources completing the inspections for the 2007 season.

Mr. Montgomery discussed the contract that the Board of Supervisors entered into with Pacific Municipal Consultants to conduct a fee study; provided an update on the status of the DyerMountain project; and discussed the Blue Ribbon Committee that the County has developed to develop a strategy to help with the effects of global warming.

Commissioner Totten wanted clarification on whether or not the Air Resources Board would be included on the Committee; Mr. Montgomery responded yes.

Mr. Montgomery introduced Thomas Maioli, new Assistant Planner in the Community Development Department.

Mr. Montgomery updated the Commission on the closed session that was held by the Board of Supervisors regarding the payment for the noise monitoring costs at the motorcross park.


Commissioner Albaugh apologized to the Commission for not opening the public hearing at the July 24, 2007, Planning Commission meeting regarding DyerMountain.

Commissioner Beckett stated that according to the Lassen County Times the public hearing would re-open at 1:10 p.m. on July 24, 2007 and stated that the public should have had time to speak.


There was no new correspondence not included in the Commissioner’s packets.




It was moved by Commissioner Poulsen, seconded by Commissioner Totten to approve the July 11, 2007, Planning Commission meeting minutes.

Commissioner Totten stated that according to the meeting minutes the meeting was adjourned to 1:10 p.m. on Tuesday, July 24, 2007.Discussion was held regarding whether or not the public hearing should have been re-opened at the July 24, 2007, Planning Commission meeting.


Motion to approve the July 11, 2007, Planning Commission meeting minutes passed with Commissioners Poulsen, Totten, Stewart, Beckett, and Albaugh voting ‘Aye’.

Commissioner Totten provided a copy of the July 24, 2007, Planning Commission Minutes and a copy of Resolution #07-05-07 and discussed the omission from the Resolution of the words “holding tanks” on condition #2 of Exhibit A. He stated that Commissioner Poulsen’s motion included prohibiting the use of holding tanks.

Discussion was held regarding the course of action the Commission could take to make it clear to the Board of Supervisors that the motion made by Commissioner Poulsen at the July 24, 2007, Planning Commission meeting included prohibiting the use of holding tanks.


It was moved by Commissioner Totten, seconded by Commissioner Stewart, and carried to direct staff to write a memorandum to the Board of Supervisors clarifying that the motion made by Commissioner Pouslen at the July 24, 2007, Planning Commission meeting, included prohibiting the use of holding tanks in addition to individual water supply wells and septic tank/leach field systems.


It was moved by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Poulsen, and carried to approve the July 24, 2007, Planning Commission meeting minutes.(Memorandum attached to minutes as Exhibit A).



PUBLIC HEARING: USE PERMIT #2007-053, George and Patricia Smith, Use Permit to allow a second dwelling on a 44.2 acre parcel within two separate zoning districts. The parcel is zoned A-2-B-10 (Agricultural Residential, Building Site Combining District with a 10 acre minimum parcel size) on the northern 29.3 acres and U-C-B-160 (Upland Conservation, Building Site Combining District with a 160 acre minimum parcel size) on the southern 14.2 acres. The proposed second dwelling will be located on a portion of the parcel zoned U-C-B-160. The project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act under Section 15303 of the Guidelines. The project is located at 641-080 Beck-Elliott Lane, Pittville. A.P.N.: 013-020-66.

Thomas Maioli, Assistant Planner, presented the staff report. He provided an overhead graphic identifying the project site.

The applicants were not present.

The public hearing was opened and closed at 1:49 p.m. with no one speaking for or against the project.

Discussion was held regarding conditions 7 and 8 of the resolution regarding the placement of the signage for Beck Elliott Lane and the address of the project site.

Discussion was held regarding the number of parcels in the Pittville Area Plan that are non-conforming with the U-C zoning district.

Commissioner Beckett stated that according to the map contained in the packets, the septic tank is 40’ feet from the property line and it should be 50’ feet.

Mr. Anderson provided clarification that the condition contained in the Resolution requires the applicant to meet the County setback requirements.


It was moved by Commissioner Totten, seconded by Commissioner Beckett, and carried to adopt Resolution #09-01-07, approving Use Permit #2007-053, George and Patricia Smith, subject to the conditions of approval.

PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT #318.01.30, Lassen County, Proposed revisions to the Lassen County Zoning Ordinance; Title 18 revising Section 18.102.011 “Placement of Mobile Homes”, Section 18.108.270 “Second Housing Unit” and adopting Section 18.108.235 “Architectural Requirements for Buildings within Residential Zoning Districts”. The project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act under Section 15061(b) (3) of the Guidelines.

Maurice Anderson, Chief Planner, introduced the project and stated that this will establish standards that will have to be met within the zoning districts.

Steve Fuller, Building Official, presented the staff report. He discussed the proposal to change the age requirements for the placement of mobile homes from 1976 to 15 years in Residential zones and 20 years in Agricultural zones;the proposal to require a second dwelling to be 80% of the square footage of the main dwelling or 1400 square feet; and design requirements for Design Review zoning districts.

Mr. Anderson explained that establishing minimum guidelines for the Design Review process would help applicants as well as staff.

Mr. Fuller stated that the Architectural Review Committee had reviewed the proposed guidelines for Design Review and is in agreement with the changes.

Mr. Fuller stated that the design guidelines in the scenic highway corridor only apply to residential structures but Commissioner Poulsen proposed that the guidelines should include all structures including fences.

The public hearing was opened at 2:23 p.m.

David Leroy, representing Heritage Land Company, addressed the Commission with his support of having design guidelines but he had concerns with the proposed 6:12 roof pitch.

Darrell Hager, Spalding Resident, addressed the Commission with his objections to the proposed 6:12 roof pitch when a 4:12 roof pitch meets all the snow load requirements.

The public hearing was closed at 2:30 p.m.

Commissioner Totten wanted clarification on the proposed roof pitch.

Mr. Anderson provided the clarification that in the Residential zones anything with a 60 pound snow load and higher would require a 6:12 pitch.

Commissioner Totten stated that he would like to separate the architectural guideline requirements from the other two proposals.

Mr. Fuller stated that this will help to establish basic architectural guidelines.

Commissioner Stewart wanted clarification on whether or not 4:12 is the standard roof pitch.

David Leroy, representing Heritage Land Company, provided his opinion that in Spalding a 3:12 or 4:12 is the standard roof pitch.

Commissioner Totten stated he agrees with the age of the mobile home requirements and would support a 10 year age limit.

Discussion was held regarding continuing the hearing to the October 3, 2007, Planning Commission meeting to allow the Commission and the public more time to review the proposed changes.


It was moved by Commissioner Totten, seconded by Commissioner Beckett, and carried to continue and re-open the public hearing for Zoning Ordinance Amendment #318.01.30, Lassen County to the October 3, 2007, Planning Commission meeting.

Discussion was held regarding writing a memorandum to the Board of Supervisors from the Planning Commission to clarify the motion made by Commissioner Poulsen at the July 24, 2007, Planning Commission meeting included prohibiting the use of holding tanks in addition to individual water supply wells and septic tank/leach field systems.

A brief recess was held from 3:04 to 3:21 to allow the Commission time to review the memorandum drafted by staff.

Commissioner Totten stated that the memorandum completed meets the requirements made by the Planning Commission (Exhibit B).

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 3:22 p.m.