To Parents and Guardians of Brookland High School students:

Communication is a key element of a student’s success in school. We wanted to take a moment to inform you of the numerous ways that teachers and faculty communicate with you as parents and guardians of our students. Below is a list of the communication methods in place:

  • The district maintains a website, The High School has a page under the Schools link (at the top of the page). The main High School page lists important information and the daily announcements for each day. The High School Faculty and Staff page lists the faculty and their e-mail addresses. The school district calendar is also linked on the district website.
  • Parents and guardians can access student grades, classwork, and attendance information through the Home Access Center (HAC). The link for this website is under the Families link on the main district website, You can get your log in information from the office.
  • Each faculty member maintains a website that has lesson plans and class materials posted for each of their classes. These sites can be found by visiting the school’s website, going to the Families link at the top of the page, and clicking on the High School Teacher Pages link.
  • Twice a year, parent/teacher conferences are held which allow you, the parents and guardians, to meet with the teachers to talk about your student’s grades, behavior, etc. These conferences begin in the afternoon and extend into the evening hours to ensure that all parents/guardians have the opportunity to attend.
  • Once a semester the parent center provides a newsletter to all parents/guardians. These can be picked up at parent/teacher conferences and will be posted to the High School main page as well.
  • Many teachers utilize the Remind101 tool. This allows them to send reminders about assignments, tests, upcoming events, etc. Check with your student’s teachers to see if they use this.
  • The high school has a Facebook page, Twitter account, and Instagram account that posts announcements and upcoming activities. Follow us on one or more of these.
  • One Call Now is a service that notifies parents and guardians about school closures and performs automated calls regarding attendance. Every parent/guardian should be automatically enrolled in this service. You can go to the High School main page and edit your enrollment options, add additional family members, and see the latest message that was sent out.

It is our goal to communicate with parents/guardians as often as we can to ensure that you stay up-to-date on your student. We also encourage you to communicate with us if you ever have questions or concerns about your student. We want to see all of our students reach their full potential and want to work with you as parents/guardians to make sure that each student achieves that goal.

Best regards,

Brookland High School Faculty and Staff