Ms. Evans – Room 210
(540) 332-3926 (school) (516) 650-8123 (cell)
Course Description: Earth Science Honors is a laboratory course emphasizing the process of scientific investigation through the study of our physical world. The course will include a discussion of Earth, its materials, processes, history, weather, climate and position in space. Use of natural resources and current environmental concerns are also topics of exploration. The course combines extensive lab work with challenging lectures and discussions. Class projects are also included. This curriculum is designed in accordance with the Virginia Standards of Learning.
- Student-Provided Materials
- one 3-inch 3-ring binder
- loose-leaf paper for class notes
- five (5) dividers
- writing implements (pens or pencils)
- Grading
Grades (for each nine-week period) will be calculated as follows:
- tests / quizzes / projects: 55%
- labs: 20%
- homework / classwork / bellwork activities: 10%
- midterm / final: 15%
- Conduct
The following rubric will be used in determining conduct grades:
A - Respectful, cooperative, responsible
B - Occasional lapses in good behavior
C - Inappropriate behavior
D - Defiant
F - Repeated Defiance
- Course Overview
Following is our tentative schedule along with associated Standards of Learning.
Please note: timeframes may vary slightly depending on the needs of the class.
Week / Topic / Related Standards of Learning1 / Introduction, Scientific Method / ES 1a, b c, e, f; 2b, c, d
2 / Map Skills / ES 1d
3-4 / Minerals and Rocks / ES 4a, b; 5a, b, c
5 / Natural Resources / ES 6a, b, c, d
6-7 / Shaping Earth’s Surface / ES 8a, b, c, d, e, f
8-10 / Plate Tectonics / ES 7a, b
11 / Investigating Earth’s Geologic History / ES 9a, b, c, d
12-13 / Meteorology / ES 12a, b, c, d
14-15 / Astronomy / ES 3a, b, c, d; ES 13a, b
16 / Oceanography / ES 10a, b, c, d, e
- Timeline of Major Assessments
Unit tests will be given at the conclusion of each area of study as provided in the Course Overview (every one-two weeks). Midterm exams are scheduled during week ten, and will include information through the Plate Tectonics Unit. Final exams will be cumulative, and will include all topics of study throughout the semester.
Projects will also be assigned during a number of units (including, but not limited to: Plate Tectonics, Natural Resources, Meteorology and Astronomy). A final semester-end project will be given at the conclusion of the course.
- Test Corrections
In the event that assessment scores are unsatisfactory, you will be strongly encouraged to increase your grade by completing corrections. Instructions for doing so will be clearly explained in class, and deadlines will be strictly enforced.
- Electronic Textbook
Textbook: Earth Science, Tarbuck and Lutgens
Please note: the textbook will be available in electronic form and you will be provided an online access code for assignments and readings.
- Attendance / Makeup Work
Attendance is crucial for successful learning. We will be moving at an accelerated pace in this class, making your constant presence essential. If you miss a class, YOUare responsible for seeing me immediately regarding missed work (including homework, notes, labs, handouts, quizzes and tests).
The number of regular school days allowed for the completion of makeup work will equal the number of days absent plus one day, up to a maximum of ten (10) days. Assignments made prior to your absence and due during your absence are due immediately upon your return to class.
- Homework
Homework assists in the application of acquired skills and knowledge. Individual assignments are designed specifically for guided practice and reinforcement of classroom learning objectives. Homework also serves to develop regular study skills and the ability to complete assignments independently.
Homework will be assigned three to fourtimes per weekand may be collected and graded at the beginning of next class. Homework quizzes may also be given at the beginning of the next day’s class.
If homework cannot be completed at home, students are encouraged to attend plus block for extra help.
Late homework will be accepted up to one week (five school days) following the due date, with a point deduction. After this time, a grade of 50% will be the highest possible score on any completed late assignment.
See page 13 of the Student Handbook & Code of Conduct for additional information and guidelines.
- Laboratory Work and Reports
Labs will be conducted on a continual basis throughout the semester and will count for a substantial portion of your grade. Labs will be graded according to a rubric that assesses participation, teamwork, completion and understanding. It is imperative that you keep on top of your lab work. If you are absent and miss a lab performed in class, you must make the lab up within one (1) week (before or after school hours, or during plus block, as discussed below).
Late labs will be accepted up to one week (five school days) following the due date, with a point deduction. After this time, a grade of 50% will be the highest possible score on any completed late lab report.
- Late / Missing Work
If you are absent for or do not attempt an assignment you will receive an ‘Incomplete’ for that assignment. The ‘Incomplete’ will remain until the assignment is submitted.
Late work will be accepted, and points deducted accordingly (as outlined above), until the Friday prior to progress report or report card distribution.
- Extra Help / Contacting Me
Please see me to make arrangements for extra help in advance. Plus block is an excellent opportunity to catch up when/if you fall behind.
*PLEASE NOTE: E-mail is the best way for parents/guardians to communicate with me:
- Leaving Class / Passes
EVERYstudent requires a pass to leave the classroom for any reason (bathroom, locker, water, nurse, etc.). Each student will be allowed to leave class a total of five (5) times per each nine-week period; be sure to use your allotment wisely. Planners with hall passes will be provided to all students within the first few days of school. Please refrain from asking to be excused from class during instructional time.
- Water / Drinks / Food in the Classroom
Water bottles are allowed in the classroom but cannot be mixed with flavor packets. No other drinks or food will be permitted at any time.
Please tear off this page, fill in the requested information, have the acknowledgments signed and return to class
Parent Contact Information and Progress Report Agreement
I look forward to working with you this year. Please be sure to sign up for the Parent Portal as soon as possible. Parent Portal offers you an in-depth look at all your child’s grades. Through Parent Portal, you can see what grade your child has earned on each assignment, and additional notations will indicate whether an assignment is late or missing. I encourage you to reflect on your child’s grade weekly. For more information about Parent Portal please contact the school office at 540-332-3926. Progress reports will also be sent home every three weeks for your review and signature (excluding the weeks that report cards go home). Please monitor your child’s progress and contact me as soon as possible if you have any questions. It is better not to wait until the end of the grading period to get involved.
After you have reviewed this syllabus, please sign this form and return it to me (Ms. Evans) by Friday, August 21, 2015.
Student’s Name (printed): ______
Student’s Signature: ______
Parent Name(s): ______
Parent Signature:______
May I contact you via e-mail concerning your child? YES NO
If “yes,” please provide a frequently checked email address:
If “no,” please provide a phone number where you can be reached:
Comments / Concerns / Things I should be aware of: