General implementation of class Patient and Model
The definition of class Patient and Model form the basic structure for the program:
publicstring Name;
publicdouble[] Concentration;
public Patient()
Name = "unknown";
Concentration = newdouble[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
RegDate = DateTime.Now;
abstractpublicclassModel : Patient
publicdouble AUC;
publicdouble[] Curve;
protecteddouble[] t;
public Model()
AUC = newdouble();
Curve = newdouble[60];
t = newdouble[] { 1, 3, 6, 8 };
protecteddouble[] CurveApprox(DoubleVector Solution, DoubleParameterizedFunction Function, int Start, int End)
double[] CA = newdouble[End - Start];
doubleEvX = newdouble();
for (inti = Start; i < End; i++)
EvX = i;
EvX = EvX / 5;
CA[i - Start] = Function.Evaluate(Solution, EvX);
return CA;
The compartment model implementation
The compartment model is implemented as class CompModel with initialization function:
publicclassCompModel : Model
publicCompModel(Patient Pat)
DoubleVectortv = newDoubleVector(t);
Name = Pat.Name;
Concentration = Pat.Concentration;
DoubleVectorConc = newDoubleVector(Concentration);
OneCompartmentOneCompModel = newOneCompartment();
OneVariableFunctionFitterTrustRegionMinimizer> fitter = newOneVariableFunctionFitterTrustRegionMinimizer>(OneCompModel);
DoubleVectorInitValues = newDoubleVector("[ 3000 0,5 0,01]");
DoubleVector Solution = fitter.Fit(tv, Conc, InitValues);
Curve = CurveApprox(Solution, OneCompModel, 0, 60);
AUC = Math.Round((Solution[0] * Solution[2] / (Solution[2] - Solution[1])) * (1 / Solution[1] - 1 / Solution[2]));
MessageBox.Show("Cannot calculate AUC!");
The modified model inspired by Purves for non compartment curve fitting
This model is an implementation of formula (3) with an added estimate of tail AUC as mentioned earlier. The code for calculation of the vector Curve is not shown since it does not add any information about the algorithm implementation but takes several lines of code.
publicclassSjPuModel : Model
publicSjPuModel(Patient Pat)
string Name = Pat.Name;
double[] Concentration = Pat.Concentration;
double[] a = newdouble[4];
double[] b = newdouble[4];
double[] z = newdouble[4];
AUC = 0;
inti = 0;
int cut = 0;
// Decide where to cut between PTO and exponential fall
if (Concentration[2] > Concentration[0]) cut = 2;
else cut = 1;
// if C3 is more than C2 it is not possible to calculate the tail
if (Concentration[3] >= Concentration[2]) thrownewArgumentException();
// PTO
while (cut > i)
a[i] = (Concentration[i + 1] / t[i + 1] - Concentration[i] / t[i]) / (t[i + 1] - t[i]);
b[i] = (Concentration[i] / t[i] - a[i] * t[i]);
if (i == 0) AUC = a[0] / 3 * t[0] * t[0] * t[0] + 0.5 * b[0] * t[0] * t[0];
AUC = AUC + a[i] / 3 * (t[i + 1] * t[i + 1] * t[i + 1] - t[i] * t[i] * t[i]) + 0.5 * b[i] * (t[i + 1] * t[i + 1] - t[i] * t[i]);
// Exponential fall
while (3 > i)
z[i] = (t[i + 1] - t[i]) / Math.Log(Concentration[i + 1] / Concentration[i]);
AUC = AUC + (Concentration[i + 1] - Concentration[i]) * z[i];
// Tail calculation
AUC = AUC - Concentration[3] * z[2];
AUC = Math.Round(AUC);
MessageBox.Show("Cannot calculate AUC!");
icc(C, model = "two way", type = "agreement")
Single Score Intraclass Correlation
Model: two way
Type : agreement
Subjects = 23
Raters = 2
ICC(A,1) = 0.864
F-Test, H0: r0 = 0 ; H1: r0 > 0
F(22,22.5) = 14.1 , p = 1.43e-08
95%-Confidence Interval for ICC Population Values:
0.708 < ICC < 0.939