ENG001A English Foundations I Unit 1 Assignment 1.06 Writing Descriptions

ENG001A English Foundations I Unit 1 Assignment 1.06 Writing Descriptions

ENG001A | English Foundations I| Unit 1 Assignment | 1.06 Writing Descriptions

Name: / Date:

Answer Key

Writing Assignment

Writing Descriptions

Award points for answers as shown below. Starter feedback for correct and incorrect answers is in red. Use or adapt the feedback in this Answer Key as you grade each student paper. If you have suggestions for improving this key, send them to .

Grading Instructions

Student must complete each sentence with an adjective.

  • 1 point each for a total of 5 points

Practice using adjectives by completing the sentences below. Write your answer in the space provided in each sentence.

(1 point)

  1. I live in a ______city.

Answer: Student receives 1 point for filling in the blank with an adjective. Zero points given for no answer

or a word that is not an adjective.

(1 point)

  1. It has ______sports teams.

Answer: Student receives 1 point for filling in the blank with an adjective. Zero points given for no answer

or a word that is not an adjective.

(1 point)

  1. The basketball team has red and ______uniforms.

Answer: Student receives 1 point for filling in the blank with an adjective. Zero points given for no answer

or a word that is not an adjective.

(1 point)

  1. One of the teams is ______than the other one.

(1 point)

  1. The sports arena is ______.

Student must write a complete descriptive paragraph using at least five adjectives.

  • 5 points for using five adjectives
  • 5 points for a complete paragraph (introduction, body, and conclusion)
  • 5 points for proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation
  • Total of 15 points

(15 points)

When you practice writing paragraphs, try to use as many adjectives as you can to make your story interesting. Now, look at the picture below. Write a complete paragraph describing what you see. The paragraph should have an introduction sentence, the body of the paragraph, and a conclusion. Be sure to check your grammar and spelling.

Think about sounds you would hear at an event with friends. As you write the paragraph, remember to use at least five adjectives. Sound words and words that tell feeling are adjectives also.

Sound words: loud, squeal, stomp, shrill

Tell feeling: wonderful, great, happy

* Think about the five senses as you write descriptions, and your story will be great!

  • Yoga class

Your Score / ___ of 20


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