HONORS U.S. HISTORY – Period #3 (1650-1750)
Individual: ______
1750s-1770s Meeting of the Minds
Several prominent and not so prominent people have agreed to come together onFRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd, and discuss the major issues of the era.
GENERAL QUESTIONS to be answered from the point of view of your person:
What are the major positive and negative trends happening in the American colonies?
What challenges confront the colonies or Great Britain?
What should be the future of the colonies or Great Britain?
SPECIFIC QUESTIONS to be answered from the point of view of your person:
Who are you, most especially, during this time period?
How did you impact the major events/issues of this time period?
Who/what had the greatest impact on your actions/thinking during this period?
Who are your major allies? Opponents?
Summarize outcome(s).
Specific Tasks & Products:
You will need to become familiar with the background of your person, then focus primarily on what they are doing and believing during the time period given. In order to achieve this:
- For each of the questions above, provide a typed summary response. These responses should reflect comments your person would logically make in discussing the issues raised during this period. Your responses should be accessible, meaning that bulleted lists or charts are very appropriate. Clearly identify your positions.
- To complete #1, consult the appropriate chapters in your textbook AND a basic encyclopedia, such as the Encyclopedia Britannicaor short versions, such as The Reader’s Digest Family Encyclopedia of American History; reference materials, such as the Dictionary of American Biography or other print or electronic reference or biographic materials.
Avoid wikipedia due to credibility issues. Use of wikipedia will result in grade reduction.
- Provide a typed, MLA formatted, works cited page(s).
- Make and wear a clearly visible, visually appealing and appropriate name tag for your person.
- Engage in classroom discussion by clearly introducing yourself and reacting in an appropriately supportive or critical way to the “historical” comments made by others.
Bring to the Meeting of the Minds:
-You are required to write a 2-3 page paper introducing yourself, and explaining your beliefs/ideas related to the time period.
-Topics to be covered are individual rights/ the relation of the Mother Country to the colonists she “controls”/ economic advantages and disadvantages of English rule/ mercantilism and taxation – especially the ideas of virtual representation/ prevailing religious ideas and ideologies of the time.
-You might have to make inferences. State why you take the stand you do on the various issues.
-You could also select additional issue(s) of the time period.
You are ALSO to include in the context of your paper:
1)A relevant question asked to the “meeting” in general.
2)A relevant question asked to someone who holds the opposite opinion your character holds.
3)A relevant opinion question asked about an issue your character felt strongly about.
Important Individuals of the Era:
***You must choose a person from this list no later than Friday, August 26th!!!
-George Washington– Chandler W.- Thomas Jefferson– Ansley Mc.
-Benjamin Franklin– Drew T.- Alexander Hamilton
-John Adams– Austin M.- Abigail Adams– De’Andrya R.
-Thomas Paine – Jalen E.- Andrew Burnaby
-Ottawa Chief Pontiac- Miles S.- George Grenville
-James Otis- Samuel Adams–Selena C.
-Patrick Henry- Nathan Hale– Chris E.
-Gen. Cornwallis– Ben F.- John Hancock– Caitlin L.
-Charles Townshend- Captain Thomas Preston– Jaylon K.
-Carolina Regulators- Governor William Tryon
-Quaker Parishioner-Governor Thomas Hutchinson
-Thomas Mifflin- General Thomas Gage– John G.
-Lord North– Noah M.- Francis Marion– Edward L.
Student Name Historical Character Identity
PRESENTATION / verbalized viewpoints well, both prepared and off-the-cuff
extensive, effective eye contact
clear, easy to be heard voice which emphasizes points and engages audience / verbalized some viewpoints, both prepared and off-the-cuff
good eye contact
clear, easy to be heard voice which sometimes emphasizes points / verbalized prepared comments, but few off-the-cuff remarks
inconsistent eye contact
can be heard, but little variation in voice / verbalized few or no prepared comments or off-the-cuff remarks
little or no eye contact
difficulties in being heard, and lacked audience attention
SKILLS / effectively asked and answered questions so as to be one of the dominant characters / accurately asked and answered some questions / asked and answered at least one question / didn’t ask or answer any questions
COMPLETENESS / verbalized fully and accurately the key beliefs of the character
sophisticated understanding of the task and the time period / verbalized accurately most of the key beliefs of the character
good understanding of the task and the time period / verbalized accurately some of the key beliefs of the character
some basic understanding of the task and time period / major errors or omissions in verbalizing the key beliefs of the character
no understanding of task and the time period
WRITTEN WORK – Notes/Question Summaries / analysis and connections drawn
clear, neat, legible notes
historically accurate information
abundant, specific, pertinent details
/ clear, neat, legible notes
historically accurate information
abundant, specific, pertinent details
/ clear, neat, legible notes
historically accurate information
specific and pertinent details
accurate references
/ poorly presented notes
historic inaccuracies
limited pertinent details
SOURCES / accurate, quality references
wide variety of credible references / accurate, quality references
variety of credible references / mostly quality references
limited number of credible references / questionable or poor references
one reference used
INFORMATION / MLA format followed
Neat, clean, typed copy attached
Annotations clear and appropriate / MLA format followed
Neat, clean, typed copy attached
Annotations mostly clear and appropriate / MLA format followed mostly
Typed copy attached, which may have some handwritten additions
Annotations limited / MLA format not followed
Annotations inadequate or missing
NAMETAG and PROP / Clear, legible artistic nametag / Quality nametag / Nametag acceptable / Nametag shoddily completed or missing