General Notes pg. 1-52

Large Ghetto

Small Ghetto

Martha offers safe refuge, chance to escape pg. 18

Synagogue pg. 19

Aushwitz, 1st camp pg. 24

Birkenau, reception center for Auschwitz pg. 26

Kaddish, the prayer for the dead pg. 31

Buna, pg. 43

Stein pg. 40, Reizel’s husband, looking for news about his family

HORRIFYING scene in book pg 30


Hate pg. 17, Hungarian police,


Night: pg. 10,15,18, 24,32*

Indifference: pg. 17,18, too bad for the already departed, non-Jews watch from their houses pg. 19 and 43 without surprise; Jew toward other Jews pg. 33, Dentist pg. 49

“MEN to the left! Women to the right!” pg. 27

Hope: pg. 13,15,18,29,38 nice Jew in charge of block,41

Father weeps pg. 16 bottom

Madame Schachter FIRE! FIRE! Connection to children/husband pg.

See flames for the 1st time on page 25

Last time he sees his mother and sister page 27

The Jews of SIghet had not heard about Auschwitz or the extermination of the Jews , other than from Mosche the Beadle pg. 15

WORK IS LIBERTY! Auschwitz pg. 38

“odor of the Angel of Death” pg. 36

Germans stared at us with no surprise pg. 43

German so fat he could hardly move pg. 45

Chances to escape pg. 12, 18 no gaurds in the small ghetto

DR. Mengele

Akiba Drumer pg. 42

Buna Camp leaders pg. 45

Band group pg. 47

Juliek, a young Pole

Louis, complained he was not allowed to play Beethoven

Hans, a young Berliner




Pg. 33 Bela Katz puts his father in the furnace

Pg. 37 killed/destroyed the relationship… ELie does not fight for his father

YOssi and TIbbi brothers who lost their parents at Birkenau pg. 48

Idek pg. 47 bouts of madness

Alphonse, German-Jew would try to get extra rations for his people pg. 49

Chronological Order Notes

NOTES pgs. 50-76

Idek, fit of madness, beats Elie pg. 50 (M vs. Man) (Father/Son) Dad does nothing…

French Girl, pretended not to speak German, Jew pretending to be Aryan spoke French, comforted Elie pg. 51

Father/Son Relationship destroyed because of Concentration camp life pg. 52 Elie does nothing while IDEK in bout of madness beats Elie’s father…

Franek wants Elie’s gold crown tooth, beats Elie’s dad b/c he cannot march pg. 53

Idek the Kapo moves 100 prisoners so he could lie with a Polish girl, Elie saw them and laughed, Idek whipped him, 25 lashes, and a threat of more if he told anyone

American Air raid on BUNA, Jewish prisoner attempts to get some soup during air raid, he gets shot pg. 56-59

Prisoners remove undetonated bomb from camp pg. 58

Strong Jewish boy hanged for stealing something during the air raid, boy was not scared, hands did not shake, looked at his judges with a cold stare, the soup was excellent pg. 58-60

Giant Dutch Jew, in charge of over 700 prisoners, never gave an insult and never hit anyone everyone loved like a big brother, well over 6 ft. tall, sad-eyed angel, Pipel, usually pipels were evil but this one was not, everyone loved pg 60, tortured for weeks and did not give up any names for blowing up Buna power plant, Giant Jew went to Aushwitz

sad-eyed angel was hanged with two other adults caught with weapons, took boy over 30 minutes to die, soup tasted like corpses, FAITH: “where is God?” Elie, “Here he is hanging on the gallows…” pg. 62

Jewish New Years, Rosh Hashanah (FAITH) Prayer for the dead, Elie angry at God b/c man are faithful to God; but Elie does not feel like God is being faithful to the Jews, Man vs. Self, Man vs. God pg. 63-63

Yom Kippur. Day of Atonement “Should they fast?” pg. 65 (FAITH)

***interesting*** concentration camps, head of camp had not been outside c.c. since 1933 pg. 67

“SELECTION” pg. 67-69 Dr. Mengele, musulman, good for crematory

Elie’s inheritance… a spoon and a knife, 2nd selection, pg. 71

“It is the end. God is no longer with us!” Polish Rabbi pg. 73 (HOPE, FAITH)

Elie’s foot swells, Nice Jewish Doctor insists on surgery, get puss out of foot, a week to heal but he would get 2 weeks in the hospital, * dysentery patient insists there is selection more regularly in the hospital pg. 74-76

NIGHT NOTES Pg. 72-109

Akiba Drummer gives up pg. 72

Polish Rabbi loses faith pg. 72

“It is the end. God is no longer with us.” Pg. 73

Elie’s surgery pg. 74-76

Man with Dysentery has Faith in Hitler pg. 77

Evacuation pg. 77

Jewish Doctor offers sanctuary to Elie and his father to avoid the evacuation (CHOICE) pg. 78

Heading to Gliewitz pg. 79

Zalman, boy from electrical factory, gets trambled when he tries to have a movement pg. 82

Elie contemplates suicide, the idea of his father alone keeps him alive pg. 82

Sleep-running, 42 miles pg. 83

Jews rest and die in factory pg. 84

Rabbi Eliahou looking for his son, FATHER/SON RELATIONSHIP pg. 86-87

Elie prays to God that he does not believe in any more that he will never give up on his father like Rabbi Eliahou’s son pg.

They reach Gliewitz and bodies pile upon each other after long march through snow, exhaustion leads to suffication beneath bodies, Juliek cries for HELP, Elie hears Juliek playing the Violin/Beethoven pg. 90

Elie’s dad gets selected to go to the left by SS officers, Elie rescues dad and many others pg. 91

Bread and Snow pg. 91

Buchenwald, Gliewitz evacuation, cattle cars with no roofs pg. 92

10 days/10 nights no food or water, just snow pg. 95

German workman not surprised by cargo, amused when bread thrown in watching prisoners kill each other for bread pg.

FATHER/SON RELATIONSHIP; Meir, son kills father for bread crumbs and then is killed himself, Elie is 15 years old pg. 96

Train to Buchenwald, someone tries to strangle Elie and his dad plus Meir Katz save Elie, freezing night kills many, prisoners wail as they die, they cry out like “wild animals… from beyond the grave,” 100 get in the cattle car, only a dozen come out, Elie and his dad among the 12, the strongest Meir Katz does not make it pg. 97-98

Arguing with DAD/DEATH pg. 100

“To burn the whole world! My father’s murderers!” pg. 103

FATHER/SON RELATIONSHIP, father is dying, Elie will not leave his father pg. 104

Father hit with truncheon, father dies January 28, 1945 pg. 105-106