Wood Shop
Safety Guide / Mr. Drever


Working in the Wood Shop is intended to broaden and enhance your professional and personal skills. You will learn safety procedures, organization, planning and execution of short term and long term projects, cooperation with others, and knowledge of woodworking tools/machines. Furthermore, through an application of strict work ethics, you can and will develop self-respect, maturity, and a confidence that comes with fine work and concrete success. Finally, you are expected to plan and complete a number of woodworking projects, both individually and in teams, that you choose, or is provided by the instructor, depending on your course.

The Wood Shop:

The use and operation of Wood Shop machines is a privilege and a responsibility that students must earn and maintain. There will be no tolerance for unsafe practices and attitude in the class. Safety rules will be followed strictly and immediately. Violations of the safety rules will result in immediate removal and possible detentions and or suspensions.

Safety Rules: Read all of these instructions carefully.

1.  CODE OF BEHAVIOR, see in your agendas.

2.  CLOTHING/FOOTWEAR: No loose clothing is permitted in the shop. Tuck in your shirts, remove any jewellery, neckties, chains, bracelets, and rings. Roll up your sleeves and tie any hair back in a ponytail before beginning any work. No hard-soled footwear is permitted in the Wood Shop.

3.  EYE PROTECTION: Safety goggles must be worn at all times when in the shop.

4.  FLOOR SAFETY: The floor should be clear of scrap blocks, excessive material, and sawdust. Keep projects, sawhorses, and other equipment and materials you are using out of traffic lanes. Wipe up any spilled liquids immediately.

5.  BENCH ORGANIZATION: Keep your project material carefully organized on your bench/cabinet with tools located near the center. Do not pile tools on top of each other. Never allow edged or pointed tools to extend over the edge of the bench. Close vises when they are not in use and see that the handle is turned down. Keep drawers and cabinet doors closed.

6.  CONSIDERATION OF OTHERS: Be thoughtful and helpful toward other students in the class. Caution them if they are violating a safety rule.

Operating Procedure

1.  Secure the instructor’s approval for all machine work. Before asking for permission you must fill out an Operators Card, located on Mr. Drever’s workbench. (See Card)

2.  See that other students are out of the way when you are operating a machine. Respect the yellow lines on the floor around the machines. Do not cross them or be within them while a fellow student is working on a machine.

3.  Make all the necessary adjustments before turning on the machine. Never remove or adjust a safety guard. Allow the machine to reach its full operating speed before starting to feed the work.

4.  When you have completed an operation on a machine shut off the power and wait until it stops before leaving or setting up another cut. Never leave a machine running and unattended.

5.  Do not crowed around or wait in line to use a machine. Use the Sign Up Sheets and or ask the operator to inform you at your workbench when he/she has finished.

Cleanliness and Organization

1.  Workstations, machines and the shop floor will be cleaned and swept of sawdust at the end of every class. Each table will be assigned a task they must complete before being dismissed.

2.  All off cuts must be placed in Wood Scrap box. Place scrap wood in the garbage.

3.  All Wood Shop binders/duo-tangs must be placed on assigned shelf in bookcase.

4.  There will be absolutely no access to the Tool Crib/Cabinet, Finishing Room, Wood Room, and or Mr. Drever’s Work Bench/Office.

5.  Students who are late must wait at the door until Mr. Drever is free to open it. The door to the shop will be closed/locked at the sound of the second bell.


Any violations or perceived violations of the rules outlined in this document can and will result in individual student(s) being removed from class.

Student and Parent/Guardian

Due to the seriousness of handling woodworking tools and machines the student’s and parent’s/guardian’s signatures are required acknowledging that they have read and understood the Safety Guidelines. No student will be allowed to work in the shop until the signature is returned. This is the first step in demonstrating a responsible and safe attitude for the course.

We (student and parent/guardian) have read the Safety Guide document and understand all the rules and regulations herein. Therefore, any violation of the above mentioned rules/regulations will result in the student receiving detention or suspension depending on the seriousness of the offense. It is also understood that all the normal school rules apply during the activity. As safety is the primary concern of the Wood Shop environment the students’ attitudes are a huge determinant on how well they succeed and how much they learn.

Please sign below, along with your child, as acknowledgement of this safety guideline and return to this form to the Wood Shop teacher immediately.







