CRN: 41961 Tu 8:30-11:20 Bldg 7/224

CRN: 43506 Tu 8:30-11:20 Bldg 7/224

Instructor:Karen Radakovich, Ph.D.

Office:Building 7 Room 202/32

Phone:503-614-7628 (Message phone: 503-978-5127)


Office Hours:Tue 1:30-3:00 and Th: 1:30-2:30

Required Laboratory Text Book : Catalyst: The Prentice Hall Custom Laboratory Program for Chemistry

Materials:scientific calculator

Laboratory:Laboratory experience is an integral part of CH 100. You must come to lab prepared that means you must:

1. be on time,

2. have read the experiment for that week, and

3. turn in your completed the pre-lab assignment.

If a student shows up more than 20 minutes late, he/she will not be allowed to do the experiment. Laboratory work includes the completion of a Prelaboratory Assignment (from lab text), performance of the experiment, and a Lab Report which includes Data and Observations Sheet and Post Laboratory Questions. The prelab assignment is due at the beginning of the lab period. Prelabs must be completed before you start the experiment. Prelabs turned in after the beginning of class will have 2 points automatically deducted. The lab report is due the week following completion of the experiment. Late lab reports will be discounted 50%.

Grading:Each experiment is worth 10 points according to the following distribution.

Prelab Assignment3

Report:Data Sheet and Post Lab Questions7

Total Points per Experiment10

The final grade in the lab will be based on the percentage of the possible total points accumulated. This grade will be transferred to the lecture instructor for a final class grade.

Schedule: There will be eleven experiments to be completed this term according to the following schedule. The lowest grade of the eleven will be dropped allowing the students to miss one lab without added penalty. Nine experiments must be completed in order to obtain a passing grade in the lab. Eventhough the labgrade is 20% of the final class grade, you must have a passing grade in the lab in order to pass the class.

Week / Experiment
1 / Exp #1: Introduction to Chemistry
2 / Exp #2: Instrumental Measurements
3 / Exp #3: Density of Solids and Liquids
4 / Exp #4: Freezing Points and Melting Points
5 / Exp #5: Physical Properties and Chemical Properties
Handout: Naming Compounds
6 / Exp #6: Families of Elements
7 / Exp #7: Atomic Fingerprints
8 / Exp #8: Identifying Cations in Solutions
9 / Exp #9: Identifying Anions in Solutions
Handout: Naming Compounds
10 / Exp #10: Analysis of a Penny
11 / Class Presentations
Exp #11: Precipitating Calcium Phosphate