7th Convocation,

18th August 2017.


1. This convocation function is “ A function to Remember” for you.

2. Kindly cooperate to make this Convocation a SUCCESS.

3. The Graduands are to be present in the Ceremony Hall 2 Hrs before the commencement of

the Ceremony.

4. After completing the Registration procedure, the Graduands should be seated in their

respective allotted seats 30mts before the commencement of the ceremony. There after

no graduands are permitted to enter the Ceremony Hall.

5. Graduands are requested to confirm their participation with the Secretary of the

respective Department.

6. Dress up in the Convocation Gown issued to you while Registration and wear your

Convocation Badge without fail(Issue venue will be displayed at the Campus Entry

on 18thAugust 2017).

7. Maintain Total discipline inside the Ceremony Hall. Avoid gossiping with Friends and


8. Do not bring Mobile/Camera.

9. Strictly follow the Form of Procedure(Issued at the time of Registration) for receiving the

Degree Certificate.

10. When the Academic Procession is entering the Ceremony Hall, all graduands and invitees shall

rise and remain standing, until all those on the dais have taken their seats.

8. While the Graduands are called for the issue of degree certificates, they have to come to

the stage as per the order of the convocation badge number.

9. After the receipt of the Degree Certificate, the Graduands should return to their seats quickly

and in an orderly manner and they will not be allowed to go anywhere other than their seats.

10. When all the candidates were issued with the Degree certificates, the chancellor will

administer the pledge.

11. When the Chancellor says “Let the Graduands stand”, all the Graduands must stand and

repeat the pledge.

12. After administering the pledge the Chancellor shall confer the degree and the Graduands

shall remain standing quietly and attentively till the Chancellor completes the

conferment of Degree.

13. At the conclusion of the convocation the Graduates, shall remain standing until the

Academic Procession leaves the hall.

Note:1. Students to be seated at 2:00 PM.

2. Program Commences at 3:00 PM.

3. Not Permitted inside the Auditorium after 2:30 PM.