JOIN US FROM 10 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.
Liza Jackson Park
338 Miracle Strip Parkway
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548
EVENT REGISTRATON - Vendors/Exhibitors
The theme for Earth Day 2018 is End Plastic Pollution. We will have vendors that will support the theme, but others that include recycling, hybrid vehicles, solar energy, water education, gardening, and more. There will be a designated kids activity area and music and art as well.
About our theme: “Plastics litter our cities and oceans, and growing evidence shows how they contribute to health problems in humans and animals. By 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the world’s oceans! Plastic coagulates into great floating “garbage patches” that cover large areas of the Pacific. Plastics wash up on beaches and can be found in the stomachs of more than half the world’s sea turtles and nearly all of its marine birds. If plastic pollution was bagged up and arranged across all of the world’s shorelines, we could build a plastic wall around every shoreline and the sea. This is a problem we can help solve by cleaning up plastic trash, drastically reducing the amount of plastic used and recycling 100% of the rest.” (Source: Earth Day Network)
The intent of Earth Day Fort Walton Beach is to educate the public and increase awareness about environmental and social issues at local, regional, and global levels in an effort to engage, empower, and encourage public involvement towards positive resolutions. You do not have to be part of the theme, but do need to “ecological/environmental” in nature to be part of the event.
Name of Organization: ______
Address: ______
Phone Number: ______
Email Address ______
Website: ______
Name of Organization Representative: ______
VENDOR/EXHIBITOR: (Please check one category only)
___Local Farmer: Free
___Committee Member Table Donation: Free
___Non-Profit: Free.
___Artist: Free.
___Business (fewer than 20 employees): $70
___Business (more than 20 employees): $120
Do you need electricity?___ yes ___ no
Do you need water? ___yes ___ no
Other needs: ______
I/We have read and will comply with the enclosed rules and conditions. I hereby forever release and discharge from liability Earth Day Fort Walton Beach, its sponsor(s) and affiliated agents.
DATE: ______
Please mail this form, along with any applicable fees to Earth Day Fort Walton Beach, 332 Oakland Circle, Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548. Please make checks payable to Earth Ethics.
Participant Agreement Form
The event will be Saturday, April 28, 2018, 10:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. at Liza Jackson Park, 338 Miracle Strip Parkway, Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548
Vendors need to be finished setting up by 9:30 a.m. Vendors are not to start breaking down their booth until 3:00 p.m. No rain date is scheduled.
1. Booth size is 10’x10‘.
2. Participants will set-up and break down their own booths. Participants are
responsible for providing their own tables, chairs, tents, etc. Rental fee is for
the space only. Front parking lot is available for loading and unloading only.
3. No tent stakes allowed by order of the City of Fort Walton Beach. Bring some type of weights to weigh your tent down.
4. Electricity and water are not readily available. Please call us as soon as
possible if electricity and water are necessary for your display. You must
supply your own extension cords and hoses. Space is limited.
5. Booth set-up begins at 8:00 a.m. and must be completed by 9:30 a.m.
6. Along with this agreement, for promotional purposes please include your bio, picture, press kit, and/or other marketing materials, if available.
7. Participants are responsible for any local, state, or federal laws applicable to their business.
8. Participants agree to collect and remit all sales tax, pay any business fee,
and/or government fines as legally required. The Earth Day committee is
required to furnish a list of vendors to the Florida Department of Revenue.
9. For safety reasons, no open flames, burning of incense, or smudging will be
10. Earth Day Fort Walton Beach is for educational, informational and entertainment purposes only. The planning committee and sponsors, wholly or individually, are not responsible for any negligence, claims or actions of the vendors or exhibitors, although we will do our best to maintain the integrity and respectability of the event for the greatest good of all concerned.
11. Earth Day Fort Walton Beach reserves the right to refuse or cancel any vendor or exhibitor without a reason and with a full refund of any booth fees received. This includes prior to and during the event.
12. You are responsible for maintenance and cleanup of your booth area, and
disposal of your own trash in an environmentally friendly manner. Your area
must be clean and vacated by 5:00 p.m.
For further information contact Mary Gutierrez, Event Director, at
or 850.549.7472..
Please retain a copy of this page for future reference.