Meeting held on Friday 19th February 2016
In The Dining Room
At Ford House, Newton Abbot
At 10.30am
Attending: Helen Garside, Greg Venn, Colin Ellis, Kate Baxter-Hunter,
Ian Lund, Maureen Pearce
- Apologies: Caroline Power, Charlotte Bowles-Lewis, James Webb, Liz Smith-Gibbons, Malcolm James, Alyson Cooper
- Minutes of last meeting held on 13th November 2015
Agreed as a correct record
- Matters Arising
Item 4 – Agreed to pay the Honoraria this financial year as discussed.
NB. Scam email sent from MP email so please note and be vigililant
- Treasurer’s Report
None received
- Report from the Chair
- Contributions on Consultations
Need to be aware that the comments should be kept professional and not to make personal judgements or comments. Keep to the points being made and be aware of the responses made. Agreed to send an email to SW Members to remind them that emails may well be circulated to a wider audience and need thought before sending.
KBH to draft email
- Report on AGM
Minutes agreed as a correct record.
CE raised issue relating to Item 7 to clarify the points raised at the meeting. The consistency seminars have raised some similar issues but this item mainly related to professionals in private practice and the need to follow the Code of Conduct. Discussion followed relating to this and some concerns relating to these issues. Looked at Code of Conduct which is very detailed and explicit and agreed to forward copy of this to all Members as a reminder of the requirements in it – GV to action – this has now been actioned (18th March 2016)
- Business Plan
This has been approved by Central Branch on 16th December 2015. Discussion arose relating to Honoraria and these need to be paid for this year (AC to action) and added as Agenda Item at future meeting. KBH to action.
- Committee Posts & Vacancies
Bulletin: MJ currently unwell and agreed to discuss the production of the Bulletin in the near future with him - MP to action
Training & Events post: LSG resigned from the post due to personal reasons and this leaves a vacancy. Currently might need to be less active this year, but possibly ask Members if any interest in covering post in the meantime until formal appointment at next AGM. – County Reps to action & GV to include in email - this has now been actioned (18th March 2016)
Treasurer & Council Rep: need to consider these as possible future vacancies and how to plan for this before the next AGM.
- Membership
IL reported on current situation and receipt of latest SW Branch update. Need to forward this to County Reps to be able to update data records, remembering Data Protection issues. Discussion relating to protocol of Mentoring and final applications to IHBC for comment. IL to contact LSG for informal chat regarding Membership.
- Branch Activities
- Bulletin – see above – Committee to collate any articles and put on hold for time being
- Consistency Seminar – CE reported on current situation and now visited Devon, Gloucester and Somerset. The Q & A’s are bringing up the same issues and concerns eg. when to ask for LBC applications – various differences on roof covering such as thatch or slate; modern extensions/layout etc. The final outcomes appear to be mainly the same, but the processes are often very different.
The examples used in the seminars’ case studies Local Plan policies SDPs etc have been very helpful to the PINS in supporting the LPA decision to refuse consent. However, it would seem that many LPAs do not now have up to date Local Plans and those that do in some cases seem to be re-iterating the guidance contained in the NPPF, which seems rather pointless and perhaps a more proactive and ‘local’ approach to heritage policy is required. Now want to move forward with a Seminar for the Private Sector and to ask for interest from Members and then if so to arrange a convenient ‘hot spot’ location/s. – GV to add to email – this has now been actioned (18th March 2016)
- Historic England Seminar on Regional Statistics – KBH to contact Liz Clare re: this and actual date/topic etc and whether there is scope to add the Consistency Seminar for the Private Sector to the end of the day. Update – this was
held on Tuesday 1st March 2016, but due to timescale changes to the agenda were not possible.
- Day Conference – due to the issues relating to Committee at the current time agreed to put this on hold for the time being and to discuss this at future meeting. Various ideas of subjects (eg. Setting or curtilage – MP outlined current issues relating to a case in Teignbridge subject of Appeal which may need to be challenged) and speakers, see previous minutes. Issues relating to venues, administration etc. Possibly find someone to organise a Day Event and agree some form of payment. Another option maybe to have a half day on various issues in an informal manner (speaker/visit etc) which have previously been successful and well attended.
KBH to speak to Central Office
- Smaller events eg. Forest of Dean Buildings Preservation Trust – in CBL absence agreed that this could be a low key local event – CBL to arrange in conjunction with Laura Stevens
- Exchange of information
- ‘Architecture for the contemporary church’ symposium, Bristol, 23 February 2016 – previously circulated
- Breakfast Seminar at Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners, Bristol – offer of space up to 100 people and smaller event rooms. Could certainly make use of this, possibly Private Sector Seminar on Consistency
- Writing up todate CV’s and private work – in time of pressure on LA’s budget cuts to ask Central to assist when Members need help if made redundant, reducing hours, needing to change jobs. JW to raise at next Council meeting
- Early Bird rate (ends 22nd April) for IHBC Annual School Worcester ‘People Power!’ 23-25th June 2016 – circulate to Reps/Members – check bursaries
- Any other business
Historic England Exhibition – Picturing England: Free outdoor exhibition
Millennium Square, Bristol: 11 February - 21 March 2016
Reminded that Francis Kelly is leaving HE and MP suggested that CP write a few words for the Bulletin recognising his contribution over the years – CP to action
Date of next meeting: Friday 20th May 2016 @ Newton Abbot
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