The Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC), Southcentral Region, requires mowing and/or mechanical cutting and felling of shrubs and trees on approx. 12.4 acres of State Game Lands (SGL) No. 212 Union Township, Snyder County as well as field border and hedgerow herbicide treatments of approx. 19.4 acres. Services shall include, but not be limited to, the furnishing of all labor, superintendence, tools and equipment for the work as per Attachment 1, Mowing/Mechanical Cutting and Felling Specifications and Attachment 1 & 2 Mechanical herbicide treatment Specifications All Purchase Orders require the contractor to provide the equipment, labor, insurance, and all miscellaneous expenses to complete the operation. (Site visit is mandatory for placing bids)

Any questions concerning the technical aspects of this bid should be directed to Douglas Barrick () at 717-454-6037.

Questions concerning the site characteristics and location of this project should be directed to Douglas Barrick ( ) at 717-454-6037.

Questions concerning the Request for Quote, the Purchase Order, or bidding procedures should be directed to Kimberly Ross () at 814643-1831, ext. 401.


The project is located on SGL No. 212 in Union Township, Snyder County. The project consists of 2 separate blocks totaling approx. 19.4 acres. A map showing the project location is included in Attachment 4 (There is a separate map for each line item task).


Line Item 1: The contractor shall mow and/or mechanically cut and fell shrubs and small trees on approx. 12.4 acres of SGL 212 in accordance with the Mowing/Mechanical Cutting and Felling Specifications as provided in Attachment 1.

Line Item 2: The contractor shall mechanically herbicide treat approx. 19.4 acres of understory invasive species along field borders and hedgerows with a mechanical type sprayer on SGL 212 in accordance with the Mechanical Herbicide Treatment Specifications as provided in Attachment 1 & 2.


PGC personnel will conduct an optional one-time-only tour of the project location for prospective bidders on November 12 2015, beginning at 1:00 pm in Union Township, Snyder County. Tour will meet at SGL 212 at the white barn on Dam Hill Rd, in Union Twp. (Site visit is mandatory for placing bids.)


B.  All work must be completed by the contract termination date: June 15, 2016.

B. The contractor agrees to comply with all attachments. The Commission reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

C. As a further guarantee of faithful performance of the conditions set forth in this Contract, the successful bidder hereby agrees to furnish the PA Game Commission with Cashiers or Treasurers Check, payable to “Pennsylvania Game Commission”, in the amount of $3,000.00 prior to work beginning.

The performance bond should be mailed or otherwise delivered to the following address:

Attn: LMGS Douglas Barrick

PA Game Commission

8627 William Penn Highway

Huntingdon, PA 16652

The performance bond will be released upon satisfactory completion of the project as determined by the PGC.

D. Failure to comply with any of the terms or conditions of the Contract may result in cancellation of the agreement and claim may be made against the surety or the security for all or part of the damages sustained by such noncompliance.

E. Any extension of time under the Contract, or forbearance of cancellation and claim against the surety will not result in a release of the surety or the Principal from their obligations under the Contract and the surety.


B.  The contractor will provide Workmen’s Compensation insurance sufficient to cover all of the employees of contractor working to fulfill this contract.

B. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance, including bodily injury and property damage insurance, to protect the Commonwealth and the contractor from claims arising out of the performance of the contract. The amount of Bodily Injury Insurance shall not be less than $300,000.00 for injury to or death of persons per occurrence. The amount of Property Damage Insurance shall not be less than $300,000.00 per occurrence.

Such policies shall name the Commonwealth as an additional insured. Prior to the commencement of work under this contract, the contractor must provide the Commonwealth with current Certificates of Insurance. These Certificates shall contain a provision that coverage afforded under the policy shall not be canceled or changed until at least thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to the Commonwealth.

HOLD HARMLESS: The contractor shall be responsible for and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Commonwealth from and against damages to property or injuries (including death) to any persons and other losses, damages, expenses, claims, demands, suits, and actions by any party against the Commonwealth in connection with the work performed by the contractor.


Bid is electric thru SRM by 2:00pm on November 30, 2015. (Site visit is mandatory for placing bids.)


Vendors may access the website or phone (877) 435-7363 or (717) 346-2676 or email for assistance to register as a new vendor or, if you are an existing vendor, to change a main or remit to address. This is a Dept. of General services (DGS) website so you need to contact them directly if you have any problems with the website.

The unit price (price per acre) shall include all labor, equipment, tools, insurance and all items necessary for the completion of the project.

The contractor shall be paid at the unit price (price per acre) bid for ACTUAL acres correctly completed (as determined by the PGC) in accordance with the contract terms, conditions, and “Mowing/Mechanical Cutting and Felling Specifications.”


The contract term shall commence upon the contractor’s receipt of the Purchase Order that includes a notice to proceed, and terminate June 15, 2016. The contract will not be extended beyond June 30, 2016, for any reason.


The contractor shall be responsible for any damage to Commonwealth property resulting from the completion of this contract. The contractor shall immediately repair, in a manner that meets with the approval of the PGC, any damage to roads and other facilities resulting from the contractor’s activities, beyond what is reasonably considered normal wear and tear.


Payment shall be on a reimbursement basis for actual acres correctly treated as measured by the PGC.




1.  Within the project boundary all brush and woody debris is to be mowed as close to the ground as possible. Anything over 6” (dbh) is to be felled with a chainsaw or pushed over with a tracked dozer. The contractor will use a cutting, shredding, or similar mulching mower to clear the vegetation to as close to the ground surface as possible within the project boundary.

2. All cut and felled material must be placed on the ground with a hydro axe or similar brush cutting machine. Trees that are too large for the mechanical brush cutter (i.e. 4” dbh or larger) may be felled with a chainsaw or pushed over with a tracked dozer. All stumps must be removed and the tops, stumps and slash placed on a brush pile close to the center of the preexisting hedgerow. Trees larger than 6” dbh cut by chainsaw or pushed over by tracked dozer shall be removed from the site and disposed of by the contractor. Larger diameter trees that are considered timber are marked with a yellow dot.

3. All trees and shrubs must be completely severed at the stump. “Cutting & bending” is unacceptable.

4. Stumps from trees larger than 6” (dbh) must be pushed out of the ground and placed on brush pile.

5. A tracked dozer of any make or model equivalent in size and horsepower to a JD 650 with a 6 way

blade and associated ground ripping attachment is required for large tree and stump removal

requirements of this contract.

5. Roads, road berms, ditches, culverts, and waterways must be kept clear of woody debris.

6. Heavy equipment shall not be operated when ground conditions are such that excessive soil disturbance and damage will result. The contractor may be required to repair areas that become rutted due to work.

7. The contractor shall remove all trash and garbage generated from the completion of this contract on a daily basis. This includes all materials generated from the support of felling tools and equipment, and any other items or refuse generated by the contractor’s employees.

8. The contractor shall notify the LMGS Barrick three days prior to beginning the project. Commencement of project may begin on Monday, December 14th. The contractor may work at times other than the schedule of the LMGS Barrick. The contractor may be present at the final inspection.

9. The contractor shall comply with all State Game Lands regulations.

10. The following are “Non-work days” for this project:

A.  The day of the youth spring gobbler hunt (April 23rd 2016).

B.  All Saturdays of the statewide 2016 spring gobbler season including April 30, May 7, 14, 21 and 28. (Note: The contractor has the option of working after 1:00pm on these Saturdays. April 30, May 7 and 14. )


Mechanical Herbicide Application

SGL 212

1.  The contractor shall comply with all State Game Lands Regulations.

2.  Within the project boundary, the contractor shall perform a herbicide application of 2 Quarts Glyphosate, ½ quart Garlon 3a and an aquatic approved surfactant on approximately 7 acres of field border and 12.4 acres of removed hedgerow re-growth. Application shall be done by mechanical methods (machine only) and completed within 4 days of start of project. Modifications to the type of herbicide used may be made based on species to be treated with the mutual agreement of the contractor and the LMGS Barrick.

3.  The contractor shall not apply herbicide when foliage is wet from precipitation or precipitation is forecast prior to timing specified on the product label.

4.  The operator shall perform complete and accurate coverage of the entire project area. If any project area is missed or improperly treated, as determined by PGC land management or forestry representative, the contractor shall re-treat such areas at the contractor’s expense. Failure to re-treat missed or improperly treated area may result in the contractor’s forfeiture of the performance bond.

5.  The contractor shall apply the herbicide between June 1 and June 15, 2016

6.  Heavy equipment shall not be operated when ground conditions are such that excessive soil disturbance and damage will result. The contractor may be required to repair areas that become rutted due to work.

7.  The contractor shall remove all trash and garbage generated from the completion of this contract on a daily basis. This includes all materials generated from the support of felling tools and equipment, and any other items or refuse generated by the contractor’s employees.

8.  The contractor shall notify the LMGS Barrick three days prior to beginning the project. The contractor may work at times other than the schedule of the LMGS Barrick. The contractor may be present at the final inspection.

9.  The following are “Non-work days” for this project:

A.  The day of the youth spring gobbler hunt (April 23rd 2016).

B.  All Saturdays of the statewide 2016 spring gobbler season including April 30, May 7, 14, 21 and 28. (Note: The contractor has the option of working after 1:00pm on these Saturdays. April 30, May 7 and 14. )

Attachment 4