Grade 7 English Language Arts

Independent Novel Assignment #2 ~ Advertisement and Book Talk

TASK: Your task is to create an advertisement for the novel that you just read. The ad should convince the audience to read your novel.

DUE DATE: Monday Dec 1st (Mrs. Rose) Thursday Dec 4th (Mrs. Horne)


1.  The 1st part of the assignment will be a visual representation of the book:

·  You will be given 11x17 paper to use

·  The final copies will be displayed for students to see, so do your best work!

·  You must include at least one illustrated scene, character or setting.

·  You also must include the book title and author.

·  You should use colour, lettering, pictures, etc. to try to SELL your novel to a particular audience. Imagine a movie poster… what elements in the poster make you want to see the movie?

2.  On the back of the ad, you will complete the 2nd part of the assignment:

·  You must write a detailed one paragraph summary of the novel. Here you will introduce the characters, and tell the main events from the beginning, middle and end of the book. THIS WILL NOT BE READ TO THE CLASS.

·  You must write 5 persuasive points about your novel that WILL BE PRESENTED TO THE CLASS. Each point must be backed up with evidence from your novel. Remember to be convincing! Your job is to get people to read your book, so you need to figure out a way to talk them into reading it.

HINT: If you didn’t enjoy reading your book, the ad should be targeted toward someone who WOULD enjoy it.

3.  The 3rd part of the book talk is presenting your ad in front of the class.

·  Remember your oral goals for improvement from the first book talk!.


Fill in the spaces below with what specific things you wish to do better in t Novel Assignment #2 than you did in Novel Assignment #1



Independent Novel Assignment #2: Advertisement and Book Talk


Name: ______

Class: ______

Category / Exceeded / Met / Not Yet Met
9.3 / Student’s advertisement contained an illustration of either a scene, character, or setting from the novel as well as the title and author of the novel. Student’s advertisement made good use of color, lettering, pictures, etc. that enhanced its overall effect. / Student’s advertisement contained an illustration of either a scene, character, or setting from the novel as well as the title and author of the novel. / Student’s advertisement was missing key required elements.
6.3 / Student made extensive evaluations and judgements about their novel and always backed them up with evidence from the text. / Student made evaluations and judgements about their novel and backed them up with evidence from the text / Student did not make sufficient evaluations and judgements about their novel or did not sufficiently back them up with evidence from the text.
5.1 / Student showed significant improvement in the areas articulated in their personal improvement goals from novel assignment #1 (see reverse). / Student showed improvement in the areas articulated in their personal improvement goals from novel assignment #1 (see reverse). / Student did not show improvement in the areas articulate in their personal improvement goals from novel assignment #1 OR did not provide improvement goals (see reverse).
3.3 / Student spoke loudly and clearly and made regular eye contact throughout their entire book talk.
Student did an exceptionally good job of “selling” their novel to the class. / Student spoke loudly and clearly during their book talk and made solid eye contact with the audience.
Student was persuasive in “selling” their novel to the class. / Student did not speak loudly and clearly during their book talk or did not make sufficient eye contact.
Student was not persuasive in “selling” their novel to the class.

Teacher Feedback:

The stars are the 2 things that I thought you did really well on your assignment. The wish is the thing I’d like to see you improve for next time.




Teacher Outcome Guide (for marking purposes)

Outcome # / Description
9.1 / Produce a range of writing forms, for example, stories, cartoons, journals, business and personal letters, speeches, reports, interviews, messages, poems, and advertisements
9.3 / Demonstrate an understanding that ideas can be represented in more than one way and experiment with using other forms such as dialogue, posters, and advertisements
6.2 / Make evaluations or judgments about texts and express personal points of view
6.3 / Find evidence and examples in texts to support personal views about themes, issues, and situations
8.2 / Become aware of and describe the writing strategies that help them learn; express an understanding of their personal growth as language learners and language users
5.1 / Identify and articulate personal needs and personal learning needs with growing clarity and some independence
2.2 / Recognizes that how we communicate (vocabulary, sentence structure, speed of talking, and tone) will be influenced by who you are communicating with. Demonstrate active speaking and listening skills such as making eye contact, rephrasing when appropriate, clarifying comments, extending, refining, and/or summarizing points already made
3.1 / Demonstrate active speaking and
listening skills such as making eye contact, rephrasing when appropriate, clarifying comments, extending, refining, and/or summarizing points already made
3.3 / Recognize that spoken language reveals values and attitudes such as bias, beliefs, and prejudice; understand how language is used to influence and manipulate