“Educating the mind, without educating the heart is no education at all.” –Aristotle.

As we begin this new journey together, I would like to welcome you and your child to my class. I look forward to everything we will accomplish together this year.

A good learning experience is built on a cooperative effort among parent, child, and teacher. My expectations for conduct and academics are high. With your participation both in and out of the classroom, we can look forward to a productive, creative, and enjoyable year together. –Ms. Pappas


Grading Policy

Grading will be on a point system. Every assignment will have a point value attached to it.

Class Rules

1.  Be on time to class!

2.  Respect others!

3.  Raise your hand to speak!

4.  Be prepared everyday! (Pencil, notebook, folder, textbook, agenda, assignments, etc.)

5.  Positive energy only!

If students do not follow class rules they will be given a verbal warning, they will be spoken to privately, and receive a phone call home and/or a detention for the following day if necessary.

***Some areas (fighting, cursing, threats, etc.) will be given directly to administration to be dealt with on an individual basis.


1.  One subject note book

2.  One 2” Binder

3.  Pencils

* If you wish, tissue box donations for our classroom would be greatly appreciated.

Extra Help

1.  After school help is available daily in room D175 (Monday through Thursday 2:15-2:30). Students can go home on the late bus or a parent/guardian can pick them up at 2:30. At 2:30, students will be escorted to the late bus room to be supervised until the late bus arrives.

2. Students may email me questions they may have, and I will respond as soon as possible.

*According to schedules, extra help may be given during lunch*


Students are instructed to write their homework in their agenda daily. Please have your child check my Google Classroom if they are not sure what the homework is for the night or for copies of notes, worksheets, project details, etc. You may access Google Classroom through Google or my teacher website.


Homework Policy

1.  Homework is a good way to practice and reinforce material taught in school. Homework may also be used to prepare students for class the next day.

2.  Regular homework will NOT be accepted late. Graded assignments must be done completely, according to directions, and on time in order to receive full credit.

Missed Work Policy

1.  It is the student’s responsibility to get all missed work due to illness, field trips, etc.

2.  When the student is absent, they are encouraged to complete their missed assignments and return it the next day. Students are required to turn in work within 2 days of their absence(s). Special circumstances need to be discussed with the teacher or else zeroes will be issued for missed work not returned within 2 days. * Please email or call me if there are extenuating circumstances.

3.  Test/Quizzes are to be made up the next day unless the student was absent the day the test/quiz was announced.


·  All test/quizzes/essays will be prepared for extensively. There will be no pop-assessments.

Textbook: TCI History Alive: United States through Industrialism (available online)

I look forward to working with you and your child this year. Please do not hesitate to contact me about any questions or concerns you may have. You may leave me a voicemail at 461-8822 ext. 7113 or email me at . I will respond as soon as possible. Please discuss my discipline policy and academic expectations with your child. Tear-off the section below and have your child return it to class by Friday, September 9, 2016.


I have received a copy the Social Studies welcome letter and have discussed the discipline and academic expectations with my child.

Print student’s name: ______

Student’s signature: ______

Parent/Guardian’s signature: ______

Parents’ emails: ______

Parents’ best phone number(s) to call during the day: ______