Awards Assemblies

Awards Assemblies will be held at the end of each term. These assemblies recognize students who have achieved well academically, participated positively in the school and had outside achievements during the term. A committee of staff will be responsible for planning these events.

Bicycles/Skateboards/Roller Blades/Scooters

Roller Blades, scooters and skateboards are not permitted at school. Students who bring bicycles to school are not to ride them on the school grounds.

Bus Policy

Secondary students who live 3.6 kilometers or more from the school and grade six students who live 2.4 kilometres or more from the school may be transported to and from school by school bus. Bus evacuation procedures and safety rules will be reviewed by Bus Drivers early in the school year. Regulation 80 of the Motor Carrier Act states:

"Every school pupil being conveyed shall be instructed by the Principal that, if after getting off a school bus it is necessary for such pupil to cross the highway, he must proceed immediately to a position approximately ten feet in front of the stopped school bus, look and listen, then cross the road at least ten feet in front of the stopped school bus, when it is safe to do so.”

Students are reminded to be on time for their bus, to remain in their seats until the bus comes to a complete stop, to refrain from distracting the Bus Driver, to keep the bus clean and in good condition. (See School Code of Conduct)

Extra-curricular Participation

We are very fortunate at Ridgecliff Middle School to have a staff who give willingly of their time to offer a wide range of choices in our extracurricular program to supplement our academic program. Students will find their time in school more enjoyable and rewarding if they become involved in an extracurricular activity. Students who take part in extracurricular activities must maintain an acceptable level of academic performance and behave in an appropriate manner. Students who fail to meet these expectations will be referred to a committee comprised of the principal or the vice principal, the coach, and the student's teachers. Such a meeting would be called by the principal to determine what, if any, sanctions would be placed on that student's extracurricular participation.

French Immersion Program

Students may enter late French Immersion after completing grade six. The teachers closely monitor students to ensure a good start in the program. Parents of grade six students will be invited to apply for the program in March.

Home and School Communication
We encourage you to read carefully all notes, memos, calendars, newsletters and communications and return any permission forms, volunteer forms or special requests required. We rely strongly on our calendar and newsletters to keep you informed. We also have a school Web Site for your added convenience.
Homework Policy

Homework will be assigned at all grade levels and is to be checked at the teacher's discretion. Length of time on homework will vary according to grade level. Homework assigned in grades six to nine should be checked by parents/guardians on a regular basis. It is the individual student’s responsibility to keep track of home assignments and their due dates.

Information Technology Lab

The I.T. Lab is open to students at specific times each day. Certain days may be designated for the use of each grade level. Students who use the Lab must adhere to the rules governing its use as outlined in our computer policy that will be sent home for your review and signature. Responsible behaviour is expected; the hardware and software must be treated with care and respect; no food or drink is to be taken into the Lab. Students are not permitted to visit chat lines, play games or download music/video clips.


The school library is an integral component of the educational program and our goals reflect the program that we serve. It is our goal to provide resources and facilities that will support the curriculum for both teachers and students. Students are encouraged to use the library during the school day, with their teacher's permission. The library is open to students in the morning from 7:30 until 7:55, most recesses and most noon hours.


All valuables, books, clothing etc. should be stored in students’ lockers. Students are not to give their combination to other students. Students will be allowed to use lockers at the following times: in the morning prior to homeroom, at recess, at noon hour and at dismissal. Students are not to be at their lockers between or during class time without permission. According to School Board Policy, students are advised that the use of lockers, desks or other school storage facilities is a privilege and not an exclusive right of possession. School authorities retain the right to conduct searches in accordance with Policy JGE of the Halifax Regional School Board.

Lost and Found

A lost and found box for lost clothing etc. will be placed in the office. Please encourage your child to take all articles of clothing home each day. If your child is leaving sneakers in school during the winter months, please encourage them to lock them in their lockers. Items collected will be displayed on Parent/Teacher Days. All other lost articles which are turned in, such as textbooks, scribblers, pencil cases, jewelry, instruments, etc., may be claimed in the Main Office. The school will not be responsible for expensive items that students bring to school.

Multipurpose Room

Students may use the Multipurpose Room under teacher supervision for individual fitness training programs. Care and safety must be observed at all times and equipment kept in proper working order.

Music/Band Program

Grade Six students receive a full Music Program and we have four bands that practice and perform on a regular basis. The Festival Band (8 & 9 combined), Grade 7 Band and Grade 8 Band are full credit classes. The fourth band is a Jazz Band that counts as extra credit and meets outside class time.
Noon Hours

When the weather permits, students are to proceed outside after completing their lunch. Students remaining inside should be in the Cafetorium and designated hallway, the gymnasium with a teacher for an activity, the Library, or in extra help/detention. All students should be in a supervised area.

Physical Education

It is a requirement of the Education Act that all students participate in Physical Education classes unless they have a medical excuse. If a student cannot participate on a particular day because of injury, etc., a note from the parent will be required. Students are required to wear proper clothing such as T-shirts, shorts, jogging suits, and sneakers (with the exception of black-soled sneakers) for Physical Education classes. Physical Education classes are co-educational; therefore, very short light shorts, tank tops, muscle shirts and cut-off shorts are not to be worn. For safety reasons, no jewelry is to be worn in this class. Valuables that cannot be worn in the gym should be carefully secured in the student's locker. Neither the School Board nor the school will assume any responsibility for items misplaced, lost or stolen.

School Dances

School dances will usually be held on Thursday evenings from 6:30p.m. to 9:00p.m. These dances will be supervised by school staff. Admission will occur during the first half hour only. Dances are a regular school activity and as such, all school rules will apply. Students must be in attendance at school the day of the dance to be eligible to attend. Students will be permitted to sign in guests, but they must do so at the Main Office at least one day prior to the dance. Guests must be in attendance at another secondary school and be in good standing at their school.

School Supplies

School supply lists will be distributed by subject teachers. Each student is expected to come to school fully prepared for the day's classes. This means students should have their own pens, pencils, binders and paper with them. Textbooks issued are the responsibility of the student and are expected to be returned when requested.

Student Fees

In September, all students will be charged a fee of $15.00 to cover the cost of student council activities, a Student Agenda Planner, lock and locker rental. The loss of a lock may result in a $5.00 charge for replacement of such. The Agenda Planner can play a crucial role in the student’s study skills component.


Students will be issued their textbooks by subject teachers. It is the responsibility of each student to return the book to that teacher in approximately the same condition in which it was issued. Loss of textbooks will result in students replacing the text at a cost determined by the Nova Scotia School Book Bureau. Defacing of texts may also result in a replacement cost.


An increasing number of families take their children from school during the school year for vacation. It is not something that we recommend and in some situations can be very detrimental to student progress. If parents wish to do this, it becomes the responsibility of the student to get caught up on missed work. Assignments that are due during the vacation period may be required to be completed prior to going on vacation. Should there be testing during the time the student is away, the student will not be penalized for missing these tests. However, at the teachers' discretion, students may be required to write the test upon their return. Students should obtain copies of these tests because of continuous evaluation.