Course Syllabus
Tarboro High School
Career Management
Course: Personal Finance 2016-2017
Instructor: Tasha D. CooperRoom: 214
E-Mail: Department: Career- Technical Education
Phone: 252 823-4284
My Expectations: I will do my best to ensure that you succeed in this course. In order for that to happen you need to:
- Be respectful of yourself, others and the classroom!
- Cellphones follow school policy…Cellphone Zone …cafeteria & annex…No Cell phone use at all in class, no charging…Away out of sight no exceptions! REPORT TO CHILL OUT
- No class disturbance, it will be addressed if it continues you will be asked to leave. You are to report to chillout-ISS work is there if you do not work you will receive a grade of a 50.
- Attend class, pay attention, ask questions, participate, take notes, etc.
- Be in your seat upon the ringing of the tardy bell! Failure, will be a tardy recorded for roll.
- Perform the work outside of class, necessary to succeed.
- Read the assigned material.
- Attempt any work not finished as homework to turn in the next class.
- Study with others if this works for you.
- Let me know if you are having difficulty with the material.
- Complete the tests and projects in a timely manner.
- DEER time will be implemented 1 day a week for 10 minutes students are encouraged to bring their on reading material; however if not something of a class resource will be provided. Media Center, resources may be accessed on their own time not during class time.
Course Description:
A course designed to prepare students to locate, secure, keep, and change careers. Competencies for this course are based on the National Career Development Guidelines. Strategies for this course include teamwork, technology, problem-solving, decision-making, goal setting, and self-management.
The general course outline for the semester will include the following Units
- Unit 1 - Understand Personal Social Development
- Unit 2 - Understand Educational Achievement and Lifelong Learning
- Unit 3 - Understand Career Management
Instructional Strategies:
Course material will be presented through Teacher lectures, Computer Lab Assignments on schoologyActivities, Group and Individual Projects, Discussion, Guided and Independent Practice, Guest Speakers, Handouts, Individual Presentations.
Evaluations/ Assessments Strategies
Student’s grades will be based on the following:
Classwork 25% / Homework 10%Quiz 25% / Test 40%
Total 100%
No Grades will be given below a 50 on classroom projects/lab and class generated tests. * Attempted//Not attempted grade of 0. If cheating, grade of a 0 will be given with no re-test! Students may re-take tests on a scheduled date one time only.
Supplies Needed:
- Folder/Notebook Section with paper daily
- Pencils/Pens daily
- JumpDrive (USB)
- Earbuds/Headphones
- Color Pencils/Markers
- Kleenex’s & baby wipes & hand sanitizer (to clean mouse and keyboards) *optional
- Positive Attitude
I am located in RM 214. I am generally in my room by 7:15 am and/ or available after school by request. Feel free to reach me via email leave a message at 252-823-4284. If you wish to visit, please make an appointment ahead of time to ensure my availability. Tutoring is available on Monday afternoons from 2:50- 4pm for all students in RM 214.
Make up work:
- After any absences, it is your responsibility to check with me outside of class time for work missed and schedule a time to make up all work including tests.
- Any projects or work assigned before absences should be turned in as soon as you return to school. If absent on a test day, be prepared to take tests upon arrival to the next class!
Absences - Students have five (5) school days from the day they return to school to make up missed work.It is the student’s responsibility to approach the teacher to make up missed work. Check the While You Were Out folder.
Computer Application On-Line Instruction:
Great Typing programs available online:
Course Supplemental MaterialOn-line textbook From School to Work/Suze Orman/Dave Ramsey/Ever-fi/Kahoot/Build Your Future
- Respect teachers, students, and school property
- NO CELL PHONESout in classroom. This is the warning! Teacher will direct you to go to CHILL OUT!
- NO GROOMING during class. Grooming includes brushing hair and applying makeup.
- NO FOOD, DRINKS GUM OR CANDY ALLOWED in the classroom. Bottled Water Allowed!
- Due to climate issues students will be permitted to wear jackets/gloves however, no blankets.
- Restroom Policy, No students permitted out for the first 45 minutes, by request of the administration. *Medical Notices please submit to the front office.
- This Computer Lab, will be kept clean and nice by all who enter, any students defacing anything will be held accountable.
- Wait to be dismissed by the teacher- you are not permitted to stand by the door prior to the dismissal bell. It’s a safety issue.
- Show respect and courtesy to all people. This includes using appropriate tone of voice and language. Arguing, inappropriate language, and talking back will not be tolerated.
- Students who speak out of turn or are disrespectful will be asked to leave!REPORT TO CHILL OUT
- Students will not be allowed to leave class during instruction time.
- Please be respectful of others by listening attentively and staying on task.
- Students are not permitted to wear ear buds/head phones in the classroom. Unless being utilized as an educational assistance tool.
- No surfing the internet; websites to be visited will be provided thru hyperlinks; students not using the computers for class directed exercises will lose the classroom period privilege of using the computer. Penalty…will have to complete an alternative assignment or look on with a responsible classmate.
- You will be held to thehandbook policies…Tardy & discipline…please read ask questions if clarification is needed.
- NO Sleeping/No head down on desk…you will receive a Chill out!
- Consequences:
- 1st Time- verbal warning
- 2nd time- Student/ Teacher Conference and/ or seat change
- 3rd time- administrative referral
- Blatant Disrespect/Disruption Immediate request to leave the room & referral will be submitted
Dear Parents:
I would like to encourage you to register your email address with the school for powerschool homebase, so you will be able to receive often updates of your child’s progress in class. Please feel free to contact me should you have questions or concerns about our class.
Parents, please be available for your child to consult with you on matters such as how you manage household tasks. Discuss with you time and energy strategies that would help people manage home, family and work. Discuss the various roles you handle as an adult and the challenges of coordinating the different roles.
Extra Credit, for you student please consider coming in and imparting some career advice or life lesson to the students this semester.
Thank you.
Tasha D. Cooper
Best hours to contact: After 2:50pm
Career Management
Instructor: T. Cooper
Room 214
Classroom/ Lab Agreement
I have read and understand the course syllabus including classroom/ lab rules and regulations. I also understand I will be using school equipment, and I will take care of it in a proper manner. If misuse of equipment is found, I could be liable for the cost of repair/replacement.
Class ______Period ______
Student Name (print)______
Student Signature ______
Parent/ Guardian Name (print)______
Parent/ Guardian Signature ______
Best # to be reached at ______Best time to call______