NIH R01 ResubmissionProposal Checklist (PA-16-160)
Due Date / WISPER # / MSN signed
PI / Project Title
Co-PI’s / Project Dates
Proposal Requirement / Responsibility / Due Date / Page Ref. / Notes
PI / Office / Other
Title /  / 38 / 200-character limit, including spaces and punctuation
Budget /  /  / R&R- request of more than $250,000 annual direct costs.
Modular - request of up to $250,000 average annual direct costs in $25,000 modules.
Is proprietary/privileged information included in the application? /  / 64 / Yes or No How NIH uses this information discussed here.
Inventions and Patents /  / 55 / Yes or No. If Yes, previously reported Yes or No?
Preferred Center and Study Section /  / 230-231 / Complete the PHS AssignmentRequest Form
Project Summary/Abstract /  / 66-67 / 30 lines maximum. Summarize the proposed activity.
Project Narrative /  / 67-68 / 2-3 sentences explaining the relevance to public health.
Bibliography & References Cited /  / 68-69 / List any references cited in the Project Narrative. Each reference must include the names of all authors (in the same sequence in which they appear in the publication), the article and journal title, book title, volume number, page numbers, and year of publication. Include PMCIDs if listed in the publication.
Facilities & Other Resources /  / 70-71 / Describe how the scientific environment in which the research will be done contributes to the probability of success.
Equipment /  / 71 / List major items of equipment already available for this project and, if appropriate, identify location and pertinent capabilities.
PI Biosketch /  / 85-89 / May not exceed 5 pages per person. Include link to full list of published work as found in a publicly available digital database such as MyBibliography. See the NIH website for more information and template.
Other Senior/Key Personnel and OSC’s Biosketch /  / 85-89
Budget Justification /  /  / 96-116 / R&R budget: All budget categories must be justified.
121-125 / Modular budget: Only personnel and consortium justification is needed.
Introduction to Application /  / 158 / 1 page maximum. Summarize substantial additions, deletions, and changes to the application. Respond to the issues and criticism raised in the summary statement.
Specific Aims /  / 140-141 / 1 page maximum. State concisely the goals of the proposed research and summarize the expected outcome(s). List succinctly the specific objectives of the research proposed.
Research Strategy /  / 141-143 / 12 pages maximum; check RFA guidelines. Include headings of Significance, Innovation, and Approach. Include Preliminary Studies if available.Include a Progress Report including the beginning and ending dates for the period covered since the last competitive review, summarizing the aims and progress.
Progress Report Publication List /  / 144 / List the titles and complete references to all appropriate publications, manuscripts accepted for publication, patents, and other printed materials that have resulted from the project since it was last reviewed competitively.
Cover Letter /  / 49-50 / Include if information other than preferred center and study section or requesting > $500,000 direct costs per year.
Vertebrate Animals /  / 147-148 / Include if vertebrate animals will be used. Address Description of Procedures, Justifications, and Minimization of Pain and Distress.
Select Agent Research /  / 148-149 / Include if proposed activities involve the use of select agents at any time during the proposed project period. See guide for details.
Multiple PD/PI Leadership Plan /  / 149-150 / Include if Multi-PI proposal. Address the governance and organizational structure of the leadership team and the research project, including communication plans, process for making decisions on scientific direction, and procedures for resolving conflicts.
Letters of Support /  / 152-153 / Include any letters necessary to demonstrate the support of consortium participants and collaborators such as Senior/Key Personnel and Other Significant Contributors included in the grant application.
Data Sharing Plan /  / 153 / Include if requesting $500,000 or more in direct costs in one year. One paragraph description of how final data will be shared.
Model Organism Sharing Plan /  / 153 / Include when the development of model organisms is anticipated. Describe plan for sharing unique model organisms.
Genomic Data Sharing Plan /  / 154 / Include for research that generates large-scale human or non-human genomic data. Provide a plan for sharing data.
Authentication of Key Biological or Chemical Resources /  / 154 / Include if applicable. Briefly describe methods to ensure the identity and validity of key biological and/or chemical resources used in the proposed studies. One page maximum.
Subcontract Institutions (if applicable)
1 / Subaward Checklist

General Instructions Guide

General Formatting

Citations: Include the PMC reference number (PMCID) when citing applicable papers that you author or that arise from your NIH-funded research.

Electronic Signatures: Electronic signatures on PDF attachments within your application are not allowed.

Filenames: Save all document attachments with descriptive filenames of 50 characters or less (including spaces).

File Size: Keep attachment file size to 100 MB or less per recommendation.

Font: Arial, Georgia, Helvetica, Palatino Linotype recommended.

Font Size: Must be 11 points or larger. Smaller text in figures, graphs, diagrams and charts is acceptable, as long as it is legible when the page is viewed at 100%.

Type density: Must be no more than 15 characters per linear inch (including characters and spaces).

Line spacing: Must be no more than six lines per vertical inch.

Text color: No restriction. Though not required, black or other high-contrast text colors are recommended since they print well and are legible to the largest audience.

Paper Size and Margins: Provide at least one-half inch margins (top, bottom, left, and right) for all pages. No applicant-supplied information can appear in the margins.

CALS Research Division Proposal Lead Time Requirement

For all proposals, preproposals, agreements, and other sponsored program submissions, relevant documents and information must be delivered to the CALS Research Division a minimum of 5 business days prior to the submission deadline.